In The Name of Love

Chapter 55: Impressive

Before Minna’s arrival at Zosya, Adalberto thought of their upcoming marriage only in practical terms, with no feelings involved other than guilt and grief for Valeriya. He told himself it would be easier that way, that they would have time to sort out an arrangement that worked for both of them after the wedding, that the important thing was to do what his father required of him.

Then Minna stepped out of her carriage and their eyes met, and the way she smiled at him shattered the icy walls around his heart, allowing warmth to bloom in his chest for the first time in months. Ever since he has been trembling inside, though he’s sure he’s played the part of the gracious host and charming prince well; if he hadn’t, Casimiro would have mocked him once the Aethyrozian princesses retreated to their suite to freshen up before supper. But Casimiro has been ignoring him, and they have been busy greeting noble and royal guests throughout the day, giving Adalberto little time to reflect and compose himself. For that reason he was all too eager to accept his father’s directive to go to the Great Hall early and make sure that everything was in order for the formal, celebratory meal they intend to have with all of their guests tonight, on the eve of his wedding.

Adalberto finds nothing amiss in the Great Hall as he meanders through it, inspecting the table settings and candelabras and decorations, not that he expected to—the servants have been working day and night for months to make sure that everything would be perfect for his wedding celebration. He resolves to do something special for all of them, whether during the celebration or after, to let them know that their efforts are seen and appreciated. They deserve as much as I can give them and probably more, he muses, and maybe Minna will help me think of something, if she approves….

He cannot imagine that she would not. He has not seen her be anything but kind and gracious with anyone. Her sister even helped their attendants carry some of their luggage inside, and Minna did not reprimand her for acting below her station. If I have to remarry, for the good of the kingdom, I certainly could have done worse. And this time we’ve at least had the opportunity to get to know each other a bit before getting married. He is grateful beyond words that he had the courage to give Minna instructions for getting a letter to him, and that she chose to do so. Perhaps the Aethyrozians are on to something with their Quest for Favor, however ridiculous it might seem.

The main doors open behind him with a burst of trumpet fanfare, jolting him out of his thoughts. He turns around to see his family coming into the Great Hall, followed by a procession of wedding guests. His breath catches at the sight of Minna, who has changed into a turquoise gown more flattering than anything she wore in Adelhyod. Everything else in the room fades out of focus and he crosses the room to meet her as though it is empty except for the two of them.

“Princess,” he greets her. His mouth has gone dry, preventing him from saying more, so he offers her his arm.

“Your Highness,” she murmurs as she takes his arm, allowing him to escort her to her seat, which is next to his.

“You’re beautiful.” He pulls out her chair for her—something a servant should do, but in this moment, he doesn’t care.

She blushes and turns away. “Thank you.”

The rest of the world comes back into focus as she takes her seat and he sits next to her. His father and mother sit at the head of the table; Adalberto is at his father’s right hand. Lisandro sits across from him, poised to take care of their mother if she should start feeling more poorly than usual. Emiliano is beside him, across from Minna, with Fifi on his other side and Prince Didier of Vyrunia next to her. Adalberto realizes with a pang of guilt that Minna has locked eyes with her sister and seems to be mouthing some sort of an apology. The brunette Aethyrozian princess is making herself small in her seat, and though she is smiling, her smile feels forced and brittle.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers to Minna as his father claps twice to alert the servants to bring out the first course. “My father arranged the seating chart, and I could not change his mind about any of it.” Should I tell her about his agreement with the Vyrunian ambassador? Adalberto wonders, then decides that this isn’t the time or the place. Someone else might overhear.

“It’s just one meal,” Minna replies under her breath. “She’ll manage, I hope. But you did tell Emiliano—”

“Yes, and my father, as well. To no effect, it would seem.”

Minna sighs and nods. “Is everything ready for tomorrow?”

“Yes, absolutely everything, now that all our guests are here.” He gestures down the long table and around the room. “I must say, I overheard the Aethyrozian Royal Orchestra practicing earlier, and I was thoroughly impressed.”

“I am glad on it.” She fiddles with the beet salad in front of her. “But are you ready?”

He should have been expecting this question, but somehow it still catches him off-guard, and he fumbles a bit for words. “That…that depends. Are you?”

“I chose you. A choice I do not regret. You are honorable and admirable, and I believe we can be happy together, in time. But I also have the deepest respect and sympathy for your grief, and I fear—”

“Don’t.” He takes her hand under the table and squeezes it gently. “This isn’t the place. But I agree that time will work in our favor. And we will have time, at Nysia.”

Minna smiles, shy but genuine.

“Thank you again for the lovely flowers, Princess Wilhelmina,” Queen Casilda remarks before Minna can say anything else to Adalberto.

“Of course, Your Majesty. I am glad that they please you,” Minna replies. “We also brought seeds, if you would like for some of them to be planted in your courtyards here.”

“We’ll have to make a courtyard or two off-limits to some of my sons,” King Celestino grumbles, glaring towards Emiliano and Casimiro, “or else the flowers will be doomed as soon as they’ve so much as sprouted.”

“They don’t joust in the one nearest my suite, dear. Planting them there should be fine,” the queen assures her husband.

“Then we will make arrangements to do so, after tomorrow.” King Celestino turns his attention to Minna and his eldest son. “Princess Wilhelmina, what can you tell me about Aethyrozia and your father’s army?”

Adalberto’s breath catches in his throat. He didn’t expect his father to ask her any questions of this kind.

“Begging your pardon, Your Majesty, but I’m afraid I would need a more specific question to provide you with useful information,” Minna answers the king after only a moment’s hesitation. “I have had the privilege of sitting in on a good many of my father’s meetings with his advisors, when I was not occupied with wedding plans. What is it that Your Majesty seeks to know in particular?”

Surprise and admiration swell in Adalberto’s chest as he regards his betrothed, who does not seem the least bit intimidated by King Celestino’s stony mannerisms and blunt inquiry. A flicker of astonishment crosses the king’s face. Valeriya wasn’t half so tactful, may Chuezoh rest her soul, Adalberto reflects, and once again he finds himself wondering if he can love another woman. Looking at Minna now, the idea seems more plausible than ever before.

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