In Too Deep

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

I started my day off with a run through a clearing in the woods that I found near Fair Lake, it was far enough away that I hoped no one would come across me accidently, but close enough that I wouldn’t be gone long enough for anyone to notice and come looking for me. The campus does have a gym, maybe I’ll try that out at some point and see what it’s like. But for this morning, I just wanted to be by myself and enjoy the fresh air, to feel the wind whipping through my hair.

After a couple of hours running, I returned to campus and hit the showers, enjoying the feeling of the warm water rushing over my body. When it got to classes I was glad I had spent the morning burning off some energy, otherwise it would’ve been difficult sitting through such tedious classes.

Everyone seemed to be avoiding me at all costs still, which was fine by me. In Maths, the jock Jo that I have to sit next to, ignored me after shooting me a deathly glare. Oh well, I’m not really here to make friends. I kept my head down and got on with my work.

I headed in to my next class, Rune Studies. Whilst there are lots of things in magic that are interesting and exciting, learning about runes was not one of them. However this class is mandatory so I will have to suffer through it.

The teacher, Miss Adams, seemed to have long, boring lectures about each individual rune, could she not just get to the point? How long does it take to explain their meanings? I could feel my eyes beginning to droop when the bell finally rung signalling break. It’s about time.

I met up with Lucas and Violet in our usual place near the courtyard. I was thankful to see some friendly faces after my classes so far this morning.

“Hey Freya, how have your classes been?” Lucas asked. I sighed and shook my head.

“Beyond boring, I barely stayed awake in my last class.” He laughed at me.

“Just don’t go starting any trouble just to make the day more entertaining.” He gave me a pointed look.

Me, cause trouble? I have no idea what you’re referring to.” I pretended to be offended, he just laughed at me again.

“Sure.” Lucas scoffed.

“Although I’m starting to realise joining in the middle of the year may not have been the best idea. I have a mountain of work to catch up on.” I shook my head thinking about it.

“If you need any help, we can study with you.” Violet offered. “Just don’t try to find a way to use magic to complete your work. I don’t know how, but they know when students try that, it would lead to an automatic suspension.”

“Thanks, I may have to take you up on that.” A study session with Violet might be just what I need, she nodded.

The bell signalled the end of break and Lucas and I headed to Economics. Another class I know so little about. It’s a good thing my main reason for being here isn’t for the education. But it would be wise not to flunk out before I find out if this place is up to anything or not.

In class I took the seat next to Lucas, and other than shooting me a hostile glare, Trina said nothing when she entered, and found a different seat to occupy. Bastien entered the room and his eyes seemed to find mine instantly, his gaze seeming to hold mine in place so I couldn’t look away.

“Good morning class, it’s time to hand in your essays.” He informed everyone as he walked around the room gathering them from each student. He stopped by me. “Freya, come see me at the end of class and I’ll give you the assignment outline, I’m sure Lucas can help you if you need it.” I nodded.

As he walked back to the front of the class I couldn’t help but stare at his ass, his tight trousers showed how toned it was. He turned and I looked up immediately, realising I was staring way too obviously. I met his eyes and he smirked, he had definitely noticed. Shit. I need to be more subtle. Or you know, not stare at my teachers ass, that would be a good idea too.

Bastien was actually a pretty good teacher. He managed to make the subject sound interesting, and didn’t just drone on with a power point in the background like a lot of schools do these days. Even with him trying to keep the lesson compelling, I was finding it hard to concentrate.

I don’t usually let myself get so focussed on someone’s looks, especially when I’m investigating. I don’t know what it was about Bastien that made him have this effect on me, could it just be because I can’t see in to his mind? Either way, he’s a teacher for flip sake, so I need to get him out of my mind one way or another.

The bell rang and I hung back for my assignment, as requested. When the last students were leaving I walked up to Bastien’s desk.

“How are you finding the class so far?” He asked me. Due to my lack of concentration throughout the whole of today’s lesson I wasn’t sure exactly how to answer that.

“I’m getting there, I haven’t really studied this subject before.” At least that was honest, and would explain my lack of knowledge.

