In Reach?

Chapter You have no say in this

Liam’s POV

“Because,………she’s my mate.”

What the fuck did he just say?

I rushed back from our meeting with the Moonstone Pack just to run into this.

The first thing I asked about when I walked in, was her. I wanted to know how she was doing. My wolf kept getting agitated the whole day about something, and it kept working on my nerves. I had to get back and see her.

But then Char tells me she’s fine and somewhere around the house. I was making my way to the library to find her, but Noah caught my attention and said something about Ashton staying longer.

I look back at him, standing in the empty library. “What? Is Ashton still here?”

“Yeah. He said something about still having unfinished business here.”

I growl out of annoyance. I don’t want him staying here any longer.

“But I already asked Char about it and she said she’s done with Ashton, that he can leave.”

This is just annoying me more. What is he up to? Why does he wan to stay?

“What is that asshole up to?”

But before I can even finish my sentence, I hear a squeal and loud laughter outside. I look out the large window and see red. Yes, my wolf is fucking pissed at seeing her laughing out loud and playing around like that with that fucker, -Ashton.

I release a loud growl at seeing this, and soon after I hear the others rushing this way.

I don’t have time for this. Getting a front row seat, watching the two of them laughing at each other like that. Just as I turn to leave I see Noah’s own annoyed expression as he’s looking out the window. Either he hates Ashton just as much, or he does really care for Mira. Just as I walk out the room I see Aiden and Theo making their way to the library. They don’t even say anything to me and just follow behind as I march my way to the garden.

Making my way outside I can hear her laughing louder than ever. She never laughed like that with me. I’m standing there pissed off with my arms crossed staring daggers at them. But these two don’t even sense my presence. What the fuck?

I can see him twirling her around, holding her back to his chest. They’re both still laughing and having some kind of conversation, and at that angle he can just lean down and be kissing her.

“What the fuck is going on here?” I can’t believe I have to actually make my presence known. It’s annoying to think that I’m ‘popping’ whatever bubble they’re in.

At least they stopped with whatever laughing fit they were in. But he’s still holding her, and she doesn’t seem eager to get out of it either.

“Let go of her.” Do I need to command these people to do the obvious now?

“No.” I hear Ashton say.

That fucker. He’s really trying to push my buttons now. I don’t like him holding her, but my wolf sort of wants him to continue challenging me so I have a reason to rip his throat out.

But then she looks up at him, with her face so close to his. I’m clenching my fists so tightly, I know my palms might bleed from the way my nails are growing, from how my wolf is trying to push through. And he dares to smile back at her.

It’s like he keeps trying to inflate this fantasy bubble he has created. But my body’s practically radiating with anger, that my next breath comes out as a growl. I am a bit surprised though at hearing the others behind me growling too, helping to gain their attention back to us, to me.

She can see how pissed I am. I know she can, I can see it in her eyes. But she’s still just standing in his arms, like she’s actually contemplating to not move.

Is she still pissed at me?

“I won’t ask you again, Ashton.” I hate having to say this asshole’s name. “Step away from her, now.”

And just as my wolf wanted, he challenges me again.

“I can’t do that, Liam.”

I’m shivering with anger and excitement as my wolf wants to shift. This idiot dares to challenge me on my grounds.

“And why the fuck not?” I just need him to say another stupid thing, so I have a valid excuse to lunge at him. I already have witnesses.

But from all the things to say, I did not expect to hear what he said next. “Because,........she’s my mate.”

What the fuck did he just say?

Mira’s POV

“Because,........she’s my mate.”

Wait what? I thought there was definitely going to be a fight coming. But then Ashton said this. What does he mean? Am I his mate?

I look up at him, and he’s still looking firmly at Liam.

Liam. What does this mean now? I look at him questioningly, hoping he can either confirm or explain this to me.

Why am I even looking at him for answers?

This man just said I’m his mate. I’m his mate. That means he’s my mate. I have a mate.

I should be happy about this, right? But why do I have this knot growing in my stomach? I knew this day was going to come eventually, the day that Liam and I would have to part. I just didn’t think it would be this soon.

But Liam’s expression isn’t helping me with anything. He looks angry and agape at the same time. I don’t think he can help me with this.

I look back up at Ashton, and he’s looking at me now with that soft smile of his again. The smile of my mate.

He finally loosens his hold, and brings his hand up to cup my face. “Mine.” He says as he looks into my eyes.

But do I really want this?

Yes, he’s my mate, but I don’t really know him, beside the fact that he’s a doctor, an amazing cook and has a sense of humour. I know I should be happy. He’s supposed to be my ‘forever’, but I’m scared to hold onto him just yet. That would officially turn Liam into my ‘never’.

I’m scared. Why am I scared of my mate? It’s clear that I don’t even know what I want, what I need. I can’t trust myself right now. Who can I trust? I’m alone here. All that I am certain of is that I’m scared.

I look away from him as I hear a growl ahead of me. It’s Theo, and he’s making his way here. But the other’s are trying to stop him, not Liam though.

“Stand down, man.” It’s taking both Noah and Aiden to keep him back, but he’s too big. He’s still finding his way closer.

“Let her go.” Theo says through a deep growl. He seems angry, his wolf seems angry. But seeing him struggle to come to me, to help me, is making my situation that much more scary. He seems to be getting more agitated. “Let her go now!” He sounds more animal than man now.

