In Your Wildest Dreams (Wildcat Hockey Book 4)

In Your Wildest Dreams: Chapter 19

“Good morning!” Everly pokes her head into my room.

When I groan and throw an arm over my eyes to block out the light, she laughs and comes to sit on the end of the bed. The three of us insisted on coming home last night to sleep in our own beds, which I’m thankful for now. My head pounds and my stomach is queasy.

I peek out at her. “How are you not hungover?”

“Oh, I was, but Grace made muffins and I ate like five of them. Soaked the alcohol right up.” She holds up a large muffin on a napkin. “I saved you some and I made fresh coffee.”

“I don’t want food or caffeine. I want sleep.”

“Nooo,” she whines. “You promised to tell me everything that happened with you and Ash this morning. I’m dying. I let you sleep until noon.”

“It’s noon?”


I groan and sit up. “I don’t think I promised that I’d tell you everything.”

“You did. I’m almost certain.”

“Like you remember anything. You almost fell in the hot tub.”

“Yeah. That last shot was not a great idea.”

My eyes feel like sandpaper and my head aches. “I can’t believe I have to drive home today.”

She hands over the muffin. “Then don’t. Stay an extra night with me. Grace is staying with Lane tonight. We can go out or stay in. I’m sure Ash won’t mind.”

“I knew I was going to regret telling you we kissed.” I tear off a hunk of blueberry muffin and stuff it into my mouth. “I was tipsy, he was tipsy. It wasn’t a big thing.”

I’m not sure I believe the words even as I say them.

“Uh-huh. That’s not what it looked like to me.”

Everly and Grace walked outside right after the kiss that will forever live rent-free in my head. Damn can he kiss. If they hadn’t interrupted us, I’m not sure I could have stopped.

The night as I remember it after that was filled with a lot more dancing and fun with Grace and Everly. Ash and I didn’t have any more moments alone, and I’m trying to decide if I’m thankful or sad about that.

Thankful. Definitely thankful. That kiss was incredible, but it would be dumb to get involved.

It was a one-time thing that I will replay for eternity.

“I have to go back today, anyway. I promised my mom I’d go shopping with her this afternoon.”

“What time do you have to leave?”

“Soon. I probably should be on the road already.”

“Well you have to eat, so that’s enough time to tell me everything.”

I flop back onto my mattress. “I don’t know what happened. We were outside talking and then…he kissed me.”

She lets out a little squeal.

“Are you really excited about this?” Her reaction surprises me. Ash is like a brother to her and she knows my relationship with Gabe was messy. Even if my ex weren’t working with the Wildcats, there are a lot of reasons she might not be on board with me getting involved with someone she cares about.

“Of course. I love you and I love Ash.”

“Yeah, but isn’t it weird or something?”

“No.” She laughs. “Why would it be weird?”

“He’s your brother’s teammate.”

She doesn’t blink, totally unfazed.

“Grace liked him.”

“Months ago. And, I don’t really think he’s even her type. We were just spending so much time with him that it was easy and convenient. Plus, Ash is so damn charming it’s hard not to crush on him.”

“I thought you said he was like a brother.”

“To me, yeah, but I see how girls are around him.” She pulls on my arm to make me sit up. “Tell me what’s really worrying you. Do you not like him? Are you going to break his heart? Am I going to have to kick your ass?”

“Me break his heart? You’re not serious. He’s…Ash Kelly.”

“He’s just a stinky boy who happens to play hockey really well.”

“And kiss really well,” I mutter under my breath.

She catches it and smiles. “So you do like him?”

“Yes. Maybe. I don’t know. I liked kissing him.”

“So your lips like him. That seems promising.”

“Every part of me likes him,” I say honestly. “But it was one kiss. He knows it’s as bad of an idea as I do.”

“You’re not a bad idea. He likes you too.”

I don’t know what to think. But I’m going to be gone for a couple of weeks, so I don’t have to figure anything out today.

I put the rest of the muffin on my nightstand. “I should shower and pack. What are you going to do all break?”

“Sleep in, hang with Grace until she goes to Hawaii, go to some hockey games. My mom is coming up on Christmas Day and then I might go with Ty and Piper to visit her family the day after. When will you be back?”

“I’m not sure. I’m scheduled to work on the third, so I’ll be back by then.”

Everly scrambles to her feet. “Be right back.”

While she’s gone, I swing my feet over the side of the bed and get up. Ugh. I need a shower.

Last night was fun. Next time I need to drink less and remember to do my skincare routine before bed, but nonetheless, I’m really happy I went out with Everly and Grace.

I missed this so much. Going out with friends and then spending the next day talking about it and laughing at all the dumb stuff we did. Except the dumb stuff in my past was never quite as exciting as kissing a hot hockey player.

Everly comes back into my room as I’m pulling out my suitcase from the closet. She’s carrying a red giftbag with white ribbons hanging off the handle.

“Merry Christmas.”

