
Chapter 19

In the Infernum, a small pinhole of light appeared in the air above Gehennæ, the daemon city. The light grew in size from a tiny pinprick to the size of a softball in the blink of an eye. As the light grew larger and larger black ribbons came through it and expanded outward forming a large circle in the air around the light. No sooner had the ribbons formed the circle than a porthole opened up showing the inside of Alexander Jean’s living room.

Alex came through the porthole with guns blazing; his black armor fully encased his body and ribbons as he fell from the sky toward the place Hope’s signal emanated from. He caught himself with his ribbons just prior to hitting the ground, landing gently in a courtyard surrounded by extravagant cathedral-like buildings. A quick scan of the area would reveal Hope’s location; she was in the building just ahead of him. He moved across the courtyard with lightning speed entering the building from which Hope’s signal came.

No amount of comfort would have put Alex at ease, in his mind all he could think about was Hope. Is she okay? Can I reach her in time? What if she… Alex stopped himself from thinking about that. He moved with cat-like reflexes through the building toward Hope’s signal, upstairs and through corridors until he arrived at a door. There was nothing special about this door in particular, except that Hope’s signal was coming from the other side. Alex paused for a moment fearing the worst and preparing for what horrors might lie on the other side of the door. He opened the door and a thick haze of steam rolled out into the corridor.

The steam was so thick Alex could not see through it at first, but as the steam began to clear he started to see the details of the room. White marble floors gave way to a grand room lined with ornate columns. In the center of the room was a circular pool of water spanning 30 or 40 feet; around the pool were stone tables waist high and three feet by six feet in size. On top of the tables were red cushions that covered the entire tabletop like one big pillow on a sofa.

On the far side of the pool was Hope lying face down on one of the tables with a large slender creature standing above her. The creature was about seven feet tall and looked like a black stick bug with thin bony arms and legs each having multiple knees and elbows. The creature’s head looked like a cross between a spider and an ant, with six wide and narrow eyes in two vertical lines on either side of the bridge of what would be its nose. The bridge of the nose went up the center of the face until above the eyes then split off into rigid bony brows that wrapped around, almost forming a crown around its head. The creature was doing something to Hope’s back, striking it over and over again with its clawed hands. Alex saw a brief look of pain on her face and without hesitation he quickly leaped toward the creature. His ribbons struck the creature, knocking it back into the far wall where Alex held it while he reached down to grab Hope.

“What are you doing?” Hope screamed at the unknown man as she rolled off the table and called out her ribbons. Alex let his armor dissolve from his head.

“It’s me, Hope, I’m here to rescue you!” he said as he extended his hand toward her.

“Alex?” Hope said, slightly confused. She retracted her ribbons and threw her arms around him. “I’m so happy to… How did you… What are you wearing?” she rambled, trying to collect her thoughts.

“There will be time for that later, right now we need to get you out of here!” Alex said quickly.

Hope looked confused for a moment and then, realizing the gravity of the situation, she let go of Alex.

“It’s alright, Alex, we are safe here,” she said to reassure him that she was okay.

“But it was hurting you,” Alex said.

“No it wasn’t, Alex… It was a massage,” Hope explained. “I think you need to look around.”

Alex looked up and around the room at the details he had previously missed before. There were dozens more of the creatures in the room and several more pools surrounded by tables. Some of the pools had creatures soaking in them, and some of the tables had creatures lying on them getting the same treatment. “It’s a spa, Alex. A Voluptuarian spa, that’s all,” Hope said to him in a calming voice. Alex relaxed slightly and let go of the creature he had pinned to the wall.

Hope turned to the creature and made a series of clicking sounds as if to reassure it, and then the creature walked away with only the occasional clicking and hissing sound directed at Alex.

Alex looked over to Hope and without any hesitation he threw his arms around her, drawing her tightly into his embrace.

“I thought I’d never see you again,” he whispered into her ear with a slight tremble in his voice.

“It’s alright, Alex,” Hope reassured him. “Now tell me, how did you get here?” she asked.

“Well, it’s kind of a long story—”

Hope interrupted him. “Don’t tell me, Alex, just show me.” Her ribbons wrapped around her body. Alex took the hint and, just like before he connected his ribbons to Hope’s. In an instant, his entire experience on Lamia was known to Hope as if she had been right there beside him the entire time.

“Oh my… Alex, do you know the danger you were in?” she whispered to him through their connection.

