INK (The Celtic Reapers)

Chapter 10


Walking into the main hall, I noticed there weren’t many people there. My cheeks were slowly cooling down from the embarrassment of everyone cheering.

So everyone knew about Ink and me. How?

I walked over to the corner and sat.

Placing my leg over the other, I looked up to see Aero walking in and heading straight for me. “Hey you,” he said, coming up to me with a smile. “I’m happy you two got together.”

I waited till he sat down on the opposite side before I spoke. “Everyone knew?” I asked, moving my head to the side. “How?”

Aero chuckled and leaned back in the chair. “I have always known,” he said. “He’s my best friend, and he tells me everything. I didn’t know that you did until the other night when you were staring at him when he wasn’t looking. I thought it was a one-off but noticed you do it more.”

I felt my cheeks heat and looked at the door to the kitchen when Ink walked out carrying two plates.

“I had to do something to get you both together,” Aero said, making me look at him, confused. “It was getting a little sad, especially when this one kept telling everyone not to go near you.” Aero motioned to Ink when he came into view. I smiled.

Ink placed the plates down on the table and sat next to me. His hand went to my knee and stayed there. “Eat,” he murmured with a smile but looked at Aero. “And that was because I knew what everyone is like with women here. Anyway, what do you want to talk to us about?”

“Touchy,” Aero said, grinning. “Well, two things, really.” His eyes looked at me but then at Ink. “Gunner won’t be a problem anymore,” he said, his face hardening. “Brick and a few others took him for a ride and dealt with the situation.”

I tensed. I might not know much about club business, but I knew what that meant. Many men who disrespected members or old ladies went for rides. Some never came back, but others did eventually after having a few days in a hospital.

“Good,” Ink said, taking a mouthful of food. “Did you find out more about him?”

I gripped the fork and placed it into my pancake, but the thought of eating while talking about the man who nearly hurt me last night made my stomach drop slightly.

“Yeah,” Aero said, glancing at me. “The woman who told us the information was right. Smokey went to see her after they took him away. He came back this morning with all the information. He did time for sexual assault and rape. The girl moved away, but the woman who told us was a friend of hers. She wanted to make sure he would pay for what he did.”

“And did he get what he deserves?” Ink asked, making me look between the both of them. Neither one said a word, but I had a feeling that Gunner wouldn’t be facing anyone ever again.

“Better check next time for prospects,” Ink blurted out. “Maybe not take a chance on another criminal unless we know they did time here so we can check locally.”

Aero nodded and stared for a moment before he let out a sigh. “Enough about him,” he gritted. “Now, onto something else. Lyla, I want you to do our books.”

I stared at him, letting my mouth drop. This was on the cards. He asked me last night, but I thought he was joking. “Aero, I—” I said, but I felt Ink’s hand tighten on my knee, which made me look at him.

“Princess, take it,” he said. “It will give me peace of mind; besides, I can help you with it.”

Ink moved closer. His lips came closer to mine but stopped. His lips curled up, but I knew where the hell his dirty mind was going. I looked at Aero, who was grinning and giving me a knowing look. “Well,” he said.

“Okay,” I said, making him smile. “But I will still do one shift here now and then.”

Aero nodded. “That’s fair,” he said. “Max can return to the bar most nights, but the books are yours.”

I smiled.

“Now, eat,” Ink whispered, leaning toward my ear.

I didn’t need to be told twice.

I placed the fork in my mouth when two people who left early walked into the room hand in hand—my father and Maggie. They both walk into the main hall with their plates in hand until my father stops and looks at me. His eyes widened. My eyes never leave theirs.

“Now, that is my cue to leave,” Aero murmured, getting up from the chair and walking away. I watched him pass between my father and Maggie, but they didn’t acknowledge him.

“Ink,” I murmured, keeping my eyes on my father.

“Don’t worry, princess,” he murmured. “I got this.”

My heart raced. My father and I never talked about being with a biker. It never occurred to me to talk about it, but Ink was his VP and second in command to Aero, which meant he would be in charge one day if anything happened to Aero.

My father and Maggie looked at one another and looked back at us. Saying nothing, they walked toward us. My father looked on blankly. Maggie smiled.

This should be interesting.

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