Chapter Chapter - 61 DON'T TOUCH ME!

Author's pov...

Arthur's mansion.

All are sitting in living room and waiting for Alice and kamal. Aaron is not coming today because of bad weather.

"Dad, when is Granny coming?" asked Elena.

"Patience, my princess. Mom is just about to come here," said Edward while smiling.

"Ring Ring"

Edwin phone was ringing. He looked at screen and whispered,"Rachael."

He got up as he about to move further. Ryan stopped her," What happened, Edwin bro?"

"Nothing Ryan, work related call," he smiled and moved from there while attending his call,"Hello." Meanwhile, Alice and Kamal entered there with the two servants, who were carrying their luggage.

Alice firstly saw Ryan while entering in the living room and shouted cheerfully, "Ryan, How are you, son?"

Ryan hurriedly hugged her and said, "Do you know how I missed you, granny?"

"Oh, my grandson. I missed you too."

She looked around and didn't find Elena, then she asked, "Where is my Ele?"

Everyone looked around, and noticed she was going upstairs with her cane, and then she got stumbled and about to fall from stairs. Everyone shouted as looking at her, "Elena."

Elena realised she didn't fall as someone was holding her on her waist, she whispered, "Robert."

"Are you ok, princess?" He asked as releasing her waist.

She placed her hand on her left chest and felt it, her heart was pounding, and then he again asked as looking at her,"Are you alright?" She nodded and then Ryan came there, and asked,"Are you fine, kiddo?"

"Yes bro," she smiled.

"Thank you so much, Robert," Ryan said and shook his hand with him and continued while looking at Elena,"let's go, kiddo."

She nodded, and both of them came down stairs. Roberts also came behind them.

"Who is he?" Alice asked to Meera.

"She is her bodyguard. After all your son and grandson appointed him for her safety," said Meera.

"Means- Ernest?"

"Hmm," she nodded.

"Nice, he proved it saving her as he is right bodyguard to her," said Alice while looking towards Elena.

Elena came near Alice with Ryan and Robert bowed in front of Alice, said, "Good evening, Her highness."

"Good evening, Robert. Thank you so much to save Elena."

"Its my responsibility to protect princess being her bodyguard," he said as catching a glimpse of her and then looked at Edward and continued, "your highness, can I go now?" "Yes, you can go," said Edward.

Robert about to go, Edward stopped him abruptly, "Wait, Robert."

He turned towards him and said, "Yes, your highness?"

He strolled his steps to him and asked suspiciously," what were you doing upstairs?"

"Edward, I sent him upstairs to put a canvas painting of Elena in the gallery room, "Meera interrupted.

"Ok, you can go now," said Edward, afterward Robert went from there.

"Elena, why were you going upstairs without meet your granny?" Alice asked as holding her hands.

"Because, you didn't ask me first," She said with sullen face.

"OMG, so someone is jealous here," said Alice and trying his best to control her laughter as looking at Elena's sullen face.

"Yes, I'm very jealous, because you didn't pay attention to me first. While I'm the youngest here. Big bro is more better than you." "Elena, Don't even take his name in front of me," Alice yelled abruptly.

Elena and other family members got flinched except Edward, and she asked, "What happened, Granny?"

Alice didn't say anything and looked at Edward who was smirking. She mumbled, "You father and son are exactly the same."

Kamal placed her hand on her shoulder to calm her and whispered, "Alice, what are you doing?"

Alice came into her senses and said, "Nothing, Elena."

Meera looked at her with concern and asked, "Mom, did he also go there?"

"No, Meera, he didn't come there but he kept troubling me via phone till I came here," she said while looking at Edward who was continually smirking. "Well, don't worry, mom. I will talk with him later regarding it."

"Leave it all, you tell me how are you?"

"I am perfectly fine. But we all missed you so much."

"Oh my lovely daughter in law. I missed you too."

"Don't tell a lie, If you missed us then you would have come long ago."

