Incoherent Perspectives

Chapter 7 - Ember of Rainbows

"Wait! Please don't hurt me, I don't mean any harm," she said. The dragon had her talons up in surrender. She looked magnificent. All the different colours contrast well on her scales. This was one of the legendary Irisalis dragons. Her wings shimmered with colours of the rainbow and even more unique about her character is her eyes. Her eyes were a rainbow colour. She was looking up at me with a sorrowful expression. I guess because of throwing me off guard with the constant stalking. I got up off the ground and brushed off all the sand and dirt from the tumble down the hill.

Once again, however. Aurora thought it'd be a great idea to try and attack again. "No! Don't attack this one. Remember what happened last time? When you attempted to defeat Asteria," I said. Aurora nodded, before landing behind the Irisalis, slowly. Aurora was still healing from Asteria's attack about three days ago. The Irisalis dragon stood up and shook off all the sand and dirt from the hill. "You probably want an explanation," She said. "Yes!" Aurora and I both shouted at the same time.

"Okay, well first off my name is Lumina,"

"Okay, and... Why were you stalking Louis, Helia and Cassius?" Aurora asked. "I wasn't stalking them. I- I was just curious," Lumina said, only slightly defensive. I couldn't see Lumina having awful intentions, especially considering she was practically begging for her life even though I didn't have any intention of killing her. While Lumina and Aurora were arguing I could see a bio carved into the walls, for an Irisalis.

In Irisalis’ realm, at nineteen she stands, Oldest Ember, nearing destiny’s hands. A breath away from adulthood’s stage, In the prophecy’s script, she takes the page. Within the castle, by Queen Indigo’s side, Yet uncrowned, ex-heir, in destiny’s stride. Scales aglow, a rainbow’s shimmering dance, Eyes bear hues, a chromatic trance. A Saga’s kin, second in the celestial line, Sweet and shy, energies intertwine. Forgiven spirit, in innocence, spun, In the shadow of an Angelusalis, her father, the sun. A vow unbroken, no sins to claim, For Irisalis, a celestial name. Her goal, a bond with the unknown’s descent, Closer to the creature, a fate well-meant.

That bio sounded exactly like Lumina. Rainbow scales and eyes. She wasn't full rainbows so that meant there was another dragon in as her father who wasn't an Irisalis and yet another Saga? What is a Saga? What does it take for a dragon to be classified as "A Saga." She shared stuff in common with Cassius and Aurora. The interbreeding like Cassius, The innocence like Aurora. But what did it mean by "Closer to the creature, a fate well-meant?" soon my attention shifted back toward Aurora and Lumina.

Aurora had some kind of skeptical expression. “Curious? You were practically breathing down our necks for days!” she exclaimed. Lumina then sighed, the vibrant colours on her scales momentarily dimming. “I didn’t mean to startle or harm you. I was drawn to your group for a reason.”

I gave Aurora a frustrated look, as she wouldn't calm down. She rolled her eyes before lying on the ground, saddened about being non-verbally scolded. “Drawn to us? Why?” I asked. Lumina took a deep breath before she spoke, “I am Lumina, an Irisalis dragon, and according to the prophecy, I’m destined for a bond with an unknown creature. I sensed a connection, an energy, emanating from your group.”

Aurora raised an eyebrow. “A bond with an unknown creature? What does that even mean?” Realization soon struck me that instant. "It means... me," Lumina and Aurora looked back toward me with skeptical expressions. "What world do dragons and humans naturally share?"

"He has a point," Lumina exclaimed

"Did I ask you!?" Aurora shouted

Lumina just shrugged which garnered an annoyed eye roll from Aurora. She wasn't entirely pleased, I'll admit. But it struck me. I looked at the carved bio on the wall and remembered Aurora's from the abandoned cave near the Alcove Coast in Alcove Forest. “Two bios mentioned a Saga. What is a Saga?”

"A dragon blessed with special abilities. You didn't know that?" Aurora responded. "How was he supposed to know?" Lumina said. All it got from Aurora though was a nip. Having the Embers argue over some of the most ridiculous things was making this prophecy more and more dissonant. The challenge is supposed to be getting the Ignisarbor and Shadow Flare to get along not the Stella Alis and Irisalis. "Can you two knock it off? We have to find the others before coming across Dawn," I said. They ended up completely ignoring me and started arguing once again. "Y'know what? You two can be the ones to explain to Cassius, Helia and Asteria why I didn't return with you. I'm off, If I'm not back within three days, start looking." I began walking off on my own, continuing the search for the final Ember, alone. Or at least... I thought I was alone.

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