In The Name of Love

Chapter 51: Futures

The Royal Carriage jolts and rattles as four matched palomino horses pull it away from Adelhyod on the road towards Syazonia. Inside, Minna and Fifi sit on plush cushions in cheerful colors. Thick red curtains cover the windows to offer them privacy and protection from the hot Frigtor sun, but Fifi has her curtain pushed aside to afford her a view of the countryside rolling past as they travel. Minna, in contrast, sits staring straight ahead, her mind racing. There’s so much I want to talk about with her, and we may not get a better chance for privacy than in this carriage, she muses. Their maids are riding in other carriages, and their guards on horseback shouldn’t be able to overhear them, as long as they keep their voices low and close the curtains. But then again, Fifi’s sight-seeing also brings a nice breeze into the carriage, which would otherwise be quite hot and stuffy, and what Minna can see of Fifi’s face is alight with curiosity and wonder. We’ll have several days of traveling like this, Minna tells herself. At least one of them is bound to be rainy. I can wait until then….

Her thoughts drift back to Adalberto’s most recent letter to her. There wasn’t time to write him more than a quick note in reply before they left, but she sent it, along with his Friggenter gift, by their fastest, most reliable courier. I hope he likes his gift. I hope he likes me, she frets. His letters and gift have shown her no cause for fear, but knowing how he grieves his late first wife, Minna cannot help but worry that she, or at least remarriage, might not be the best choice for him so soon after he has suffered such a loss.

Outside their carriage, one of the guards makes a bawdy joke about a peasant girl and the other guards burst out with raucous laughter. Fifi pulls back from the window and lets the curtain fall closed, her face a picture of disgust.

“Now they’ve gone and spoiled it,” she grumbles. “And I just saw the sweetest looking little cow…”

“They’re just having a bit of fun,” Minna excuses the guards. “This has to be an exciting change of pace for them, too.”

“Maybe, but they know there are ladies present. You don’t normally tolerate such uncouth behavior.”

“With the curtains closed, we can’t hear them. And they can’t hear us.”

Fifi turns to her sister with one eyebrow arched. “Are you having second thoughts?” she asks in Syazonian.

“No, not at all,” Minna replies in kind. “Thank you. Practicing is a good idea. And I don’t think any of these guards speak Syazonian.”

“Practice will be good for me, too. But what’s the matter?”

“I can’t believe we’re on our way to Syazonia, for me to get married. It seemed like this day would never actually come, and yet the time since my Quest for Favor has gone so quickly….”

“I know what you mean. It’s been something of a whirlwind, and I imagine it’s been even more so for you. And once we get there….”

“So many things will change so quickly. I believe we’re meant to arrive the day before the ceremony, and then we will have the festivities, and Adalberto and I will leave for Nysia the same day you depart to come back home.”

“At least you won’t have to stay at court with his awful brothers.”

“I wouldn’t mind seeing more of Lisandro, if Lisandro is willing to see me.”

“I think he really liked you, at your Quest for Favor.”

“I do, too, and Adalberto’s letters have hinted the same.”

“Has writing been going well? You haven’t said much to me about his letters, since the first one. I know he sent you that beautiful bracelet with this most recent one…” Fifi gestures to the gold chain clasped around Minna’s left wrist.

“Yes, I think we’ve gotten to know each other a bit more and…I really like him, Fifi. With each letter I’m more convinced I’ve made the right choice for me. I’m just worried that…that he’s not ready to be married again, that it’s too much too soon, and…. I’m glad we’ll be going to Nysia, away from court. I hope that means there’s less pressure….”

“What, to have an heir or five right away?”

Minna blushes. “Yes, that, and how that would impact…him and me. Since he lost Valeriya to childbirth…. He mentioned he’s terrified of something like that happening again.”

“One step at a time, if he’s willing. And make sure you keep talking to each other.”

“Yes, I intend to. But as you say, one step at a time, and we have to get through the wedding first. He said it’s a smaller guest list than would be usual, on account of his situation, but I expect there will still be hundreds of people.” Minna bites her lip, remembering how Adalberto wrote that all the royals of Lokva were invited. Will Didier be there? I’m sure he suspects Fifi will be with me, and I doubt he’d willingly miss a chance to woo Fifi in person, she muses. But I shouldn’t say anything about it to Fifi, as set against him as she seems to be. Father’s bent on her choosing him, and giving her time to plan ways to avoid him won’t help her in the end.

“Counting the nobles in the galleries, we entertained hundreds of people for your Quest for Favor, and that went beautifully. You always perform well under pressure. You have nothing to worry about,” Fifi assures Minna.