“Interesting decision to transfer in on your first day.” He raised his eyebrow. It was a statement rather than a question. “Here’s the outline for the assignment, I can give you a little longer than usual so you have time to get to grips with the subject before you have to write it.” Bastien offered.

“Thank you, I appreciate that.” I said as I took the documents detailing the assignment from him. He held on to the papers a little longer than necessary before he let go.

“How are you settling in here at Fair Lake?” Bastien asked as he walked around his desk, standing in front of me.

“Very well thank you.” Standing this close to him was distracting me all over again, I couldn’t help but glance down at his muscular chest, why does he always wear such tight shirts? I looked back up in to his eyes and he was smirking, he had yet again caught me checking him out. I’ve really got to work on my subtlety.

Bastien raised his hand and slowly pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear, leaving his hand on my cheek when he was done. I stared in to his eyes, not really sure what to do, or what to say. My heart beat faster at the feel of his touch and I could feel my cheeks blushing read, which I’m sure didn’t go unnoticed by Bastien.

The sound of a locker slamming in the corridor brought me out of my trance, I stepped back away from his touch.

“I need to get to my next class.” I stammered. “I’m going to be late.”

“Of course.” He said smoothly and gestured to the door.

I rushed to my next class, Tarot Reading, and quickly took an available seat. Hoping no one would notice how flushed my face was.

“It’s nice of you to join us Freya.” Mrs Chapman criticised my lateness.

“I’m sorry, I’m still finding my way around.” I thought this would be a good enough excuse, she nodded.

Mrs Chapman gave us some instructions on how to read tarot cards and what they meant, she wanted us to practice reading them ourselves, so she instructed us to try and read the cards of the person next to us.

Carly, who was sat next to me didn’t seem overly pleased with being paired up together, I wondered which incident caused her to have an issue with me, but there’s enough to choose between I suppose. She drew 3 cards for me as the teacher came over to us.

“Let’s see what we have here girls.” Mrs Chapman addressed us as Carly flipped over the first card. Strength. It showed a woman holding open a lions jaw. “An excellent first card.” Our teacher began.

“This card not only symbolises physical strength, but mental strength too. This card also implies magical or superhuman powers. However, unlike the magician card, all her powers are internal, a part of her being, not reliant on external forces.” Mrs Chapman explained to us. Ok I guess that’s not a bad start.

Carly flipped over the second card, which revealed Judgement. That doesn’t sound quite so good compared to the first one.

“Carly, why don’t you have a go at interpreting this one?” Mrs Chapman suggested. Carly glanced at her text book for help.

“This card represents judgement day, the resurrection or awakening of the dead.” That doesn’t sound good at all! I’m starting to dislike this class as well. Carly continued.

“However, the trumpet on the card can also represent enlightenment, as we are reborn as fully integrated individuals. Self-awareness and the ability, as adults, to throw off earthly concerns. The judgement card is a call for truth, and a promise to the self to maintain and look after this born-again consciousness.” Carly almost read word for word from her textbook, but Mrs Chapman didn’t seem to mind.

I didn’t particularly want to see the last card she had drawn, but she flipped it over anyway, revealing the Death card. Carly sucked in a breath. Mrs Chapman took over as Carly clearly didn’t seem like she was about to explain this card.

“The Death card doesn’t necessarily signify a physical death. It can mean a change, an ending, or a new beginning.” She tried to reassure me. “The skeleton on the card symbolises the inner part of ourselves that is rarely revealed.” Mrs Chapman continued. As I stared at my three cards, our teacher continued around the room to see how the rest of the class were doing.

Strength, Judgement, Death. Regardless of what Mrs Chapman said, if you took these at their most obvious meanings, it didn’t show a good outcome for me. If we weren’t in a place full of supernatural beings, I wouldn’t give the cards any credit, usually they would be used for entertainment purposes or to make the gullible feel better about themselves.

But in my line of work, and what I’m trying to do here these cards did not provide me with a lot of confidence. People were already judging me from what happened on my first day, I am undoubtedly strong, both physically and mentally, just as the card suggests. That’s two out of three.

That only leaves death.

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