In Your Wildest Dreams (Wildcat Hockey Book 4)

In Your Wildest Dreams: Chapter 37

“How’d it go?” Jack stands. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him look as nervous as he does now.

“Everything’s good, right?” Leo has a similar anxious expression.

Jack and Leo are joined by Declan, Tyler and Maverick. These are my brothers and I know what I have to tell them isn’t going to be easy.

As soon as we got back today, I had a personnel meeting with Jim to discuss the other day’s altercation. “I have to pay a fine, but they aren’t making me sit out any more games.”

They all relax a fraction, until I add, “I asked him to trade me.”

“You did what now?” Mav’s eyes widen. The rest of the guys are stunned silent.

“I talked to my agent this morning and I’m going to take a few teams off my no-trade list and see if we can find somewhere for me where Gabe isn’t.”

Jack turns and puts a fist through a picture on the wall behind him. The glass shatters and the frame falls onto the ground.

Leo, always the rational one, says, “There has to be another way.”

“Did you tell them what he did?” Tyler asks.

I shake my head. “It’s not my story to tell and even if I did, it might not change anything. I shouldn’t have let him get at me like that at work.”

“Gabe should be the one leaving, not you. This is bullshit.” Jack’s eyes are almost black when he’s pissed…and he is pissed.

“I respect it, but fuck, man.” Declan’s jaw tightens after he speaks.

“I’ll be okay, and so will the team. You guys have a shot of making it back to the playoffs, but not with all the distractions happening lately.” We only managed to get one point on our road trip. Three games, two losses, and one tie. This team is too talented to be playing so badly.

“I’m going to talk to Jim,” Jack says.

I hold up a hand to stop him. “Let it go, all right? It’s for the best.”

He flicks his gaze away. “I like Bridget, so I mean no disrespect, but don’t throw away everything for her. You’ve worked too hard.”

“I’m not throwing anything away.” I clap my hand on his shoulder reassuringly. “I love this team. A few months ago, I would have said I loved it more than anything, but now… I love her more. I can’t ask her to have a future with me when it means she has to see that prick. And with me gone, maybe you guys can get back to focusing on hockey.”

I drop my hand from him and give my buddies a smile. I’m gonna miss the fuck out of them.

I know in my heart it’s the right thing, even if it’s going to royally suck to start over with a new team. “I need to find her. I’ll catch you guys later, all right?”

Each of them hugs me on the way out.

Leo hangs back. “Scarlett brought her to see Gabe yesterday.”

“She did? Why?” The idea of her being in that jerk’s presence makes my pulse kick up.

He nods. “Not sure, but Scarlett said she let him have it.” He smiles proudly. “Your girl is tough as nails. And so are you. You’ll be okay, but fuck I’m going to miss you.” He slings an arm around my neck and hugs me again.

I swallow the lump in my throat. “Right back at ya.”

Instead of calling Bridget, I drive over to her house. Our texts have been few and far between. I wanted to show her instead of tell her how much she means to me. She’s it for me.

Everly opens the door, hugs me, and says, “She’s in her room.”

Bridget’s door is open. She’s standing at the edge of her bed shoving a pile of clothes into an overnight bag. My heart squeezes in my chest at the sight of her. Any hesitation I had that I made the right decision is completely erased. She glances up as I fill the doorway.

“Hey.” I walk in slowly.

“Hi.” She drops her bag on the bed.

“Going somewhere?”

“I was going to drive up and stay the night with my parents for a few nights. I confronted Gabe. It’s time I told them everything too.”

“I heard. I’m proud of you. That couldn’t have been easy. I hope you didn’t do that for me.”

“I didn’t. Well, not just for you. It was time.”

“I could come with you.” I shrug. “If you want. I don’t have anywhere I need to be for a day or two. The team has a break for the next two days and by then I might be heading somewhere else.”

Her face falls as the meaning registers. Tears fill her eyes. “Ash. No. He can’t do this. The team means everything to you. You can’t let him trade you.”

“He didn’t do this. I did. This team did mean everything to me, but this thing between us…it means more.”

Her face twists in pain.

I close the distance between us and raise a hand to her cheek to catch a tear with my thumb. “This is a good thing. I can’t ask you to make a life with me when it means having him in our lives, and Bridge…I want to make a life with you. I know you have a few months left of school, but once I get settled somewhere then maybe you can look for a job there. Or we’ll do long distance. It’s all negotiable except you. I love you so damn much and I’m really hoping you feel the same. I want to date you and tell the whole damn world that I’ve fallen for you. I don’t want to hide.”

Instead of saying the words back, she kisses me. The stress of the past few days lessens. It doesn’t mean I won’t miss this place, but I know I made the right decision. I can’t play hockey forever. Maybe someday we can come back. My mind is already conjuring up the next twenty years with this woman. I don’t know what the future has in store, but today it’s me and Bridget against the world. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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