“Thank you,” Minna smiles. “It’s just a bit different this time. At least at home I knew most of them.”

“That’s true. Even so, though, you’ll have me and Greta, and of course Adalberto will be there for you, I’m sure.”

“Yes, he will be. Even if he doesn’t actually like me, he’s an honorable man—”

“How could he not like you, Minna? You’re charming and intelligent and caring—”

“I didn’t mean it like that. I have every reason to think…we shall get on quite well together. I wish we could have celebrated Friggenter together, actually, not that I would have hastened leaving home…. But I do wonder how similar their celebration is to ours. He seems eager to celebrate Oggerheim together at Nysia, and he says they’re preparing for you and Emrik to come stay with us for that holiday, which should be great fun.”

“I hope I’m able to attend.” Fifi’s expression turns dark and brooding. Minna’s chest tightens with worry for her younger sister.

“What do you mean?”

“I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors about my Quest for Favor, that Father’s planning to have it early, just after Oggerheim, close to my eighteenth birthday.”

Minna winces. “Father has said as much to me, and made me promise to say nothing to you about it. But it doesn’t matter if you’ve already heard.”

Fifi nods as though she expected such an admission. “So if that’s the case, I doubt he’ll let me leave for any reason, even to see you. He’ll want to keep me close so I can’t do anything he wouldn’t approve of, under the guise of making sure I’m involved in all the preparations.”

“We have time yet to persuade him. Mother wants you to be able to visit me for Oggerheim. Working together, we have a chance.”

Fifi just thins her lips and turns back towards her window, raising one hand to push the curtain aside again.

“So, since your Quest for Favor is coming so soon,” Minna adds hastily, “do you have your eye on anyone in particular?” In her mind, she sees Fifi dancing with Kai and the other noblemen’s sons at the Friggenter celebration, looking happy and alive and free.

Fifi’s hand falls into her lap as she returns her attention to Minna, frowning. “It doesn’t matter, does it? Father has already made up his mind about my choice. And you think I should just go along with it.”

“That would certainly be the…easier path. But I know you don’t see things the same way I do. And you were never without a partner during the Friggenter dances.”

“The noblemen swarm towards any opportunity for personal advancement like moths fly to flame,” Fifi scoffs. “You had their attention throughout the night, as well, even though you’re betrothed.”

“Not all of them are so hung up on personal advancement. Or at least, they didn’t show themselves that way during my Quest for Favor. That young man from Lyrnola, for instance.”

“That’s true.” Fifi’s expression has turned guarded. Minna’s stomach twists.

“You danced with him more than once that night, didn’t you? I know I asked months ago, but…do you fancy him?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Father hates his father so much, I’d have a better chance of asking to marry Algot than of choosing him in my Quest for Favor, if he even bothers to compete.”

“His father prevailed upon him to compete in mine. I’d wager he’ll compete in yours, as well.”

“Maybe. But it doesn’t matter, like I said before. Father’s made up his mind.”

But you haven’t denied liking him, Minna wants to say, but she bites her tongue. Pushing Fifi too hard will shut down the conversation, and it’s clear that she doesn’t want to talk about this at all.

“You told me over and over again to follow my heart, to choose someone who’s right for me,” Minna reminds Fifi gently. “Are you not planning to follow your own advice?”

“Minna…you won’t be there,” Fifi answers, and her voice breaks. “I will be facing him alone. I know I’ll be able to write to you, and I might have Mother’s support of my own inclinations, and maybe even Emrik’s, but…. If I decide to follow my heart, Father and I will end up in a contest of wills. Is that a fight you think I can win?”

Minna casts about for words and comes up empty. All thought of comfort dies on her tongue as her eyes meet Fifi’s, which are full of despair and desperation.

“You’ve said before, Father always gets his way,” Fifi continues, her voice hard and cold and bitter. “And so entertaining the idea of a romance with any of the nobles would be incredibly foolish of me. I doubt he’d even let me choose a prince other than Prince Didier. So it doesn’t matter what I want. It’s never mattered. And I don’t want to think about it. I’m just glad that you’ve found a path to happiness, in spite of him and all that’s happened.”

“I’m sorry, Fifi,” Minna whispers. Fifi just shakes her head and goes back to watching the world outside their carriage go by as they jolt along. “If there was something, anything I could do to make this better for you….”

“Don’t. The next few weeks are about you and your happiness. We’ll have time to worry about me later. Open your curtain and let the breeze in! Don’t you want to see Aethyrozia, while you’re still here?”

Minna smiles in spite of herself and decides to take Fifi’s advice. After all, it’s a beautiful day, and they still have several days of traveling together in the same carriage. They will have other chances to discuss what the future might bring them.

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