In Too Deep

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

“What the hell?” Lucas asked shocked.

“I have connections.” I said with a shrug. He again expected me to elaborate, and again I didn’t. “Come on, we’re going to be late for Economics.”

“I saw your schedule, you don’t have Economics.” Lucas replied confused.

“Yes I do, I changed my schedule earlier. I’m a mind reader Lucas, just because you don’t tell me what’s bothering you, doesn’t mean I don’t know.” Comprehension and embarrassment dawned on his face.

“Yeah but you didn’t need to change in to my lesson. I could have handled it myself.” I could tell that me knowing about the situation bothered him, but with a little sneak peak in to his mind I knew that he was grateful that I had his back.

“I know, now come on.” I said impatiently. “I will need you to help me with just one thing though.”

“What’s that?” Lucas asked.

“What are you actually learning in Economics? I know very little about the subject.” Lucas laughed and rubbed his hand over his face, not believing I just transferred in to a class that I was probably going to fail.

“You’re crazy.” He shook his head at my response.

“No, crazy is for Tuesday’s.” He laughed and after we said goodbye to Violet, Lucas led the way to the classroom.

I sat next to Lucas when we entered and I sensed that he was nervous, all the previous humour drained from his features. A few moments later revealed why.

Three girls entered the room and made their way to where we were sat. The middle one was obviously the leader. She was the typical blonde haired, blue eyed, skinny type that I absolutely despise. The one standing to the left of her had chocolate brown hair and matching brown eyes. The one on the right was the tallest of the three and had strawberry blonde hair.

They all wore their hair exactly the same, straightened to perfection, and all fit the typical cheerleader stereotype perfectly. With a little look in to their heads, I found out that they were indeed that. Go figure right? This place definitely had an American feel going on. First jocks and now cheerleaders. I guess they really were trying to cater to everyone here.

So these were the people bothering Lucas? Well, not for much longer. This was going to be fun.

“Can I help you?” I asked with a knowing smile.

”Yes, you are in Trina’s seat.” The brown haired one stated simply, gesturing to the girl in the middle, as if it were obvious. She had the most irritating nasal voice I have ever heard.

“Am I now?” I asked, pretending to already be bored with them. I didn’t move, I didn’t even look at them. I turned to Lucas with the intention of starting a conversation when Trina spoke up.

“Well?” She demanded.

“Well what?” I asked, still faking boredom.

“Aren’t you going to move?” I finally looked at them now. I pretended to deliberate their question for a moment and their impatience was clearly growing.

“No.” I stated simply. Trina raised her eyebrow. We had the whole classes’ attention now so she had to be careful how she acted. She didn’t want to mess up her perfect reputation. Trina spoke to me rather politely and with a sweet smile that I knew was fake.

“There’s a seat over there next to Derek that’s free.” Trina advised me. I had no intention of moving but to humour her I looked to where she was gesturing. I shook my head.

“No way am I sitting next to another idiot jock today.” Lucas laughed, and started fake coughing to try and disguise it. The three girls in front of us were not impressed.

“Look, we aren’t trying to cause trouble here. You probably already figured this out but my name is Trina.” Well she was actually right about something, I had already figured that out. “This is Camille.“ She continued, gesturing to the brown haired girl. “And this-“ She gestured to the remaining, strawberry blonde girl. “Is Bonnie.” I really couldn’t care less about being introduced to her friends, which didn’t go unnoticed by Trina.

She ignored my rudeness and continued with her fake niceties. “Like I said before, we don’t want any trouble and we want to take this time to welcome you to Fair Lake.” Wow, she actually sounded somewhat sincere. But I knew that wasn’t the case. “You are new here and obviously no one has told you the rules.” Now she just sounded patronising.

“Do you mean your rules or the Academies’ rules? Or are you so stuck up that they are affectively the same thing?” I asked her and her expression darkened.

“Look here-“ She began but I interrupted her. It was my turn to talk now; she was really getting on my last nerve, I’ve had enough of listening to her. She enjoyed the sound of her own voice but I certainly did not.

“No, you look here.” I stood up out of my seat and jumped over the table so I was right in her face. “I do not care about you or your stupid rules. I don’t give a damn what any of your names are and about this being your seat? Guess what? This is my seat now.” By the time I finished she was fuming.

I could sense magic building in the space around me, I focused my energy to prepare myself for the coming attack. I sensed that her elemental power is to control air and she put all of her energy behind it as she shot it at me, with the intention of throwing me in to the back wall of the classroom. But, knowing her intention gave me the time I needed to deflect her efforts and back fire them on to her.

Instead of me flying in to the back wall, she was flung to the front of the classroom stunned, just like the rest of the class that were sat there silent, with shock clear on their faces.

