In The Name of Love

Chapter 11: Nobility

Weariness gnaws at Minna’s nerves as the Chief Royal Steward leads the next competitor, Lord Ragnar, the son of the Marquis of Marduth, into the Hall of Private Audience. So far, the interviews have been very productive in eliminating suitors, but that’s not how she hoped the Questioning would go. At least Lord Kai didn’t make me pry answers out of him like Lord Ulrik did, Minna tells herself, trying to look on the bright side. Still, I doubt Father found any merit in his answers. Will he let me keep him in for the Ball, for Fifi’s sake? I think they could be good friends.

“Welcome, Lord Ragnar,” Minna greets the next competitor. Goodness, but he’s intimidating up close. Those muscles, and that stern expression…. His cornamuse performance yesterday was excellent, but now I’m wondering why he didn’t compete in the Athletics division, instead.

“Thank you, Your Highness,” Lord Ragnar replies with a bow and a smile. Oh. Wow. He’s actually handsome, in his own way. Black hair like that has never been my preference, but…

“To start things off…. Do you have any enemies, and if so, how did you get them?”

“I don’t know that I have enemies, per se, but I seem to have a…knack for making the wrong impression on people. I’ve been told I look….”

“Scary?” Emrik volunteers, breaking protocol and earning him a fierce glare from King Ansgar.

Lord Ragnar chuckles nervously. “An apt word, Your Highness. Thank you. But truly, I mean no one any harm, and I always try to be pleasant and helpful to those around me.”

Lord Ragnar proves to be something of a sweetheart, in Minna’s opinion, as their interview wears on. Well, there’s another one we can invite to the Ball, she decides as the Chief Royal Steward escorts him out and the next competitor, Lord Einar the Marquis of Saisyn, is brought in. This one is a decade older than her, with a gaze that makes her think that he is appraising the value of everything and everyone in the room. He proved himself a very good archer in yesterday’s competition, Minna remembers.

“Would you perhaps be willing, during the course of this competition or afterward, to offer Prince Emrik tutoring in archery? You showed yourself quite adept at it yestermorn,” Minna entreats him.

“I will do anything you wish, for a price,” Lord Einar answers.

“The favor of the crown is not reward enough?” King Ansgar interjects, saving Minna from coming up with a more tactful reply. Lord Einar arches an eyebrow in response.

“Perhaps we’ll…revisit that question later,” Minna decides before moving on to her next one. Unfortunately, all of Lord Einar’s thoughts seem to be focused on money and wealth and personal enrichment. By the end of the interview, Minna is convinced she could never be happy with him as life partner.

Next comes Lord Mathias, the son of the Marquis of Chasthyr, a self-assured young man with curly brown hair and hazel eyes, the charcoal artist whose work Fifi admired in the Talent Round. His bow is crisp, his greeting bright, and of everyone Minna has interviewed so far, Mathias seems the most pleased to be in the room.

“A just man is slow to anger, honest, and loyal; a just king should be ten times so. What proof can you offer me that you have such qualities?” Minna asks him after learning that his favorite meal is roast pheasant dressed with cranberries and mashed potatoes.

“Father has me sit with him to judge cases the vassals bring to him,” Mathias replies. “A few weeks ago, I was presiding in our court and two farmers came, using language I cannot repeat in front of Your Highness, arguing over which of them should pay for a ruined fence between their properties. It took patient, calm questioning to determine that the fence was ruined when one farmer’s hogs were frightened by the other’s hounds, and more calm, measured debate to convince them that, since the fence benefits them both and was broken through mutual negligence—the hogs never should have been so close to it, and the hounds should have been kept under better control—the two of them ought to split the costs evenly between them. After they left, Father said he couldn’t have handled it better himself, and that he is confident our territory will prosper under my jurisdiction. And, begging Your pardon for this presumption, Your Majesty, but I do believe King Ansgar can attest that my father is not the sort to mince words or offer false praise.”

