Indebted to the Vampires

Chapter 9


Of all the disgustingbullshit jobs I could land, I had to end up with this one. My nose wrinkled up as I scrubbed the inside of the toilet bowl of Wynn’s bathroom. I’d already finished the others, this was my last room and to be honest, cleaning someone’s toilet kind of took the edge off my attraction to him. Not all of it but a smidgen.

I blamed karma. I’d been too big of a bitch. Pissed off one too many people and now karma was back to bite me in the ass.

Sure, this job started out great. Big house, hot bosses, but then it progressively just got worse. I mean doing their laundry was one thing. At least none of them had skid marks in their underwear - not that I was checking mind you. And I had to say cleaning windows wasn’t exactly a horrible job, I mean, it killed my back by the end of the day, but it wasn’t as bad as having to clean the very thrones that these assholes sit on.

They weren’t disgusting by any means but just the thought of cleaning them made me shudder. Now that I was in Wynn’s bathroom, I wanted nothing more than to dig a hole and die.

Please don’t suddenly need something from your room.

I’d been chanting the opposite of that thought over and over again as I picked up the gorgeous man’s room but then the moment I had to get down on my hands and knees and put my hand in his toilet, I’d changed my tune.

Letting out a long drawn out sigh, I closed the lid of the toilet and tossed the cleaning brush into my bucket of supplies. “Fucking finished.”

I used one hand to pull the rubber glove off the other and then grabbed the inside edge of the other to turn the gloves inside out. The last thing I needed was to spread germs all over the now clean bathroom. Plus, I had an issue with touching my face and I gagged at the thought of doing it with the gloves on.

Picking up my bucket, I started for the door. I didn’t know why but for some reason I paused. I sat the bucket down and twisted on my heel, taking in Wynn’s bedroom. I’d been in it several times but never had I snooped. Never had I had the urge to dig through his things and find out what made Wynn tick.

It would be wrong. An invasion of privacy.

Only if they catch you.

I let out a nervous giggle and spin around the room, trying to decide what to look at first. My eyes land on his dresser. Everyone knows the best place to hide things you didn’t want anyone to find was in your dresser drawers. Especially the underwear drawer.

Practically skipping over to it, I pulled the top drawer open. Socks. Lots of socks. I dug a little deeper. I frowned. Well that sucked. There wasn’t anything interesting in his sock drawer.

Shoving the top drawer closed I went to the next one. This one too held nothing of interest, just a bunch of t-shirts. The next few drawers lacked the same secrets and my excited quickly dwindled.

“Well, that sucks.” I pursed my lips and tapped my finger against my chin, trying to think of where someone like Wynn might hide something valuable to him. My eyes land on his closet. “Ah, of course.” I snapped my fingers and rushed over to the closet door.

Throwing it open, I took my time going through each and every item hanging up. After a moment or two, I found nothing. Nada. A bunch of expensive suits, ties, and belts. There wasn’t even a balled up facial tissue in his pocket.

The only peculiar thing was a shirt that looked like it could be from the sixteen hundreds. Made out of white linen with a puffy collar and long sleeves, it would be perfect for a costume party or even one of those Renaissance fairs. The thought of Wynn going to one of those made me giggle. He’d have women throwing themselves over each other to give him their favors.

Not giving up hope of finding something embarrassing, I dropped to my knees and dug around the back of the closet. Even his shoes were nice and neat on a shoe rack, each of them made by some expensive company. There wasn’t a tennis shoe among them though which was a bit odd but not exactly the kind of thing I was looking for.

“Maybe he doesn’t have any skeletons in his closet.” I muttered to myself, standing and closing the door. My eyes drift over to the bed and a small smile spread across my lips. “Maybe he hides them under the bed!”

Racing across the room, I didn’t even pause to think about it before throwing myself onto his large four poster bed. Making a sort of snow angel movement, I rolled around on top of his comforter and pillows breathing in the scent of him. I could just imagine waking up in this bed with Wynn. Some mornings, I would wake before him and I’d roll over to kiss him awake.

Okay, if I was being honest with myself, I wouldn’t stop at a kiss. In the movies someone always wakes up the other person with oral and I’d be lying if I didn’t have a dark fantasy of doing that sometime and Wynn would be just the person that would enjoy that sort of thing.

None of my past boyfriends were very adventurous. Even in the bedroom. Sure, we might have tried out a few positions outside of the normal but it was always in the cover of darkness and under the blankets. I wondered for a second what that said about me and my taste in men. Did I always pick the ones that were safe? Predictable? And what did it say about me now that I was drooling all over a man’s bed I just met - who for all intent and purposes was technically my boss?

“Great, Piper.” I grumbled, sliding off the bed. “Way to be a creeper.”

I went about fixing the comforter, remaking it so that it was smooth and untouched. Or at least looked it.

Then with little enthusiasm, I knelt on the ground and peeked beneath the bed skirt. Nothing but dust bunnies.

“If you’re looking for my playboys, I don’t keep them there.”

With a startled sound, I jerked up. My gaze darted to the bedroom door where Wynn leaned against the frame a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. Clamoring to my feet, I dusted my jeans and t-shirt off. “I was just looking to see if I needed to clean under there.”

“And do you?” Wynn asked, moving into the room. His long legs moved in a slow and lazy pace, his hands tucked into his pockets as if he had all the time in the world.

“Do I what?” I found myself gaping at him, my own feet slowing on the way to my discarded bucket.

Wynn chuckled, a sound that made my insides giddy. “Do you need to clean under my bed?”

I broke my eyes away from his and glanced back at the bed. My brow furrowed, I shook my head. “It’s a bit dusty but I’ll come back later and get under all of your beds. That way I can do it all at once.”

When I turned my head back Wynn was right in front of me, barely a foot between us. His eye lids drooped, and a small smile played at his lips. He reached out a hand toward me. I hated that I flinched. Even more so that he thought it was funny. Then he tucked a piece of my falling hair behind my ear. “I don’t know if anyone has told you, but we really appreciate all the hard work you have done, Piper.”

That single touch of his finger brushing my ear sent an electric current through my veins settling low between my thighs. I let out a gurgling sound, my knees threatening to give out on me. The second Wynn pulled his hand away the feeling was gone, and I could semi breathe again.

Embarrassed beyond relief, I swallowed hard and nodded stiffly. “Of course, it’s my pleasure.” I choked out the last word my face a flame at the wolfish grin on Wynn’s lips as his hand touched my arm. Once more my knees seem to weaken, and an intense rush of desire raced through me. I almost orgasmed on the spot.

Shaking my head, I moved away from his touch and darted for the door. “I have to go clean something.” It wasn’t until I was half way down the stairs that I realized I’d forgotten my bucket of cleaning supplies.

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