Incomplete (Completed)

Chapter Three Weeks Earlier


Marcus and I and absolutely enthralled with each other nearly having ripped each other’s clothes off when someone knocks on the door.

“Yes?” I tried to compose myself but it came out a sultry moan.

“It’s me, Luke, you wanted to see me?”

I got so wrapped up I forgot that I had sent for him. I push Marcus back and straighten out my clothes while Marcus readjusts himself and zips up his pants.

"We can pick that up later.” I link him

“Sorry Luke, please come in.” he comes in and I gesture for him to take a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

“Marcus and I have an opening on the team for you.” I say trying to sound as confident as possible.

“Really?” his whole body perks up.

He’s been wanting a spot on the team since we formed it six months ago. Alester probably won’t be thrilled I did this without his consent but what’s a girl to do? Her brother is in a coma and her leader is probably locked up by his deranged father, her sister is pregnant and her mate told her to do what she thought was right.

“Yes but I need you to do something for me first and it’s going to call on your acting skills”.

“Anything, just name it.” I love that Luke is always up for a challenge.

I explain to him that we need to get caught in a very compromising position, if he knows what I mean. He immediately looks like he’s rethinking his agreement in this.

“Tessa and I need you to pretend to have an affair with her.” Marcus dumbs it down, not that his understanding was the issue.

“So your wolf can kill me? No thank you.” he stands like he’s going to leave.

“Lucky won’t kill you. I will admit he isn’t pleased about this plan but he’s only allowed to punch you.” Marcus smirks.

Goddess he is one sexy wolf.

Luke sits back down, “what else?”

“We need to convince the entire pack that this affair is real.” he looks unsure again and I can’t say as I blame him. “Marcus and I also need to stage a rejection. I know this sounds crazy but there is a spy or spies in our pack and they took Alester”.

“I’m in”.

Thank fuck, I was worried he’d say no.

“This is going to be hard on all three of us and when this is over I promise I will help you find your mate because you deserve everything Marcus and I have.” I smile.

He thanks me and tells me just to pull him in where we are ready. I smile again and dismiss him. Luke leaves and when I turn back to Marcus he’s sitting in Alester’s chair with his eyes closed and he’s focused hard on something.

“Baby? What a-” A bright light appears leaving a very beautiful blonde woman standing in front of us, “-re you doing?”

“Marcus,” she says.

“Holy shit, it worked.” he sounds so surprised.

“I am only here because you mentioned Alester and Kody.” she said sternly.

“We need your help.” Marcus tells her.

“I warn you now there isn’t a lot I can help you with. I am not supposed to get involved.” she informs us like it should just be common knowledge.

“Moon Goddess, all we need is a way to fake a rejection.” that got her attention.

“Why on earth would you want to do that?” she asks, confused.

“Alester is missing, we have spies, Kody isn’t awake and my sister is pregnant. We are out of people we can trust and we are losing time. We need to convince this whole pack that I’m cheating on Marcus so he can reject me and hopefully get the attention of the spies.” I explained.

“What do you need from me?”

“We need to feel the pain of rejection without actually breaking our bond. We need this to be as real as possible without actually destroying each other”.

She looks at us like we each grew a second head. The Goddess paces around mumbling incoherently to herself. She does this for about ten minutes before she stops and looks at us once more.

“I know a wolf that can make a potion to simulate a bond. Perhaps she can make one to simulate the breaking of a bond”.

“Great!” Marcus says excitedly, “where do we find her?”

“You don’t” she responds.

She motions for us to get closer to her and holds out her hands. I look to Marcus unsure if we should really do this, he nods and we take each other’s and her hands, the second we do everything goes black.


When I come to I’m laying beside Marcus in a weird bed while the Moon Goddess is nowhere around. I relax and focus on her voice hoping to hear where she disappeared to, unfortunately I can’t seem to hear anything. It would appear that my wolf abilities don’t work here.

Marcus is still out cold so I get up and do some investigating. I walk down the stairs and then I can hear the Moon Goddess talking to someone. It must be the wolf she told us about.

“Dani, you know I wouldn’t come here and bring wolves with me if I didn’t have to.” she says to the other wolf.

“Is this about your Triad?” the wolf, Dani asks her.

“They will be perfect but sadly one of my chosen one’s is missing and I’m trying to help his family get him back.” she sits back and sips her tea.

“You’re trying to tell me that you need a potion to simulate a rejection to do that?”

“Dani, they have a plan. I can’t interfere and I wouldn’t even if I could. They are building to what they need to do to get to where they need to be to make the changes you want to see”.

“This sounds like if this works I will be able to come out of hiding”.

“Darling, you never had to hide, I told you that.” she says amused.

Suddenly they stop and without turning in my direction Dani says hello to me. I walked down the last couple of steps and sheepishly enter the small dining room.

“Sorry.” I say in shame.

“It’s alright, I am Danika.”

“Hi Dani, sorry for eavesdropping”.

“Don’t worry about it. You have questions I’m sure but before we get to that I’d like to know why you want a potion like the one you’re asking for”.

I sit down and explain what is happening in our pack and our suspicions about Blood Moon having spies and taking our future Alpha. She doesn’t seem to know much about any packs but I remember her saying she was in hiding. I’m guessing that’s why my abilities don’t work here.

“I will make your potion if you tell me more about this future Alpha”.

It’s a little odd but it’s not going to hurt anything so why not?

“His name is Alester. He’s the only child of Alpha Les and his former mate Luna Tracy. He is twenty-seven and he found his mate about seven months ago. He’s a skilled fighter and a magnificent leader and will make a wonderful Alpha when he takes over for Alpha Zane”.

She asks me a barrage of questions and I have to explain that Les is his father and former Alpha but him and his mother have since cut ties with his father and Alester has been asked to take over Blue Moon.

Dani seems shocked in an unusual way but I continue on and tell her that we suspect that Les has kidnapped both Alester and a girl from an Alpha bloodline.

“He is so much worse than my mother warned me about.” she states, sounding shaken.

“Why did she warn you?” I ask curiously.

There is a long silence before she looks me in the eyes and speaks again.

“Les is my father”.

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