In The Name of Love

Chapter 67: Escape

Rain drums steadily on the Aethyrozian delegation as they slog along the muddy road across the border between Syazonia and Aethyrozia. The rain has been their more or less constant companion since they left Zosya, and the soldiers around Fifi gripe about it every time they make camp or stop for the night at some nobleman’s castle. Fifi, however, is mostly unbothered, protected from the weather by her long, dark cloak, and her horse, Kyastan, also doesn’t mind the rain. He tells her its been ages since he’s left Zosya’s stables for more than a few turns about the courtyards, and he’s just as eager as she is to be away from that place and having an adventure. And although Fifi has been sore and blistered from the constant riding and roughing it on the road, adjusting to this new life hasn’t been as difficult as she feared it might be.

I just have to make it to Kai, she keeps reminding herself. He’s been preparing. He’ll have a plan and a place for us. And we’re in Aethyrozia now. It won’t be too much longer.

Off to her left, the foliage rustles. Kyastan’s ears prick up and he sniffs the air, then snorts a warning that only Fifi understands. Her body tightens as she checks the bag under her cloak to make sure it’s fastened securely shut and that it stands no danger of slipping off of her.

Moments later, a horde of armed men bursts from the trees around them. Pandemonium erupts as men shout, women scream, and horses whinny their surprise and distress. Carriages grind to a halt. Metal and wood crash against to each other as swords meet shields and armor and each other.

In all the commotion, no one seems to notice as a lone rider wearing a long dark cloak gallops away from the fighting and disappears into the rain-drenched forest.


The rain has subsided to a fine mist by the time Fifi brings Kyastan to a halt in a clear space next to a river. She glances around them, wondering which direction they should go to get closer to Lonyr. She can no longer hear fighting or voices calling for her, just her breathing and that of Kyastan.

“Still too damp for a map,” she mutters, one hand on the bag at her hip. “Take a drink, Kyastan. We’ve got a long way to go.”

He snorts and nickers, telling her to dismount and stretch her legs. Fifi nods and slides to the ground. Her muscles ache and protest at the change in position and having to support her weight, and she nearly falls as her feet slip in the soft mud.

“I’ll have to find a stump or something to get back up,” she warns Kyastan. “No way to get leverage to jump like this.”

He doesn’t respond, just goes to the river and drinks like he’s been wandering in the desert for hours. Fifi rolls her eyes. She’s still getting to know the horse, and although they chose each other for this journey, she doesn’t always like his attitude. We’re bound together, though. No way I can finish this journey on my own. I don’t even know which way to go, she muses, walking over to one of the trees.

Her eyes close as she lays a hand on the bark, listening and feeling the energy within the oak. An image of a tall, strong, old man with a crown of leaves appears behind her eyelids.

What do you seek, child of Cybarei? the tree spirit asks her.

“Can you show me how to find him, or help him find me?” she murmurs, picturing Kai in her mind and willing the spirit to see him. I hope this works. Please let this work, she prays.

Eya’kollo will guide you, and Mol’sekereh will carry your words. Something skitters in the branches over Fifi’s head. She opens her eyes to find herself face-to-face with a red squirrel, who chitters at her and offers her an acorn.

“Thank you, Eya’kollo,” she says, accepting the acorn and tucking it into the pocket of her cloak. Then a grebe flies around her head. She offers it a hand and it perches there, then cocks its head to one side and looks at her expectantly. “And you must be Mol’sekereh. I need you to find a friend of mine and give him a message. Can you do that for me?”

Mol’sekereh chatters at her briefly and ruffles its feathers, giving its assent.

“Thank you,” Fifi tells the bird. “His name is Kai, and he can be found in Lyrnola, near Lonyr. Tell him that Fifi is on her way, and to try to meet me if he can.”

The grebe twitters and takes off in a flurry of feathers. Eya’kollo scrabbles down the tree and chirrups.

“You can take me to Lyrnola?” she asks the squirrel, who nods and dashes a short distance away from her, then turns and looks at her expectantly.

“All right. Thank you, mighty oak, for your guidance and for providing me with aid.” She dips her head reverently toward the tree before she goes to Kyastan’s side. “Come on, Kyastan. We have a guide. Let’s keep moving, before my father’s people find us.”

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