Chapter Chapter - 63 Tell me the complete truth···

Ruhi was standing near the mirror and was looking at herself. Her face was looking pale, bandaged was on her forehead and her cheek was still slightly red. She placed her hand on her right cheek, and felt that she was not feeling that much pain like last night when goon had slap her.

Sushma said as looking toward her, "Ruhi, are you still feeling pain?"

"No, Aunt. I am not feeling pain now," She smiled.

"Ok, come here and sit on the bath tub. I will help you in your bathing and washing of your hair otherwise you will drenched your bandage on your forehead."

She hummed and sat on the bath tub after taking off her clothes.

Sushma took her hair in her hand and called her, "Ruhi!"


"I liked your hair, you have really beautiful long hair. It seems you really cares a lot of your hair like my daughter in law," She said while applying shampoo in her hair.

"No aunt, my choti maa cares my hair a lot more than me," She said with closed eyes.



"Do you know, Davies sir was very worried for you when he brought you here last night?"

"Huh?" She turned towards her and looked at her in confusion.

Sushma continued, "Ruhi, it is the first time when Davies sir brought a girl in this house and he was very worried for you last night when doctor had told him that you have a high fever. So he himself cared you whole night keeping wet towel on your forehead to reduced your fever and applied ice on your cheek to reduce swelling...I think..." She stopped and thought for while...

"What Aunt?"

"I think...he has some feeling for you."

"No, Aunt. It's not like that," She said and turned her head.

"I don't think so, Ruhi. I really think he has some feelings for you. Because when I told him that I will take care of you last night, he hurriedly refused me while saying that he himself will take care of you."

Ruhi didn't say anything as she already knew as Ernest himself was taking care of her whole night when she had wake up on morning and she already knew too why is he actually doing this? Because he was in guilt.

*Hotel Room*

"knock knock"

Noah wake up and found out himself in a luxurious room and hold his head and moved towards the door.

"He opened the door and looked up a man, and said, "Dennis sir."

Dennis is the owner of this luxurious hotel and knows Ernest Davies who is a major shareholder of this hotel. He entered in his room while closing the door.

"Noah, what's wrong with you?" He shouted at him, coming towards him.

"What happened, Dennis sir?"

"Do you know, what have you done yesterday?"


"You drank too much, and got faint in the bar area, that's why you are here. But do you know how I got to know as you are here?"


"Davies sir called me last night to know your whereabout as you are still here? Because you were not attending his calls."

"Oh god! Now, Davies sir will not leave me," he said as holding his forehead and sat on the bed.

"Noah, btw, you don't drink too much as far as I know you, but what was happen yesterday as you got drunk too much?"

"Sir, I don't know how I got drunk so much?"


"Sir, I was very happy yesterday as we got contract, so after business dinner I had gone to bar area to have some drink, and there I met a girl who was sitting there already. So we are talking with each other while drinking, and don't know why I got faint suddenly while I had only drink one or 2 shot."


"Yes sir."

"Bring bring"

Dennis phone was ringing, he noticed name on the screen and glanced at Noah.

Noah also looked at him and asked, "who is calling?"

"Davies sir," Dennis replied.

Noah got stood up hurriedly and said, "What I supposed to do now?"

"Relax, Noah," Dennis said and picked his phone.

"Hello, sir. Good morning!"

"Where the hell is he? He's still not answering my phone," Ernest yelled.

"Sir, he is here," said Dennis and stretched his hand towards Noah and said, "Noah, Davies sir wants to talk with you."

Noah gulped, and took his phone and stuttered, "H..ello-"


Noah find his phone in his pant pocket and found his phone was switched off.

"Sorry sir, my phone is switched off," He said as looking at his phone.

"I don't want your fu*king sorry, dammit! I called you numerous times last night but you were lying there like a drunkard person. How can you be so irresponsible?"

"I am really sorry sir, I will not do this again."

"Tell me truth, what happened to you all of sudden that you got so drunk that you weren't even in your senses?"

"Sir, I also don't know. It seems she has mixed something in my drink."


Noah told him everything about that girl.

"Okk, find about her. Why did she do all this?"

"Yes sir, I will definitely find her," he said and looked at Dennis, asked, "sir, how did you find me?"

"From your car's GPS location."

"Oh! Yes," he said while smacking his head.

"Ok, Have it some hangover soup and take care of yourself," he said and hang up his phone while Noah eyes got wide as he didn't believe on his ears as what he had just listen. "What happen, Noah?" asked Dennis as Noah was standing like a statue.

Sir, I can't believe my ears."

"Why? What happened?"

"He said to me, Have it some hangover soup and take care of yourself. As you know yourself, he never told something like that to anyone."

"Hmm, you are right. What happened to him all of sudden?" Dennis asked as looking at him.

"I don't know too, sir." He replied.


Sushma came with porridge, and said, "Ruhi, have your Breakfast? You need it to restore your energy."

She hummed and sat on the couch and looked at sushma who was looking somewhat lost.

