Chapter Chapter - 58 She didn't come back yet..

Author's pov...

Riya was crying miserably as laying on her stomach on the bed.

Sushila came up near her, sat on the bed and called her by caressing her hair, "Riya...Don't cry my child. Everything will be alright."

Riya hurriedly got up and embraced her, and said while sobbing, "How can she slap me for that wicked girl?"

Sushila gritted her teeth and said while caressing her head, "I also don't know dear, after all, what black magic she has done on your mother as she doesn't want to listen anything against her?" "Dadi, why mumma can't see as she is faking her love towards her, she doesn't care for her real, that's why she didn't tell mumma as she is doing a job behind her back?"

Sushila eyes got wide as heard her, she said as braking her embrace,"How do you know about her job?"

"Woh...Dadi...I had heard it mistakenly when you all were talking about her and her job, and you were shouting on papa because of her."

"Riya, she is real troublemaker. Even, she has caused trouble in your father workplace. She is such a bad luck for us."

"You're right dadi. I also don't like her a bit," Riya said and again embraced her.

"Don't worry, I'll try my best to get rid off her soon," sushila said while patting her back.

"Dadi, mumma will be alright, won't it?"

"Yes Riya," said Gauri while coming toward in the room, and continued while sitting beside her, "your mumma will be alright...So don't take too much stress." "Truly badi maa?"

"Yes, my dear."

"Gauri, what suresh has told you about her treatment?"

"Maa, they are going to london for Reema's treatment as per doctor suggestion."

"But, from where suresh will arrange that much money for her treatment?"

Riya also looked at her as sushila asked to Gauri about money.

"Maa, don't worry, Raja saheb will help us, suresh has talked with him already."

"We will always be thankful to Raja Sahib as he always helps us in our tough time," said Sushila while joining her hands.

"Yes maa!!"

"But your daughter, she didn't leave him too as she has created a big commotion in their palace, don't know what she get as created problem for others," said Sushila as gritted her teeth. Gauri looked down as heard and didn't say anything and clenched her fist.


Ruhi made a call to Reema to know about her reports.

"Hello Choti maa."

"Ruhi, Reema bhabhi is sleeping. You can talk with her later."

"Oh!" She said," ok, when she will wake up pls tell her to call me back."

"Ok," said shanti and hung up the phone, and Ruhi came back to drawing room and placed the tea in front of that women with some snacks.

She picked that cup of tea, and said, "you will also stay here?"

"No Miss-"

"Natasha, My name is Natasha."

"Oh!... No, I am just staying here for time being for my work," Ruhi replied smiling.

"Ok!" She said and sip her tea while eating snacks, and started using her phone.

Ruhi picked that files on the table and sat on the couch and started doing her work. "Ding dong"

It's seems my clothes has come. She thought and went towards the door to open the door.

After few hours....

Natasha came up near her and said, "Ruhi, won't you make lunch for us?"

Ruhi looked at her, and said, "Sorry Natasha, I can't make lunch for now because I have to complete this work before 2 pm." "Oh!" She said and walked up towards the kitchen.

"Wait!!" Said Ruhi while stopping her.

"Huh?" She turned towards her.

"Can you wait till 2 pm?"

"It's ok, Ruhi. You do your work. I'll make it, but you pls make the dinner tonight."

"Ok, done." Ruhi said while smiling and engrossed in her work again.

Natasha stared at her and walked towards the kitchen for making lunch.

At night...

After attending his all meetings, Ernest came in his house and went towards the bathroom before untiding his clothes.

As he opened the tap, cold water started falling on his muscular body, he placed his one hand on the front wall, and ruffled his hair by other hand in frustration. Because since morning, Alice words continuously echoing in his mind.

"Ernest,you don't want to admit your feeling, that's why you are behaving rudely with her."

"Pls think one more time about your feeling towards Ruhi. She is a nice girl, and I am sure Edward and Meera will also like her."


What the hell?

Why Granny's words is echoing in my mind since morning?

She is nobody to me. I have no feeling towards her because it was just a infatuation and after seeing the last night incident, how she got stood up far from me as I was

consoling her that infatuation is also

gone now...

Feeling and love both doesn't exist in my life and she is just my employee or nothing else...

I have already more work to focus on it.

Abruptly his phone started ringing in his room, bring... Bring

After hearing, he wore his bathrobe and came in his room and pick the phone from the bed.

As he noticed the name, a curved smile appear on his face, he picked his phone and said while smiling,"Hello, Ele."

"Hello, big are you?" She said while giggling.

"I'm all good... U say?"

"We are all fine...But we all are missing you," said Ele while feeble tone.

"Yes, big bro, we all are missing you, so when are you coming?" said Ryan abruptly.

"Oh, it's seems all are sitting there. Isn't it?" asked Ernest as he can listen others voice too.

"Yes, big bro...We are all sitting in living room, and do you know, who are coming today?"

"Who?" Ernest asked inquisitive tone, although he know Aaron and Alice are coming there, but he pretends infront of Elena as he doesn't know.

"Alice granny and Aaron bro is coming today," she said while chuckling.

While Edward smirked to heard that

as how Ernest was pretending in

front of Elena as he doesn't know about that news. After all, he is the biggest reason as Alice was@oming there.


She continued ahead,"And do you know, big bro, Kamal jeet Granny was also coming with her as she has lost her family in accident recently."

After hearing kamal jeet name, Ernest smile got fade.

All of sudden, Edwin snatched the phone of Elena, and asked, "Hey man, when are you coming?"

"I will be reached there at month end."

"Really, big bro?" asked Elena as looking towards the voice of Ernest.

"Yes, my kiddo."

"Ok, I am hanging up...come soon..." said Edwin, but before he hang up the phone, Ernest hung up the phone firstly.

After hanging up, Ernest made the call to Ruhi, but she was not picking her phone.

He tried many times her number but she was not picking her call.

He again dialled her number last time, and this time she picked the phone.

"Where the hell were you? Why you were not picking my phone? dammit!!" Ernest roared as she answered her phone.

"Sh...She n..not, sir," stuttered Natasha as hearing roaring voice.

After hearing unknown voice, Ernest

got understand as she was that caretaker who has appointed by his

granny, he asked in calm tone, "where the hell is she?


"Sir, she has gone to market to buy some grocery, but she didn't come yet."

Ernest saw wall clock in front of him, it'd been 9:30 and asked, "why didn't she come back yet? What time did she go?"

"Sir, she has gone at 7'o clock."

"What??" Ernest eyes got wide as heard it and he roared again,"why didn't you inform me, dammit!! as she didn't come back yet?"

"Sir, I have already informed to Rachael sir an hour ago, and he was -"

Ernest hurriedly hung up the phone and made a call to Rachael to know her whereabout.

"Hello, Ernest sir," voice come from other side.

"Rachel, why didn't you tell me about her?"

"Sir, I thought that she must have been forgotten her route and she would be somewhere here, so I did not tell you."

"Rachel, do you have any fucking idea, it's been 9:45 and she'd gone to market at 7 o'clock. Why the hell you didn't inform me yet, damn it!!" he shrilled.

"S..sir, I..I v..very s..sorry."

"I don't want your fucking sorry, find her soon and send me that market location where she had!!"

"Y..yes s..sir."

Ernest hang up the phone and throw the phone to his bed and strode his steps towards his closet to get ready.

Happy Reading:)

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