Chapter Chapter - 54 I also want to enjoy my life.

Author's pov...

Rachael sat in the driver seat and glanced at Ernest who was doing his work in his laptop, and said as looking towards him,"Sir, her highness is coming in a while." Ernest hummed without looking at him as he had engrossed in his work.

Meanwhile, Alice was having her breakfast while Ruhi and kamal was staring at her.

"What??" Alice asked as gazing at them.

"Alice, Davies is waiting for you outside, but you-"

"Kamal, let him wait a bit outside, come and have your breakfast first!!"

Ernest glanced towards his latest edition watch; as it's been 7:15, but Alice and other's didn't come outside yet.

He frowned and made a call to Alice.

"Hello" voice comes from other side.

"Granny, why are you not coming?"

"I'm having my breakfast, son, so wait a little bit."

"Granny, didn't I say you to get ready before 7 am."

"Davies, I am all ready son, but right now I am having my breakfast. So can I have it now ?"

"Ok, but pls come fast," he said and hung up the phone.

Arthur's mansion....

1:45 am

Ryan got up to drink water but as he looked at the side table, he saw, her mother is sleeping as placing her head on it.

He frowned as looking at her and patted her on her shoulder as he wanted to know what is she doing here?

Meera budge as she felt someone is calling her and looked at Ryan while blinking her eyes.

Ryan switch on the lights and said while looking at her," What are you doing here mom?" "Ryan, how are you feeling son?" she questioned as keeping her palm on her forehead.

"Mom, I am fine now," he replied as took her hand from his forehead and hold.

"Why didn't you tell me as you have high fever?" she asked in worried tone.

"That's why I didn't tell you. Look how much you are stressed just for a fever. Perhaps you have forgot as what I am now," he said while smiling.

"I know Ryan what you are, but you too, pls take care of your health, son, as looking your patient."

"Ok mom, I will take care of my health now, but now you go and take some sleep in your room as you are also looking tired. "

"Ok, I am going but why did you wake up in midnight?" She asked as getting up.

"Mom, I am feeling thirsty so-"

"Ok wait," she said while hold a glass and jug from the side table and pour some water into the glass and stretched her hands towards him.

He took water and gulped and said while laid down on his bed,"ok, mom now go, and sleep. I am alright!"

"Ok, Good night!!" She said while smiling and went from there.

Ernest looked at his watch again and it's been 7:45 pm but still they didn't come yet.

He got off from the car, slammed the door with loud thud voice and headed to the kamal's house.

Meanwhile, Alice was packing her stuff now. While Kamal and Ruhi was staring at her.

"Alice, why didn't you pack your stuff yesterday?"

"Because I didn't want to go."


"Kamal, I wanted to have fun with you. Because we didn't have much fun as your leg was fractured till now and now your fractured is about to removed in two three days, look, we are going back. I still didn't see many things in india. Do you know I'd made a list where I wanted to go but because of him, I can't go anywhere now." She said.

"Relax Kamal, next time we will come again."

"Yes, dadi, next time pls come in udaipur too. I will show you many fantastic places there which you would like it.. I am sure."

"Yes, Ruhi, we will definitely come there," both said in unison while giggling.

"Yes dadi," she said while smiling.

"Ruhi, you are such a all-rounder. You are great in cooking, sketching, studying, and as well as in your job as Davies was also praising you for your great hardwork. Do you know that?"

Ruhi looked at her with wide eyes while kamal was starting at Alice.

"Was he really praising? Are you 100% sure?" Kamal asked.

"Yes, kamal. I am 100% sure.

But why are you saying like that?"

"Nothing!!" she said while rolling her eyes.

Ding dong!!

"Ruhi open the door, please!!" said kamal while looking at her.

"Yes daadi," Ruhi said and walked up to the main door.

She opened and saw Ernest who was wearing white shirt with navy blue suit, and looking magnificent handsome.

"Where is she?" Ernest asked with stern face and looked at her as this time she was wearing yellow saree.

"She is..." Ernest didn't hear her words completely and started to move towards her room while leaving her behind. Ruhi closed the main door and after looking as where he is going she also ran behind him. When he entered in her room, he saw Alice was packing her stuff while giggling with kamal.


"What the heck is this? Why didn't you pack your stuff yesterday?"

"Because I didn't want."


"Because now I also want to enjoy my life, Davies." she said and looked at him.

"What do you mean?" He frowned as looking at her.

"Nothing!!" She said and went towards her cupboard, and continued while closing the cupboard,"I have packed my almost stuff. You go, I am coming in a while."

Ernest looked at Alice, and hold her hand and looked at her sad face. He made a call and said," Rachael come fast."

Alice stared at him as heard Rachael name and said," why are you calling him?"

"Wait Granny!...Ruhi go and opened the door for him."

She hummed and went outside.

Rachael came inside and asked, "Yes sir?"

"Pick their luggage and take them outside," he said while catching a glimpse of kamal and Ruhi and continued,"...I and Granny coming there too after a while." "Yes sir," he answered and looked at both, "let's go Mams."

"Why Davies?" Alice asked with wide eyes.

Kamal and Ruhi also looked towards Ernest and Alice as heard Alice.

"I said, take them outside, Rachael. Didn't you hear me?" He bellowed as he noticed they didn't go outside yet."

Rachael gulped and came near Alice and took her bag from her, and walked up to Ruhi and kamal and said, "let's go mam."

Both hummed and went outside with him.

Ernest came near the door and locked it while Alice was staring at him.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you behaving like this?"

"You tell me, Granny. What do you mean then you also want to enjoy your life?" He said as coming towards her. "Davies, you know-"

"Granny you can call me Ernest as nobody is here."

"Ernest, I want to enjoy my life like normal people, so pls give me some space!!" he said as staring at him.

Outside, Rachael was keeping their luggage in the car, and Ruhi and kamal was standing near the car.

"Ruhi, how do you work with this Rude person?" Kamal asked as gazing at her. "Dadi," she said and glanced at Rachael who was glaring towards kamal.

Happy Reading:)

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