Incoherent Perspectives

Chapter 1 - New World

As I stepped through the portal, the world around me melted into an abyss of darkness. The void was somehow even more desolate than the vast expanse of space itself. But then, like a beacon of hope, a faint light appeared on the horizon. It grew larger and brighter until I realized it was a magnificent doorway, shimmering like the gates of heaven. Drawn to it, I walked forward, my footsteps echoing in the silence. Soon, I stood at the base of this colossal entrance, towering above me like a monumental arch. It was

nearly as large as the frame in the alley, and yet, it seemed to hold a secret that only I was meant to discover. I yearned to know who Queen Galaxia was, and what it meant to be chosen by her. Was the answer hidden beyond this very doorway? With a deep breath, I pushed aside my doubts and stepped across the threshold, determined to find the truth.

When I entered, I was greeted by a waterfall in the woods almost instantly. It was placed next to an old-looking cave. I was drawn to the cave because the entrance seemed shaped like the sun. It was almost a perfect circle and around it, there were cracks in the cave that seemed to reassemble sun rays. I drew closer to the entrance, curious about what may lie within. I had a feeling that the entrance was somehow carved like that and not natural. It seemed too perfect to be natural. I took a step into the cave and it seemed like it was lived in at one point. There was gold and jewels piled in one corner and a strange pile of bones in the next. Sharp stalagmites hung from the ceiling like giant icicles, there was also a path leading deeper into the cave.

The walls were plastered with cryptic symbols and messages. Things like cryptic symbolism and imagery describing death, war, emotional pain and devastating loss. One wall had three family trees carved into it. Stella Alis and Shadow Flare are royalty, and Sunburst Aether's diplomacy, dating back as far as centuries. There was one wall that caught my eye though. It seemed to be a prophecy, on the ground next to it was an old-looking map with each breed of... something. I quickly grabbed the map and read the prophecy aloud.

"'Hark!' The words of the ancients foretold long ago

A single being, destined to show

Bringing peace to the land, ending strife and woe

A saviour, pure and true, with power to bestow

From distant realms, the creature shall come

With purpose clear, and heart afire

To save a council, corrupt and astray

And bring an end to the bitter fray

They shall journey to all tides

Returning with five dragon guides, awaiting the quest

Each one chosen, their virtues manifest

A Sunburst Aether, Via diplomatic endeavour shining bright and bold

A Shadow Flare, Shizen’s heir, fierce and untold

An Ignius Noctern, daughter of Xiotern, wise and fair of face,

An Ignisarbor, daughter of a king at war, strong and impossible to replace

An Irisalis, energetic and outgoing, ex-heir of the young queen’s palace, wings a rainbow blaze, seen by her mother as a disgrace

An innocent Stella Alis, heir to their queen’s palace, pure of heart and grace

Together they shall conquer, leaving none behind

This shall unfold, as the stars decree

For the creature’s path is predestined, so we see

Their dreams are pure, their spirit unbroken

Their fate, to save the world, unspoken

So let it be known, far and wide

The time draws near when the creature shall arrive

To bring peace to the land, and end the fight

In the name of justice, all shall unite" I said.

What does that mean? I thought to myself. Next to the prophecy there seemed to be a short bio that seemed like it was a quote ripped straight from an old medieval scroll, next to it was a sketch of what seemed like the dragon for the mysterious bio.

In the mystic realm, a young Stella Alis shines bright, At just fifteen years, a radiant light, Heir to Queen Galaxia, her noble grace, A pure, innocent ember in this enchanted place. When tempests brew and mother-daughter spar, To Alcove Forest’s caves, she’d journey far, A sacred haven, ancient, bathed in golden gleam, Its entrance kissed by sunlight’s gentle stream. With curious heart, her spirit takes its flight, Frankly adorable, in fellow Stella Alis' sight, A Saga, she, of dragonkin, renowned, Magical abilities, their secrets unbound. This power vast, like no other it appears, Among all dragon breeds, they quell all fears, In the saga of the young Stella Alis, destiny unfolds, A mythic tale of legends yet untold.

What did that mean? Shortly afterward though, I could hear the sound of a young female voice deep within the cave. I began slowly walking toward the sound of the voice. "Hello?" I called out. There was no response but I kept heading toward the sound like an idiot. The voice led me to a small sleeping cave, whoever it was, was in there. I entered it and the voice stopped. The sleeping cave had a small crack in the ceiling that was the only source of light. I couldn't see much more as it was practically pitch black in the small cavern. But in the dark, there was a set of glowing purple eyes staring back at me. I had to admit I was terrified. But then, "Boo!" said a strangely innocent voice in the shadows. "Ahhh!" I jumped back, trying not to run off.