Ashton pulls his arms back though.

“Calm the fuck down.” Noah is trying to wheel him in with a tight grip around his neck.

What must I do? Liam is just standing there in all of this, doing nothing. Ashton isn’t holding me anymore, I can leave, but should I? I want Theo to come help me, but seeing him struggle hurts me, to think they would hurt him for trying.

I feel my stomach going into a tight knot again, but it’s more painful now. I can feel the sweat on my brow, I’m heating up again. It’s too hot here. I need to get fresh air, I can’t breathe. The knot in my stomach is stinging through my body now, like shock waves.

Aaahh! I grip my stomach, hunched over as I fall onto my knees. I can see Ashton; he’s kneeling down next to me looking concerned as he tries to hold me. He’s speaking, but I can’t make out what he’s saying. I can’t hear him. There’s a loud ringing in my ears. It’s too hot. I can’t breathe. It hurts.

I can feel myself falling, everything in front of me looks like it’s rotating.

Ashton is holding my face, looking very worried. But I still can’t hear him. But then his face looks like it’s getting smaller. Like he’s moving further away from me. No, I’m being pulled away from him. I’m being pulled into someone’s arms, his arms.

Liam is looking at me just as concerned, but I can’t make out what he’s saying either. It hurts, but I can’t tell them. It’s not long after that everything just goes black.

Liam’s POV

What the fuck is happening?

I’m rushing into the house with Mira in my arms. She’s in pain, I know it. She gave such a terrible scream, it made my nerves sting. And the look in her eyes just now, -she’s in pain.

I feel like I’m in pain, for not knowing how to take it away.

I rush down to the infirmary into the closest medical room, to lay her down. I hear the others rushing behind me. The moment I lay her down, Aiden and Char come rushing to her. They seem like they know what to do.

I turn around, and there is that fucker, the man who always finds a way to piss me off every time I see him.

I grip him by the collar of his shirt and shove him against the wall behind him. “What the fuck did you do?”

But he also looks confused. “I didn’t do anything.” He’s pulling on my arms. “Let go of me!”

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I growl at who it is, annoyed for interrupting. But it’s Noah and he looks concerned.

“Aiden says we need to leave, to give them room to work.” He sounds………upset.

I look over at her, and see them trying to fumble around her. I need to let them help her.

I loosen my grip on him and walk out, knowing they will follow behind. I don’t say anything the whole while I’m walking up the stairs and into the living room. I don’t sit though.

I turn to him. “You’re barely here for a day and already you’re pissing me off.”

He’s quiet. I lunge at him. “What did you do!”

“I didn’t do anything, Liam.”

“Then what the fuck is that?” I point back into the direction we came from.

“I,…..I don’t know.”

“How can you not know? From what I heard, you kept an eye on her and said that she was fine.”

This is between me and him, but I can see the others standing in the room. Even Liz and Mason are here, I don’t even know when they came in.

“She was fine. Nothing was wrong. If you ask me, she got like this the moment you got back.” His raising his voice too.

But his comment is annoying the fuck out of me and my wolf. I grab him by his shirt again, but he doesn’t look phased.

“What the fuck did you just say?” This asshole thinks to blame me for all this?

“It’s best if you stay away from her.”

Oh. The pup thinks he grew some balls now. I chuckle at his words and he seems a bit scared. Good.

“You have no say in this. I suggest you leave before I rip your throat out.”

But he doesn’t back off. Instead, he takes a step forward, challenging me.

“Actually, I do have a say in this. She is my mate.”

FUCK! Realization hits me from what he said outside. But I refuse. I refuse to have him take her away from me. A fucker like him doesn’t deserve a woman like her. She’s mine. This can’t be happening. This has to be a lie. A lie!

“Well guess what! I don’t believe you.” He looks at me confused though. I shove him back as I let go of his shirt.

I know I may just be grabbing onto straws here, but I refuse to believe this. I need proof, proof I hope never comes to light. He doesn’t deserve her.

“Are you serious right now, Liam?” He looks dumbfounded, but I can see that glimpse of a smile he’s trying to hide.

I can hear mumbling in the background. I know I must sound ridiculous right now. My head-members have an Alpha that’s losing his mind over another man’s mate.

But no! What if she’s mine? What if she really is my second chance mate? And Ashton is just lying? He isn’t really a beacon of truth. I know I sound pathetically hopeful right now, but I was fine just having her before me. Now that there’s a risk of her leaving, for good; no fucking way. She’s already a part of my life, of me.

“You know I am. Of all my years of knowing you, you’ve always lied. Why wouldn’t I think that you’re lying now?”

“Why are you getting so worked up about this? Is it about her? I thought she was just a rogue you guys were trying to get rid of anyways. Besides, why would I lie about something like this?”

I can see him smile at my look of contemplation. This fucker! What is he up to?

“Well I will only believe you once it’s confirmed.”

I don’t even know what I’m saying. How does one even prove the mate bond? But I smile a bit as I realize that her wolf is dormant. She won’t be able to tell if he’s her mate or not. There is no way for him to prove it.

“What? What kind of a request is that? What the fuck is wrong with you Liam?”

At this point I don’t even care if he may be her mate, which he is not. I am not going to let him take her away. She’s staying.

And for once my wolf is growling in approval with me.

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