Just then, something odd and unexpected happened; Alex’s suit energized his ribbons in such a way that allowed his emotion to transfer to Hope, and feelings that would normally be filtered out were now overwhelming them both. Hope could now feel his lustful attraction to her as well as the protective sense of responsibility he felt toward her; he would die to protect her and there was no doubt in his mind that he loved her with every thread of his existence. These were new feelings for Hope; she did not even know these powerful emotions existed, she had never lusted or loved before and the sensation was almost too much for her to bear. She tried to break the connection as she was not familiar with any of these new emotions, but Alex’s connection was too strong and would not let go.

As Hope struggled to get free she began to realize that her mere curiosity about Alex and his barbaric customs was more than mere fascination, as she learned of the basic concepts of love she realized that she, too, had similar feelings for him. Their unfiltered connection was incredible, what would have taken months for a normal couple to figure out took only a few seconds as there was no dog and pony show between them, there was only the pure and unfiltered truth and their raw emotions to guide them toward each other.

Hope opened her eyes for what seemed like the first time and saw Alex in a way she never imagined possible. She did not see him as an unlikely recipient of an ánimam or as an underprivileged back water seed planet inhabitant. She saw him as her equal and more than that, she saw him as part of herself, a part that she never knew she had but somehow knew she could never live without. Still connected to Alex, she wrapped her ribbons around his back and pulled him toward her until she could wrap both her arms and legs around him. Held up by her ribbons, Hope drew him in and kissed him passionately on his lips as she grabbed both sides of his face.

Alex felt every sensation Hope had, and as she caressed his face, moving her hands toward his chest, his armor receded to her command exposing his torso to her. Driven by a combination of Alex’s lust and a thousand years of repressed sexual tension, Hope forcefully began to kiss and grope every inch of his exposed skin.

Alex hesitated for a moment as he looked around the room and saw a thousand eyes staring at them, but it did not matter, they could have been in Times Square and his actions would have been the same. He reached around to embrace Hope and hold her in his arms as he began to kiss her neck. As his hands touched her back her armor melted away receding into her body, exposing her flesh to him. Alex slid his hand down caressing one of Hope’s large breasts in his hand; rubbing his thumb lightly over her erect nipple he could feel every spine-shivering sensation through the connection they shared.

As Hope slid her hand down Alex’s chest past his stomach, his armor also receded into his body; Alex had no choice as his body was as much within her control as his own. Hope grabbed hold of his quivering member and guided it toward her as she tilted her hips to accept him. A slight twinge of pain was ignored by them both as Hope’s hymen tore open and Alex plunged himself deep inside her. It was a feeling neither of them had ever imagined possible, there was no line between one body and the other, they were one on every level, they could feel each other’s sensations, desires, and emotions as if they were their own.

The feelings were so intense that it only took both of them a few seconds to climax, but as Alex would normally have been unable to continue, Hope was in control of his body and would not allow him to soften. She had never felt an orgasm before, and to her knowledge, no one on her planet had in a thousand years. It was a sensation indescribable to her, but she also felt Alex’s orgasm, which was equally as intense.

Alex continued to thrust himself into Hope, over and over again, until sometime after their fourth or possibly their fifth orgasm they both collapsed to the floor from sheer exhaustion.

Hope stared deep into Alex’s eyes.

“Wh… wha… what was that?” she asked him, still trying to catch her breath and still pulsing from her last orgasm.

“I don’t know, Hope; that has never happened to me before, at least not like that anyway,” Alex said as his abdomen was still clinching over and over, a side effect no doubt from multiple orgasms he thought. T

he upper class of daemons in the room (known as Voluptuaries) were gathered around Alex and Hope almost trampling each other for a peek at the show. The Voluptuaries had been on an indulgent quest for new forms of pleasure for countless millennia, but never had they seen such a lustful display of passion. To them, it was the ultimate form of pleasure and for the first time they knew it was possible to obtain what they called Vorax, the driving force of their entire race. Alex and Hope, now regaining their energy, began to realize they had just put on a most voyeuristic show for the Voluptuaries. Hope was the first to get her armor back on with Alex not far behind her. He began to blush as his ribbons separated from Hopes, suddenly allowing him to feel quite alone and exposed to the situation. Hope, on the other hand, was not fazed by the experience as she had no notion of what embarrassment was. She began to tell Alex of the Voluptuaries’ religious-like quest for the ultimate pleasurable sensations as well as everything that had happened to her since she arrived in the Infernum. She had already relayed this information to Alex through their ánimam connection, but for some reason she had an uncontrollable urge to talk as she was still in a post-orgasmic trance that would last for at least the next few hours. Alex just smiled and let Hope do all the talking as the images and sensations still lingered in his mind, rendering him almost incapable of logical thought.

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