“Accurate,” King Ansgar allows. Maybe this one has impressed him a bit, Minna hopes as she scrutinizes her father’s face. If he’s telling the truth, he’d be a competent co-ruler, should such a responsibility ever fall to me. But of course, he’s not a prince of Syazonia…. Even so, Minna cannot help but be impressed by Lord Mathias’s continued confidence and well-answered questions, right up until the end of the interview.

“Finally, what questions do you have for me?” Minna inquires.

“I have three, if Your Highness will indulge me,” Lord Mathias responds. Minna nods. “Does Your Highness prefer to rise early or later in the morning?”

“Before the sun, most days. I like the peace and quiet of dawn.”

“Does Your Highness like to spend time outdoors, and if so, doing what?”

“I do, mainly going for walks or playing my flute outside for the change of scenery.” When Fifi and I are able to sneak away together, Minna adds silently. Have we done that for the last time?

“What is Your Highness’s favorite court dance?”

“The pavane, with a good partner.”

“I hope you have only good partners at tomorrow’s Ball, Your Highness.”

“Thank you, Lord Mathias, for your time in this interview. My decision will be announced at supper.” And with that and a bow, Lord Mathias takes his leave, and less than a minute later Duke Oskar, the son of the Duke of Quelnuth and the suitor who juggled for the Talent Round, takes his place. As Minna expected, Duke Oskar does indeed have quite a sense of humor. However, he doesn’t seem to be taking any of her questions seriously, treating the entire interview like it’s some colossal joke. Emrik, at least, is enjoying this interview, laughing aloud at some of Duke Oskar’s jokes. Minna, in contrast, steels herself to keep her disappointment hidden; another suitor to send home tonight. He’s no match for me.

Duke Oskar is followed by Duke Alvar of Emskyr, who looks to be about five-and-twenty but reveals himself to be a decade older. His posture is rigid and upright, his expression severe, and he directs his speech to King Ansgar, rather than looking at Minna.

“What expectations would you have of me as a wife, Duke Alvar?” Minna inquires, trying to gain the suitor’s attention.

The Duke’s eyes flicker briefly towards Minna, but then he pointedly tells King Ansgar, “My wife ought to submit to me in all things, as Chuezoh intended, and bring my home joy and comfort and heirs, which my past two wives have failed to do.”

Despite her best efforts, the color drains from Minna’s face. This one must go. There is no point in continuing the questions anymore, but I must maintain appearances. “Past two wives?”

“Both victims of tragic accidents. My father allowed our family property to fall into some disrepair, and while I have been working diligently to rectify the faults in it, the process is slow going and some…dangerous places remain.”

Minna shoots Fifi a frightened glance, and Fifi tips her head towards the door with a pointed look. At least we’re of one mind about that, Minna thinks. She rushes through her remaining questions and breathes a heavy sigh of relief once Duke Alvar exits and the doors close behind him.

“Dearest. Is there any way you can see to it that the Duke of Emskyr never remarries?” Queen Ingrid asks her husband.

“He will not wed either of our daughters, that much is certain,” King Ansgar replies, and then the Chief Royal Steward brings Duke Fredrick, the son of the Duke of Rothan, into the Hall of Private Audience.

The violinist, Minna remembers with a smile and greets him warmly. For him, almost all of her questions center on music and violin technique. Duke Fredrick’s approach to music theory and playing the violin differ from her own, but she is eager to learn from him, even as she senses her family is growing tired of their debate on the intricacies and importance of proper pizzicato technique. Emrik groans loudly more than once in their conversation to express his displeasure, and King Ansgar actually terminates their interview before the discussion reaches a natural conclusion and orders Duke Fredrick out of the room.

“Minna. You can’t be serious,” he chides.

“He is a talented artist,” Minna defends herself.

“Later,” Queen Ingrid warns as the doors open again and the Chief Royal Steward brings Grand Duke Maksym into the room.

At last, the royal suitors, Minna sighs in relief. Just a few more, and then I’ll have at least a few hours to think it over and decide.

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