In Too Deep

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

The last few days have consisted mainly of training. Smithy and Ryan have been teaching everyone the best defence and attack techniques and I was in charge of instructing everyone on how best to use their powers to the maximum extent without putting too much strain on them mentally.

It helped that I had already been training Violet and Lucas, but everyone else didn’t seem to have the slightest idea about fighting. It didn’t help that Sophia and Jimmy argued constantly over the smallest things. It really wasn’t making things easy for me and I was losing my patience.

“Maybe we should take a break?” I said to everyone interrupting yet another argument between the two of them, I never knew that families argued so much.

“We will continue in an hour, get something to eat and have a rest.” I said and walked out of the room and headed towards Smithy’s office. I was only in there a few minutes when the door opened.

“How long have you been in here?” Smithy asked me whilst closing the door.

“Not long.” I said in reply. We were silent for a moment.

“Anything on your mind that you need to share?” He asked me.

“Sometimes I think that you have Lucas’ power.” I said to him with a small smile.

He waited for me to sort through my thoughts. I looked at him and I saw the questions in his eyes, questions that I knew he wouldn’t ask.

“Smithy, you could have found out anything about me that you wanted, I promised to tell the truth and I meant it. You have so many questions to ask me and that would have been the perfect time. Why didn’t you?” I asked him.

“If there is something I need to know about you, I trust that you will tell me in time. If you do not, then I don’t need to know.” He said.

“I was going to tell you about my power, I do trust you.” I tried to reassure him.

“I know. I am going to make one exception about not asking you anything, but only because I sense that you need to talk it out with someone. And as I am, I will say nothing if you wish to make an exception to your promise of telling the truth.” Smithy said and I nodded for him to continue, I think I know what was coming anyway. “How long has this been going on with Bastien?”” He asked. I sighed, looking down at my hands in my lap.

“Since I started at that Academy.” I said.

“And……how err close…….” He cleared his throat before he continued. “Have you gotten? I’m sorry but I have to ask, I need to know how far this has gone.” He said looking really awkward.

“It hasn’t gone that far.” I said and he looked relieved, this conversation had turned awkward rather quickly. I was actually having the sex talk with Smithy. I know that he acts like a sort of father figure with me sometimes but this I was not expecting. “I feel so stupid, letting myself get that close.”

“Freya, you can’t blame yourself for getting hypnotised, it isn’t particularly a common ability, even amongst vampires.” He told me, trying to make me feel better. “If you don’t mind me asking, is there something going on between you and Ryan?” I groaned and he held his hands up. “I shouldn’t have asked.” I was hoping after I avoided this conversation last time, he wouldn’t ask again.

“Things with Ryan are complicated, just like everything else in my life right now.” He nodded in understanding.

“If I’m allowed to have an opinion, I definitely think Ryan is better suited for you than the guy who hypnotises, kidnaps and drugs you.” I could tell he was making a joke, trying to lighten the mood. I laughed.

“Good to know.” I said dryly.

“You know I’m here for you, no matter what-“ He began but was cut off by shouting outside. “What the hell is going on now?” He asked looking rather annoyed.

“Probably Violet’s father and grandmother arguing again.” I replied and sighed at the thought.

“That doesn’t sound like their voices.” Smithy said. “That sounds like Ryan.” He said as we walked out of his office and towards the shouting. I listened carefully as we headed towards the voices. We turned in to the room and saw Ryan towering over Mr Jackson. They stopped arguing when we entered the room.

“What’s going on?” Both Smithy and I asked in unison.

“I am just letting you know about your only hope of survival.” Mr Jackson said to Smithy.

“And what would that be?” I asked him, I couldn’t read his mind as he was wearing that stupid medallion again, preventing me access to his thoughts. Then again, I couldn’t access his thoughts beforehand anyway, but I’m guessing he didn’t know that for sure.

“I think I’ve got a pretty good idea what he’s come to say.” Smithy said, whatever it was, he didn’t look pleased. Mr Jackson turned to me.

“The only way for your friends to survive this, is if either they hand you over to us or you come to us willingly.” He said.

“Not happening.” Smithy said sharply, before I even had a chance to speak. “If the only other way to resolve this is to fight, then we will, and we will win.” He said with a note of finality in his voice.

“What about you, Freya?” My Jackson asked me. “Are you willing to sacrifice your friends in order to save your own skin?” He taunted me.

“What makes you so sure you will win? You pretend to know so much about me, and yet, if you truly knew the extent of my powers, you wouldn’t dare threaten me. I am after all, unbeatable.” I said coldly.

“You have no idea how big my army-“ Mr Jackson began.

“It doesn’t matter, we will still win.” I interrupted him. “And besides, I am not forcing anyone here to fight; they can leave and not be a part of it. They are here by choice; we don’t need to resort to bribery.” I said to him, thinking back to his emails. He raised one, thick eyebrow at my reply.

“I know a lot more than you think I do. I know that your main reason for coming here is so that you can find out our numbers and how much information we actually know.” I told him.

“You can’t possibly know all that, the medallion-“ He began.

“Only prevents me from reading your mind. But you are so very predictable.” I cut him off.

“Well I can see that you have made up your mind, I shall go now.” He said, and with that, he left without a backwards glance. When he was gone, Ryan turned to me.

“Why didn’t we just kill him while he was here?” He asked me. I was about to answer but Smithy beat me to it.

“His entire army, as he blatantly puts it, know he’s here, if he didn’t return then they would show up here.” Smithy explained.

“If they know we’re here, why didn’t they just attack us now, when we’re not ready?” John asked.

“I do not know.” Smithy stated truthfully.

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