Indebted to the Vampires

Chapter 25


The lights of the shops broke through the darkness and made me sigh. I’d spent too much time in the Durand Manor and not enough time out with the living. It was the day before the party I was supposed to help with, and I had finally gotten done early.

Maybe I was getting better at the job?

Images of Rayne’s pink underwear coming out of the wash made my lips quirk up. Nope, guess I wasn’t. Still, even though it had been an accident, imagining the rage on the redhead’s face when he found out was more than worth it. Little prick.

I needed this night out of the house, especially if I was going to be surrounded by not just all six of the vampire masters but strangers as well.

After my weird encounter with the masters, one would think the rest of the week would go on like normal, and for the most part, it did. I woke up at seven, found the note under my door from Darren for the daily chores, then went about doing said chores.

The only difference was the dreams.

If I thought my dreams were naughty before, they had turned XXX-rated in ways I could have never in my wildest dreams have thought of. Each and every one of those dreams featured Wynn. Sure, the others had cameos here and there, but Wynn was the one whispering sweet nothings in my ears before he plunged inside of me with cock and fangs. I’d wake up a shaking mess and in desperate need of new panties.

I’d already gone through a whole box of batteries from how bad it has gotten. However, I made sure to keep my door locked and to only do it during the daytime hours. No need to draw even more attention to my room than I already have.

Avoiding Wynn had been a different challenge altogether. It seemed that I wasn’t the only one who had grown attracted, or in my case even more attracted, to the other. Where before Wynn wouldn’t be up and around before the sun had set, I now would find him reading in his room when I came around to get the laundry.

I darted into the drug store as this morning’s incident flared up in my mind.

“What are you reading?” I couldn’t help but ask. I stood in the doorway of his room, his laundry bag sagging in my hand.

Wynn lounged on his bed, one leg propped up and an arm behind his head, his tantalizing eyes focused solely on the book in his hand. Without looking up from his book, Wynn answered, “The Odyssey.”


Oh? Piper. Really? Way to make yourself look like an illiterate idiot.

I shifted from side to side before giving up on trying to find something impressive to say and headed for his laundry basket. I cursed and chastised myself under my breath, shoving handfuls of clothes into the bag. The scent of Wynn wafted up from the clothes, and my insides tightened involuntarily. I stifled a moan, rubbing my legs together to ease the ache.

My face flushed, realizing I was getting turned on just by his dirty laundry. What the fuck?

“Piper.” Wynn’s usual flirty tone had turned dark and sultry in my ear.

Freezing in place, my back tensed hard enough to break bone. Had he caught me? Did he know how much I wanted him?

Swallowing and then licking my lips, I slowly turned to face him. “Uh, yes?”

With a bemused sort of grin, Wynn stood in the bathroom doorway, his head angled to the side. “Did you just sniff my clothes?”

Yep. He’d seen me.

Tucking a stray blonde hair behind my ear, I ducked my head and glanced down at the bag in my hand. “Uh. Not on purpose. Kind of hard not to notice.”


My head jerked up. “And what?”

“Do I smell bad?”

Narrowing my eyes at the laughter in his voice, I wrinkled my nose. “Like an old dirty gym sock. You really should get that checked out or buy some deodorizer for your shoes.”

Wynn’s blue eyes had turned dark and stormy, and his fangs peeked out from his lips, something that he usually hid so well until now. “Is that so?” He prowled toward me, much like the first day we had met, like a panther closing in on his prey.

Frozen in place, my hand closed and opened on the bag of laundry, not sure how to react to this beast I’d unleashed.

Did I run? No, he’d just chase me.

Play dead? I had a feeling that wouldn’t work. Heightened senses made for better hearing, and I wasn’t one of those people who could slow their heart rate at will.

Hands slammed into the walls on either side of me hard enough to scare me. “Your mind is elsewhere, little human. I thought we were bonding here.”

My eyes skittered away from his arms caging me into his tantalizing gaze. My tongue snuck out to wet my lips, and Wynn’s eyes followed the movement. I let out a nervous laugh and fiddled with the edge of my t-shirt. “Uh...were we?”

His lips curled up in a wolfish manner as he leaned into me. “Yes, you were about to tell me how badly I smell.”

“Was I?” I murmured, only barely paying mind to what he was saying. I’d never been this close to him before. Our breaths mingled, and I could say with all surety that he did not stink, breath or otherwise. He was close enough to kiss if I just moved an inch. My eyelids fluttered, and I prepared myself to be kissed.


“So, what?” My eyes snapped back open, confusion filling me. Wynn had his head tilted to the side, so his neck was bare to me. Did he want me to bite him?

He let out an impatient sigh. “What do I smell like?”

Oh. Freaking literal much.

I released the laundry bag and placed my hand on his shoulder and pushed up on my toes, giving his neck a quick whiff before backing away.


A mixture of jasmine and thunderstorms assaulted my senses, sinking deep inside of me. My breasts felt heavy and ached for his touch. But I didn’t tell him that. Or that my panties were practically ruined from just the smell of him.

With as much self-restraint as I could muster which, let’s face it, wasn’t much, I stepped back from him, picked my bag up, and muttered, “You smell fine,” before ducking under his arm and running from the room.

I’d been avoiding him ever since.

“Do you need help finding something?” a small shop girl with freckles and a pretty smile asked me, jerking me out of my thoughts. Her name tag told me that her name was June.

I returned her smile and let out a nervous laugh. I’d been staring at the same bottle of shampoo for who knew how long so she probably thought I was going to steal the damn thing. “No, sorry. I just forgot what I came for.”

