INK (The Celtic Reapers)

Chapter 1


Looking over the bar, my eyes landed on the couple who were fucking against the wall. The guy had her gripped by her ass and thrusting into her. His head was in the crook of her neck while he fucked her. She hid her face by resting it on his shoulder.

Clenching my thighs together, I carried on with what I was doing. It was your typical Friday night in the Celtic Reapers club.

All bikers were smashed and horny, while all cum sluts were ready and waiting to be fucked by whoever they wanted. I was one of three bartenders that were on this evening. It was my usual shift, but I loved it.

The Celtic reapers were my family. My dad was one of them, but needed help to raise a girl. My mother wanted nothing to do with him or me after I was born. She packed up her stuff and left. So, my grandmother and the club stepped in and helped. My dad did what he could, but navigating through life with a biker father was hard. I rarely saw him, but when I did, he made an effect when he could.

Growing up was hard, and School was even worse. Everyone had an opinion about me. But he wanted me to have a better life than he did. He placed me in school, away from the other biker kids, and my grandmother was the one who cared for me.

“Lyla,” a gruff called out, pulling me from my thoughts. I scanned around and saw Aero, the club president, waving at me. I grabbed a beer for him, knowing what he wanted.

Placing the beer down, I smiled. “Here.”

“Thanks, darling,” he said, looking around. “Is everyone here?”

I shrugged, looking around. “My old man is in the back with Tank and Buffalo. And before you ask what they were doing, I stopped asking or looking ages ago.”

Aero chuckled, which made me smile.

“Good point,” he said. “Don’t think you want to know what your father is doing.”

I said nothing. I could only guess, and that was what I was seeing around me. I knew this life like the back of my hand. Many bikers had old ladies and never strayed too far from them, but that was the older generation. The younger ones were a different breed. They fucked and whored around.

Aero took a swig from his beer while I cleared my throat. Realizing that I needed to tell him something else, I looked back at him. “Max was looking for you too,” I said, motioning behind me. “In the office. I believe his exact words were. I need him to check the tallies before I send them off.”

Aero groaned, placing his beer bottle on the bar. “Damn fool knows what to do,” he muttered and looked at me. “You could do that job better than him.”

I laughed.

“After two weeks of trying to juggle what he did the last time,” I said. “Na, I would rather watch paint dry.”

Aero stared at me and frowned. “Lyla,” he said. “You can do better than a bartender position. You’re good at math and even better to look at.”

I laughed again.

“Nope,” I said, stepping away from him. “You would have to pay me more than him to get the books back on track, and that’s not including having Max work under me.”

I moved away, only to stop in my tracks when he spoke again. “How about I pay you double your wage now?” he called out, making me look at him with wide eyes. “And Max can work back behind the bar.”

I stared at him. He was joking, right—more money. I said nothing, which made him grin. “Let me know later, darling,” he said, walking away. “It will be better for you, and I know Ink will love to have you in that damn office with him.”

My cheeks heated as Aero chuckled.

Ink was one biker, one that had me panting in my damn dreams. No one knows about how I feel about the guy except Aero. He only found out by accident when he caught me staring at the damn guy.

Ink was nothing like the others. He is the quiet one who doesn’t exactly let anyone near him, which comes as a shock to hear about any biker. But I don’t know what it is.

Aero moved away and headed to the back of the office while I leaned back on the counter for support and looked around until I heard another voice. “Lyla, Can I have another beer, please?” Smokey called out.

Shaking my damn thoughts away, I pushed off the counter and went to the fridge. I pulled out a beer and handed it to him. He grinned and walked off.

A breeze rippled through the club, letting me know that the door to the bar opened. Glancing at the clock, it was time.

Fuck. He was here like clockwork.

My eyes darted to the door, only to see a pair of gorgeous chocolate eyes staring back at me—Ink. The guy’s name said it all about him. He was full of ink with muscles and had a gigantic body to go with it. He looked like a hot damn dream for any woman.

Without saying a word, I pulled out a beer and placed it on the bar for him. I knew what he liked.

Ink moved toward the door and headed toward the bar. I moved away, knowing I didn’t trust myself around him, until I heard my name being called out again. “Lyla,” Maggie called out, making me look over at her. “Can you collect glasses, please? We are running low.”

Spinning on my heels and without looking back, I headed from behind the bar and headed toward each table to get the glasses.

A shiver rippled through me. I felt eyes on me, but I didn’t turn around. There was no way he would be looking at me. He showed no interest. Hell, the guy only gives one-word answers to me and only talks when there are more people around.

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