Kamal move forward and said, "Her highness, because of me Alice didn't come here before." She bowed her head in front of her and continued, "I am very sorry."

Meera hold her both shoulders and stopped her from bowing, said," Aunt, don't bow in front of me. We already know what have you lost, and why mom couldn't able to come before." She looked at Alice and continued, "Now we all are your family. Isn't it, mom?"

"Yes, meera. I have told her already," She said and places her hand on her shoulder, "kamal, you are now my family. So don't think about lame thing..."

Kamal smiled as looking at her and nodded.

"Ok, let's go. I am starving," said Alice while looking at Meera.

"Yes mom."

Meanwhile, Edwin entered in the living room and saw Granny.

"Granny," he yelled joyfully, ran towards her and hugged her tightly.

"Edwin, has your dear friend asked you to strangle me. That's why you are holding me so tightly."

"No Granny, why are you saying like that? Did you two have a fight again?" He whispered near her ear.

"Yes, now leave me."

"Granny, at first you were saying that you will not come, what happened now that you suddenly came. Why do you always persistent when you already know he always has some tricks up in his sleeve to get the job done," he whispered and leave her.

Alice took deep breathe and stared at him while saying, "Edwin, it seems you missed me so much."

"Yes, Granny. We missed you so much, especially, Ernest," he winked.

Kamal smiled as looking at him and continued," You are his best friend, right?"

"Yes, we are best friends since childhood," and continued, "Hello, kamal Granny, I am meeting you first time. How are you?"

"I am fine. Nice to meet you."

"Me too."

"Ok, let's go, I am starving," said Alice while holding Elena's hand and continued, "Elena, you will sit beside me."

"Yes, Granny," She nodded with smile.

All started to move to dinning Hall, but then, Edward stopped Edwin, "Edwin."

"Yes, Uncle."

"Come here, I want to talk with you something."

"Ok," He said and both of them went towards Edward's study room.

*Study room*

"Edwin, why has Rachel called you so late? Because it must be 11:30 there."

"How do you know, uncle?"

"Because I had seen you before while whispering his name."

"Uncle, actually, Ernest's assistant has got disappeared suddenly, for which he is very worried, so Rachel called me to tell that but I am worried because this is first time as Ernest himself is worried for his assistant, Ruhi."

"Wait, what name have you spoken?"


"Isn't that a girl's name?"

"Yes uncle."

"Ernest has appointed a girl for his assistant?"

"Right, uncle, this time he has appointed a girl. Actually she is a translator of him because he doesn't know native language of there, that's why he has appointed her."

"Wait, Edwin. What do you mean he doesn't know native language of there? He knows very well because in childhood time, he was always talk with meera in hindi language, that's too fluently. So how can you say that he doesn't know language of them."

"But uncle, that's what he told me."

"Edwin, do you know anything else?"

"No, Uncle"

"Edward you can talk with him later now let's go to have dinner with me," Said Alice entering in his room.

"Yes mom," He said and they all went towards the dinning hall for dinner.

Other side...

Help me!"

As he heard, he ran towards that voice and looked at two goons who were trying to force a girl to drink alcohol, and her condition was in mess. But he couldn't able to see her face because of the dim light. "What the hell are you doing, dammit?"

As they heard Ernest's voice, they turned towards him and one man of them, said," Mind your own business. She is our prey. If you need a girl, go and look for another girl."

As soon as he heard him, he clenched his fist and felt anger building in him. He rushed towards him and shouted, "You mo*h*rfu*ker! she is not your prey," and punched him on his face hard by holding his shirt's collar, so he falls on the road and his lips got cut by his punch and started bleeding.

Another person picked up the wooden stick lying there and ran towards him leaving the girl behind. But just as he was about to hit him from behind, Ernest turned to him and punched him in his face and he too falls on the road.

Ernest ran towards that girl who was shivering vigorously. She was sitting against the wall with her head down by holding her knees and was continuously mumbling, ",!,!"