The back of my eyes sting with the threat of tears as she hands over the present. In true Everly fashion, the outside of the present is picture-perfect. “You didn’t need to get me anything.”

“I know. I wanted to. Open it.”

I remove the white tissue paper until I pull out a flat, rectangular wrapped item. “You could be a professional gift wrapper.”

She snorts. “I’m a bit of a perfectionist.”

I tear the smooth paper and unfold it until I reveal a wooden picture frame. Me, Grace, and Everly have our faces squished together. The Wildcat hockey arena is the background. I barely remember taking the photo at the game we went to last week because I was nervous about seeing Ash. But despite that, I look happy. I am happy.

I run my finger over the bottom of the frame. Our names and the date are painted in pretty lettering. “Did you make this?”

“I bought the frame, but yeah, I painted it.”

“I love it.” I hold it to my chest. “Seriously. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I have a little something for you too.” I set the picture down on my nightstand and open the first drawer where I stashed Everly and Grace’s gifts. I wasn’t sure if we’d do this. I had just planned on leaving them on the kitchen counter before I left for home.

“It’s just something silly.”

She tears into the present with more excitement than it deserves. When she sees what’s inside, she looks up and smiles. “Oh my gosh. Bridge, this is beautiful.”

She pulls out the snow globe and shakes it.

“It reminded me of the night we were snowed in and watched movies.”

“The first night we all really hung out together.” She smiles at me and then stares at the fake snow falling inside the little globe. “I love it so much. It’s perfect.”

The doorbell rings as she hugs me.

“I wonder who that is,” she says.

“You’re not expecting anyone?”


She hurries out of my room to get the door. I stay put and start to look through my clothes to figure out what I want to take home for a week or more of lounging around my parents’ house.

“Bridge!” Ev yells. “It’s for you.”

“For me?” I swipe under both eyes like that’s going to make me presentable. I need a very long shower, but apparently don’t have time for it.

When I get into the living room, Everly is holding out a black box with a red bow, grinning like a fool.

“It’s for you,” she says.

“From who?”

“Look and see.”

I flip open the small card on top of the box without taking the present from her. Bridget, I owe you a drink. – Ash

I’m certain I’m blushing as I move to open the box. Inside are four small bottles of vodka, triple sec, simple syrup, and fresh lemon juice. Each one has a little red bow on top. Laughter bubbles up inside me. He got me the ingredients for lemon drops.

Everly moves closer to look inside.

“It’s what we were drinking,” I say by way of explaining the contents of the gift.

“Damn, Kelly. I’m impressed,” she says more to herself than me. She turns those knowing hazel eyes on me. “Still think it was just one kiss?”

It’s late before I’m able to hide away in my old bedroom at my parents’ house. I spent all afternoon shopping with my mom before she and my dad went to a work party.

I have a text waiting for me from Ash. It came in while I was in the car with my mom. I could have looked at it before now, but there was something exciting about knowing it was there. Anticipation and giddiness that I wanted to last as long as possible.

I sent him a thank you for the present earlier this afternoon and his text is a reply to that.


You’re welcome. Have any plans tonight? Want to have a drink with me?

And a little later when I hadn’t replied yet.


I knew I should have gone with roses.


The gift was perfect. Sorry, I was shopping with my mom. I drove home this afternoon for the holiday break.


Where’s home?


Rockview. It’s about two hours north.


Well shit. How long do you think roses will last?


Umm a week maybe. Why?


I panicked and sent roses to your house about twenty minutes ago.


You did not.


Oh, I absolutely did.

I smile at the screen as I crawl under the covers with my phone.


When will you be back?


I’m not sure. I work on the third, so maybe the first or second of January. Do you get to see your family for Christmas?

Ash doesn’t reply right away. I’m conflicted. Being around him is fun and that kiss was incredible. The gift and the texting are so sweet, and I can’t deny how happy it all makes me, but pretending like it’s perfectly fine as long as Gabe doesn’t know we’re talking seems incredibly naïve. Then again, it’s not like Ash is proposing we get married and have babies.

So maybe we can kiss a little more.

As happy as I am to be texting him, my eyelids are heavy from lack of sleep last night. I’m so looking forward to sleeping in while I’m home. My phone is resting on my chest and my eyes are closed when it pings with his response.


Sorry. I was trying to text and hold a crying baby at the same time. Do not recommend. I’m flying to Boston on Christmas Eve and staying for two nights.

He sends a picture of him with a cute little baby snuggled up against his chest. Wow. It’s a good look for him.




I try.


I obviously meant the baby.


Was it obvious though? Meet Callum, Leo’s little guy. I’m his favorite uncle.


I have no doubt.


January 2nd, huh?




All right. That’s twelve days from now.


Good math-ing.


I graduated college and everything. So in twelve days, wanna hang out?

My stomach flips as I read the message three times before responding.




Sure? Wow, don’t sound too excited.




Muuuuch better 😎

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