June’s eyes crinkled around the edges. “Boy troubles?”

Sighing, I put the shampoo back on the shelf. “How’d you know?”

“You have that look.”

I cocked my head to the side. “What look?”

Waving a hand at my face, she explained, “Dazed. Jumpy. Lack of normal motor functions.”

Giggling, I scratched my ear. “Is it that obvious?”

June leaned into me. “No, but I know the signs. So why don’t you tell me about it? I might be able to help, and if not, I can at least offer my expertise in hair care.” She winked, making me laugh again.

I ran my hand up and down my purse strap, staring at the shampoos. “Well, I like this guy.”

“Okay, a male.” June nodded with all seriousness. “We’re getting somewhere. So, does he know you exist?”

Despite myself, I grinned. “Oh, yeah.”

“And he likes you?”

“I think so.”

June pursed her lips and placed her hands on her hips. “So, what’s the deal?”

“Well...” I drew out, trying to figure out how to explain it. I couldn’t very well just spit out that he’s a vampire, one of six hotter than should be legal ones that I worked for, and while I would love nothing more than to ride him like a bull, I wasn’t sure I wanted to get that involved with him or any of them for that matter. Immortal soul pending aside, Wynn didn’t see the long-term commitment kind. If he were, then he’d want me to be like him too, and I was so not ready for that. “He’s kind of my boss.”

“Ooo.” June rubbed her hands together with glee. “A forbidden work romance. I like it.”

I ducked my head, scuffing my shoe on the laminate floor. “Yeah.”

“So, he’s your boss.”

“Well, kind of. He’s the brother of the head of the... company, and I’d already been warned not to get involved with them... because it’s against company policy.” Okay, so I was stretching it, but that was close enough to right.

June bobbed her head up and down a thoughtful look on her face. “Understandable. So, you have to decide. Do you like him or just want him to defile you in the best of ways?”

I barked a laugh. “What?”

“Like,” she let out an impatient breath, “do you actually like him, or do you just want to bone him? Can you have a one and done? Get him out of your system and get back to work?”

I thought about it for a moment. Could I do that? Could I screw Wynn and be completely over it? A delectable shudder ran through me at the thought of being with the dark-haired vampire.

Letting out a shaky breath, I shook my head. “No, no way.”

“Then you have to quit.”

“What?” My eyes widened. “I can’t do that.”

June shrugged. “Well, that’s how I see it. Either quit so you can be together, or suck it up and... hold on.” She ran back to her counter, grabbed something from the top of it, and came back over. Smacking it in my hand, she grinned. It was a pack of batteries. “Buy a whole lot of those.”

I was just about to tell her that was exactly what I had planned before a voice I didn’t expect to hear called out. “There you are.”

Holding back a groan, I slowly turned to Rayne. He stood with Allister and Drake behind him, almost like they were his bodyguards for how big they were in comparison. Drake had an amused grin on his lips while Allister seemed way too interested in the drug store like he’d never been to one before. Rayne, the little prick, had a perpetual scowl on his lips as if I were wasting his time.

I glanced back at June. Her eyes were as wide as saucers, and her mouth gaped open. Offering her a polite smile, I nodded to the batteries. “Thank you for these and the advice.”

Starting to walk away, June grabbed my arm and pulled me close. “Forget what I said. Risk it. It’ll be worth it, I promise.”

I frowned at her and then realized she thought Rayne was the guy I was into. I started to correct her but said guy jerked me by the arm and all I could do was wave. “Hold on, I have to pay for these.”

“Forget it.” Rayne threw some money on the counter as we passed by, and I offered an apologetic look before being dragged out of the store.

Once we were on the sidewalk, I yanked my arm away from him, rubbing it while I glared at him. “What the hell was that about? This is my time off.”

Drake and Allister came up behind him, now more interested in our argument than anything. Rayne tucked his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. “Not anymore. Antoine wants us to find you something suitable to wear for tomorrow night. Let’s go.”

“And why can’t I get something on my own? And what’s with the backup? One of you isn’t enough?” I snapped, shoving the batteries into my purse.

Placing a hand on his chest, Drake gaped. “I’m hurt, and here I thought we were being nice, keeping our little brother from killing you in a public place.”

“So, you’re babysitting.”

“What?” Rayne clipped. “They are not babysitting me.”

Allister snorted.

I rolled my eyes. “If he needs a sitter, then why send him at all? There are six of you. Clearly one of you could have come on your own. Or even Darren.”

“Believe me, I’m not any happier about it than you.” Rayne turned on his heels and started walking down the sidewalk.

Drake stared after his brother, before turning to me. “Darren did offer, but Antoine thinks you two need to clear the air.”

“Besides,” Allister added with a small smile, “Rayne has the best taste in women’s clothing.”

“He does, does he?” I drew out, letting my eyes trail after him.

I didn’t know why but something inside of me twisted tight and not in a good way. Why did the thought of the jerk face picking out clothes for other women rub me so wrong? It wasn’t like I liked him. I liked Wynn. Okay, maybe Antoine a bit too. The twins weren’t bad either. Marcus was sweet in his quietly imposing way. But not Rayne! He’d done nothing but be an ass to me.

“Come on, before the little baby throws a hissy fit.” Drake gave me a bit of a push toward the way Rayne had headed.

I snorted. At least I wasn’t the only one who saw him as an oversized baby. Now, if I could keep myself from wringing his neck long enough to find something suitable to wear for tomorrow.

Good fucking luck.

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