Ernest bent down, and said while holding her shoulder, "Miss, Are you ok?"

But she didn't listen him and continuously mumbling, "Ple..ase Ple..ase h..elp!"

At the same time, the same police

officer with his other members, came up there who had met with Ernest a while ago on the middle road. He caught those goons who were laying down there and said, "Sir, you did right by calling us, we you have caught them but this madam also has to come with us to complain against them as they were

trying to harass her." He caught glimpse of her and continued,"But thanks to you, you saved her on time..."

Ernest hummed as looking towards them and stood straight and said while glaring towards those goons, "I hope you will take care of them well. Isn't it, Officer?"

"Yes, sir," he said, and noticed her clothes, which were exactly the same as Ruhi, and continued with widen eyes, "Ruhi mam, is that really you?"

As heard Ruhi's name, Ernest got frozen in his place, he felt like a cold wind right went through him. His eyes got widened and felt heaviness in his heart. He again bent and placed his right hand on her head while saying in a gentle tone while he was continuously chatted in his mind that, she isn't Ruhi, "Ruhi!"

Ruhi raised her head while removing his hand from her head and screamed with her whole energy although she didn't look at his face, "DON'T TOUCH ME!"

But Ernest saw her face as the police car's main light was falling on her face when she raised her head.

As he saw her face he got numbed because - although her eyes were closed because of light but her tears were rolling down from her eyes continually, her forehead was bleeding, her cheek was swelled up, her suit sleeve was torn up and her lips were quivering badly while saying, "D..Don't t..touch, pl..please!"

Seeing her condition, he hurriedly took off his coat, put it on her and squat down near her holding her shoulders and said, "Ruhi, looked at me. I am davies, your boss. You are safe so calm down."

She opened her eyes as heard him, looked at him while blinking, and hurriedly embraced him tightly while crying.

Ernest said while caressing her hair, gently, "Ruhi, calm down. Now you are safe."

She clenched his shirt in her fist and said while sobbing, "S..sir, th...they w..were t..trying to...touch in..inappropriately a..and w..when I t..tried, th..they sl..slapped h..hard a..and w..ere fo..forcing to dr..drink a..alcohol-"

She suddenly got stopped. So Ernest looked at her and saw, she got faint on his chest but still tears were welling up from her eyes. He patted on her cheek while saying, "Ruhi ... Ruhi!"

"Sir, she got faint. We should get her to the hospital," said policeman while looking at Ruhi.

"No, I am not going to take her to the hospital. I will take care of her. You take care of both of them," he said while glaring at them and continue, "Keep in mind, they should be severely punished."

"Yes, sir. Don't worry, I will take care of them," he said and looked at his white shirt which got stained because of Ruhi's blood,"Sir, your shirt-"

Ernest looked his shirt and then her forehead which was covered with her hair, but still blood was coming out of it. He hurriedly took out his handkerchief from his pocket and placed it on her forehead. He lifted her in his arms, rushed towards his car leaving behind those policemen and goons, and rested her on the passenger seat.

When he was fastening her seat belt,

he placed his hand on her swollen cheek gently and said, "Ruhi why did


you go to outside when I already told you that you will stay inside the house. Do you have any idea when t didn't able to finding you anywhere how worried I was? I don't even want to think what would have happened to you if I got a little late today." He slowly moved towards her forehead while caressing her cheek and kissed on it, and continued while retreating, "I am sorry, Ruhi!...] shouldn't have brought you here

with me because of me you got in danger. I promise you I will not bother you anymore. You can live your life peacefully without me like before."

*Dinner Hall*

"Meera, I always liked your Indian food. It was really amazing as like always."

"Thank you so much, mom."

"Yes, Meera. I also like it."

"Thanks Aunt."

"Meera, I also want you to taste a dessert which I have brought from Delhi," She said and went from there to bring that box which Ruhi had given her before.