"Ha! The look on your face was priceless," she said giggling slightly. "Ahhh! Am I seeing this right-"

"Am I a dragon? Yes."

The eyes came out into the light and I noticed it was a young ember. She looked much like the dragon mentioned in the strange bio. Her scales, glimmering with the colours of the northern lights and she did seem to be about fifteen. "No way! I must be dreaming. Dragons are nothing but a fairytale... Right?"

"A fairytale? Dragons here are not like the ones in your old fairytales, trapping a princess in a castle? No, dragons here are for one, real and two roam freely and not in some fairytale titled The Kight and the Vicious Dragon or something."

"That sounds like some messed up romance tale."

"Ew! No. What I'm saying is dragons are nothing like the fairytales."

It was hard to believe but yes, this was a real live dragon standing in front of me. Not attacking, not vicious and nothing like the fairytales. She just seemed offended. But realization soon struck her. "Wait a minute, you must be the creature stated in the prophecy. You were chosen by my mother, were you not?" She stated.

"Who's your mother?" I asked.

"Queen Galaxia, I can take you to her. She'd be delighted to meet you in person." Wait, meet me in person? That didn't make too much sense. What did she mean by "Meet me in person?" Did Queen Galaxia have a vision and based on that she knew I was the one? I wanted to know more about this Queen Galaxia. That's the third time she was mentioned. Was she important? I'd imagine so if she was mentioned in many of the messages carved into the walls of the main cave. It soon came to me that the dragon I am talking to currently is one of the six embers of the prophecy. Standing before me is one of six heroes. This was her, this was the innocent Stella Alis mentioned in the prophecy.

"Yeah. Could you take me to her?" I responded.

"Of course, I can, but it's a fairly long way from here, about a day and a half by boat I'd guess. But I can fly you there. I know the path by heart." she responded.

"I can walk, it's fine."

"Did you not hear what I said? Boat, think again and take a look at the map smart guy," she said sarcastically. I opened the map I had found by the prophecy carved into the wall. I thought we were just heading to Ta'Chi but I hadn't known their council was across the ocean. I had no idea how to build boats and my guess was the water was decently deep. Although I didn't want to, I didn't have much of a choice. If I hoped to meet the dragon who had chosen me, I kinda had to. "Are you sure I can't just swim across the ocean?" She just gave me a look of "Are you serious?"

"The Ocean is huge. I have to fly you there. Why are you so reluctant? I don't bite... surprisingly," she said.

"Can you at least tell me your name?"

"Aurora!" she responded innocently. "And I already know your name, Louis Blanchet, If I'm not mistaken." I shrugged before we left the cave. It was nice being able to see the sun again and not just through a tiny crack in the ceiling. I still didn't fully understand Aurora's bio on the cave walls. I had no idea what it meant.

As we exited the cave, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with a hint of nervousness. I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind, focusing instead on the beautiful scenery around me.

The sky was a brilliant blue, with only a few wispy clouds scattered about. The sun shone down upon us, casting a warm glow over everything. The air was crisp and clean, filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers. It was a stark contrast to the dark, damp atmosphere of the cave we had just left behind.

As we walked, Aurora led the way, her wings beating gracefully as she glided through the air. I followed closely behind, feeling a bit awkward as I tried to keep pace with her effortless flight. I couldn’t help but admire her skill and agility, wondering how she managed to navigate the skies with such ease and here I am tripping over roots in the forest.

After a while, Aurora spoke up, her voice interrupting the silence between us. “So, Louis, tell me more about yourself.”

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal. But something about Aurora’s friendly demeanour put me at ease, and I found myself opening up to her. “I came to fulfill... something, I suppose. I stumbled upon a prophecy carved into the wall of the cave, and it seemed to suggest that I had a role to play in some greater scheme. I’m not sure what that means, or even what I’m supposed to do, but I felt compelled to follow the path laid out before me.”

Aurora listened attentively, nodding along as I spoke. She offered a gentle smile, shortly after. “You’ve been chosen, Louis. Chosen to fulfill an important destiny, one that will shape the future of our world." What did that mean?

We soon arrived at the coastline and this is where the true challenge began. Trying to figure out how to get across it. The sun began to set casting beautiful pink and orange colours across the horizon. The sea reflected them beautifully and I could see slight shadows across the horizon which I'd assume was the other side of the world. Little did I know that Queen Galaxia had been watching our every move.

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