That was when I heard slow, mock clapping. I looked for the source of the sound and saw a teacher leaning against the doorjamb with a smile on his face. Was he standing there the entire time? And if so, why was he smiling? He looked quite young, about the age as me, or a few years older maybe. But considering he’s a vampire that really doesn’t mean anything. He has short, spiky brown hair, and a muscular build.

Two things surprised me about him. The first is that he was actually quite good looking, which is very odd for a teacher. His fitted blue shirt clung to him, showing off his muscular chest and abs. Seriously, what teacher has abs?

The second thing I noticed annoyed me more then it surprised me. He knew how to shield his thoughts. He must know that I can read minds and by his smug expression he knew how irritating it must be for me not to be able to get in to his head. By now Trina had gotten back up with the little dignity she had left, looking outraged.

“Did you just see that? Aren’t you going to do anything?” She nearly shouted at the teacher. He looked over to her.

“What exactly do you propose I do?” He asked her calmly. She looked at him stunned for a moment, but recovered quickly.

“Well I don’t know, how about you give her detention or expel her or something? I could have been injured!” Trina demanded.

“She was only defending herself. Any pain or injuries you received, you were planning on inflicting on her.” He pointed out, I had to bite my lip to hide my smile.

She was furious, to say the very least. The class was laughing at her as quietly as they could. Her face was red with anger and humiliation.

“Well she should still be expelled! First she beats up our star athletes and now this!” The teacher just continued to look at her calmly. “You are so going to pay for this bitch!” She screamed at me. I did a little mock finger wave at her and she stormed out of the classroom with Camille and Bonnie trailing behind her.

To think that this all started with me sitting in her seat. Of course it wasn’t actually about that, the three of them have been bullying Lucas, doing anything to try and embarrass and humiliate him. I couldn’t have that, I realise I haven’t known him for long, but he seemed like a nice guy, and he didn’t deserve that.

The whole class burst in to laughter. I was biting my lip in attempts to hold my own laughter back. The teacher calmed the class down and then turned to me.

“That was quite an impressive deflecting spell.” He said sounding genuinely impressed.

“Why thank you Bastien.” His eyes widened slightly and he strengthened the walls that he put around his mind to keep me out and then comprehension seemed to dawn on his face.

“Just because you have blocked your mind, it doesn’t mean I can’t find things out about you from their minds.” I said, gesturing to the class. They all fell silent as realisation hit them.

“So you are a mind reader.” He said it as a statement but I answered him anyway.

“Yes I am. But you already knew that.” Bastien smiled and I got the impression I had just landed myself in it big time.

“Why yes I did. News travels fast around here. But do you know what the interesting thing is?” He asked. I didn’t answer; I thought it would be better that way. “No? Ok I will tell you then. The interesting thing is that I have never, in all my years ever met a mind reader who can do deflecting spells.” He said with a cocky, knowing smile.

Crap! He looked intently at me. I kept my face clear of all emotions and tried not to give away the fact that I was screaming at my own stupidity inside my head.

“Well no two people have the same power. Just because you have not met a mind reader who can do deflecting spells does not mean that it isn’t possible.” I was clutching at straws here and from his smile, I think he knew it too.

“That may very well be true but to be able to perform a spell to that high a level you must have been practicing it for years.” Whilst he was speaking he began to walk closer and was now right in front of me.

Maybe a little closer than a teacher should be to a student. So close that at 6 foot he was towering over me and I was helpless but to stare up in to his deep, blue eyes as my mind stumbled for a response. He had a smirk on his face as if he knew my thoughts were no more than a jumbled mess.

But I didn’t stay like that for long. I sieved through my classmates’ minds to see if they knew a way out of this conversation, yes I really was that desperate but I came up with nothing. Brilliant, so very helpful. Not. But I did come up with quite a lot of information on Bastien here so it wasn’t a complete waste of time. I decided on a different tactic and attempted to steer the topic away from me.

“Like learning how to block your mind does? Everything takes time to learn, it just depends on your level of skill that will determine how long it takes.” He smiled knowingly at the turn of events.

“Indeed it does. Indeed it does.” Was Bastien’s only response. And with that the bell went signalling the end of class, the commotion with Trina taking up rather a large amount of time. Bastien dismissed the class and they all left happy that they didn’t have to do any work at all that lesson.

It wasn’t until I heard one of Lucas’ thoughts that I realised I still hadn’t moved. I was still very close to Bastien. Our bodies were almost touching and I was still staring in to his eyes. Neither of us said anything and the moment was growing kind of awkward. I managed to break eye contact and I looked down at the floor, coming back to reality, I remembered that everyone was leaving.

I took a step back and that seemed to break the trance we were both in. I grabbed my bag off the floor and when I looked back up at him he had that same smirk back on his face. I glared back at him and left the room without looking back.

I was left thinking one thing only – what the hell just happened?

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