After some moments, She brought that box and opened it while sitting on her chair and stretched her hand towards Meera who was sitting opposite of her.

Alice recognised that box and asked," When did Ruhi give you this box?"

As heard Ruhi name, Edwin and Edwards stared at her, Edwin asked as glancing at her, "How do you know her, mom?"

"Actually, she came from her city to Delhi for her study, and she had come to kamal house as a PG. There I meet her, isn't it, kamal?"

But still, Edwin and Edward was staring at her.

"Hmm," She nodded and continued,"she has prepared this kaju katli for me, it is very tasty so I think you all would also like it, that's why I brought for you."

"Of course, Aunt. We'll definitely taste it," said Meera and picked a slice from it.

Gradually, everyone picked a slice from it and taste it.

"It's Yummy, granny," said Elena while smiling.

"Yes, Aunt, it's really tasty," said Meera.

"Is she from Udaipur?" asked Edward while staring at Kamal.

"Yes, but how do you know?" asked Kamal.

"Is she really from udaipur?" asked Meera Interupptedly.

"Yes, Meera," Kamal said and glanced at Alice.

Edward stood up and went from there, while Alice and Edwin was looking at him.

"Kamal Granny, please save a little for Aaron bro too as he love Indian desserts more," said Elena while giggling.

"Yes, Elena," Said Kamal.

At 5 pm...

Ruhi wake up from her sleep and felt

wet towel on her forehead, she looked around as she was not in the

Kamal room because that room was luxurious which she hadn't seen it in her whole life till now, and then,

suddenly her gaze fall down on net

Ernest who was sleeping on chair next to her in sitting position while folding his hands on his chest

and starting two button of his shirts were open, due to which his muscular broad chest was visible to her and he was wearing a locket too.

She got shied to see him, she smiled. and whispered in low tone as seeing him," Thank you so much for saving me.

And then she went into a deep sleep because of medicines because when Ernest brought her here she had a very high fever. That's why he had put wet towel on her forehead as per doctor instructions.


Bansal house...

Reema and Suresh were ready to go to London. Reema went towards the kitchen where Gauri was making tea and breakfast for them as shanti was doing other work.

"Didi," she called her as entering in the kitchen.

"Yes, choti."

"Di, I want something from you."

"Yes, tell me. What do you want?"

"Could you promise me?" When I will not be here, you will take care of Ruhi, please."

Gauri didn't say anything and started to cut vegetables to ignoring her questions.

"Didi, please," she said holding her hand.

"Choti, please don't disturb me. Please let me do my work."

"Didi, until you will promise me, I will not leave your hand," she said persistently.

"Choti, please take care of your health and she is not a kid who can't take care of herself. You have to take care of Riya who is younger than her. She also want love from her own mother but you...

you doesn't care for her."

"Di, I love her but she doesn't understand me and always try to create trouble for Ruhi. Do you know, she told her to make her assignment when her 3rd year final exam was ongoing?"

Gauri didn't react after hearing her and started cutting vegetables again.

"Now, why are you not saying anything?"

"There is nothing wrong in this, after all she is older, she should help her younger siblings," said Gauri while cutting vegetables.

"Didi, I don't believe this. How can you be so much stone hearted? You can see pain of Riya while everyone pamper her in this house, but you don't see pain and aloofness of your own daughter how much she

cries whenever she sees your cruel behaviour towards her."

Gauri clenches her saree in her fist and shouted, "choti, Don't you know, what is the reason behind it?"

"But didi-"

"Reema," sushila interrupted as coming towards them and continued, "Don't take too much stress for her, we will take care of her. You careful towards your health as we are worried for you, especially your own

daughter and your husband."

"I know, maa, how much you will take care of her. But keep that in your mind," she said while staring towards them and continued," If anyone harassed my daughter, or tried to hurt her, then I will not leave her."

"Reema," said gauri but Reema went from there without listening her and sushila was gritting her teeth in anger.

Happy Reading:)

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