"What happened, Aunt?"

"Ruhi, can I go to hospital?"

"Why? Are you not feeling well?"

"No, Ruhi. Actually my daughter in law is pregnant, and her delivery date is on the next week, but suddenly she is feeling pain now, so my son has to admit her hospital, that why I want to go there. " "Aunt, you should definitely go there. What are you asking for my permission?"

"Actually, when I went downstairs to talk with Sir related to it, he was shouting at someone and looking very angry, and he went while saying that I take care of you, that's why I can't able to talk with him."

"It's ok, aunt. You go there. I will talk with him. Don't worry!"

"But your health-"

"Don't worry, Aunt. I am all good."

"Thank you, Ruhi," she embraced her with smile and continued, "Ruhi, call me if you need anything. I will surely come."

"Hmm," She nodded in her embrace and continued, "Now, you go, she need you."

"Yes," She smiled and went from there.

"Arthur mansion"

All are sitting in the dinning table and having their breakfast.

"Edward, when will Aaron reach as his phone is still switched off?" Alice asked while sipping her juice.

"Noon, mom."

"Well, when will Ernest come?"

"Don't you know, when will he come?" Edwards asked in sarcastic tone.

"No, I don't know coz your son doesn't tell anybody except you."

"Yes, Edward. I also want to know when will he come actually? Because whenever I call him he is being busy everytime. Don't know why he always stays busy?"

"He will come till month end. Don't worry, meera!"

"Truly Dad?"asked Elena while smiling.

"Yes, Elena."

"Ryan bro will also be happy to hear that as his birthday is about to come on next month."

"Where is he?" Kamal asked abruptly.

"Granny, he has gone to his hospital, as there was some emergency," Said Elena.


"Meera, what have you thought about Ernest marriage?Alice asked as glancing at her.

Kamal also looked at Meera.

"Mom, I don't know. What I supposed to do that he gets ready for his marriage. Because whenever I talk with him regarding his marriage. He got angry with me."

"She is right, granny. Last time, when Mom and Ramya aunt tried to talk with him about his marriage. He got angry with both of them and said, he will not marry with anyone," said Elena while chuckling. "Edward, you have to talk with him about his marriage, I think he will definitely hear you."

"Mom, I don't want to force him. When will he ready, he will get married."

"Edward!! What are you saying? Ernest is not your only son. Ryan and Aaron is also your son. If he will not get married, then we can't think about their marriage too."

"Mom, I have no problem if Ryan and Aaron wants to get marry. I am always ready for their marriage."

"What's wrong with you, Edward? Instead of Persuading him, you are

saying you have no problem with their marriage if they wanted to get married before Ernest," Alice said, and looked at Meera, "What the world is going on here, Meera?"

"Mom, I got tired too. Do you know, Ryan and Aaron will not get marry too with anyone until Ernest will not get marry."

Alice looked at Edward, and said, "Now, what will you say?"

"Mother, you know about his anger already, even if he marries any girl, then that girl will definitely run away after seeing his anger the next day of the marriage."

"I also agreed," Kamal mumbled as having her breakfast.

Meera heard her, she asked as looking at her, "Aunt, do you know Ernest?

"No, meera. I told her about him. She didn't meet with him," said Alice interupptedly.


"Edward, you have to persuade him to get married, I don't know anything,"said Alice while staring at Edward.

Edward didn't say anything and having his food.

"Good morning, your highness," Robert bowed while saying.

"Good morning, Robert," Said Edward.

He looked at Elena and asked, "Shall we go, princess?"

"Yes, Robert, let's go." She said while holding her cane and strolled her steps towards him.

*Conference room*

"Knock knock"

"Come in," Edwin said.


Edwin hummed as looking down in his files.

"Sir, Her highness has come and waiting in your cabin," said his assistant, william.

"Queen Meera?"

"No sir, her highness Alice has come to meet you."

"Granny?" he whispered, closed his file as getting up of his chair and headed to his cabin room.

He entered, and looked at Alice who was looking outside from the glass window.


She turned to him, smiled and said headed towards the couch," Come Edwin, I was waiting for you."

"What happened, Granny? Suddenly you?" He said while heading towards her.

"Can I not come, Edwin?" She asked while sitting.

"No, Granny. I didn't mean it. You can come here whenever you want to come," He said while sitting beside her.

She hummed and continued, "Edwin, Is Ernest still didn't forget her?"

"Huh? Whom are you talking granny?"

"Evelyn... Look Edwin, we still don't know the whole truth about them," she stared at him and continued," except you and Edward...After all what happened between them that

made Ernest break up with her all of

a sudden?"

Edwin got silent and looked down while joining his knuckles with each other above his knees.

"Edwin, tell me I really want to know."

"Me and Uncle also don't know the complete truth.

"Don't tell a lie in front of me, Edwin. It can't be possible that you both of them don't know anything about it. Tell me the complete truth, otherwise I have my own sources to find out the truth."



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