In Reach?

Chapter Whose Mate?

Char’s POV

I’m in my room, finally feeling comfortable as I take these heels off. But then my door swings open and a frantic Aiden says to me. “Come down stairs now! There was an accident. Mira is hurt. They’re bringing her now.” And he disappears as he runs down the hall leaving my door open.

But the panic in his voice has me rushing after him, barefoot. I’m still running down the stairs when I see Ashton carrying Mira’s limp and bloody body through the doorway and into the living room.

He lays her down onto the table and I start looking her over. Aiden goes to get supplies from the infirmary. I can hear everyone mumbling around me, but then I hear some more commotion coming from the foyer.

“What the hell happened?” I don’t know who I’m asking but I just shout the question in the air hoping to get an answer.

“He attacked her!” I look up and see Ashton looking very angry, but he’s looking at,……..Liam.

But looking at Liam, he doesn’t quite look right, especially with everyone struggling to keep him back.

Does he mean that Liam attacked her? Why would he? He wouldn’t do that.

“What do you mean?” I notice there aren’t any other wounds other than the one on her neck. The wound looks very deep though, and it’s bleeding but surprisingly not too heavily. It’s like something was gnawing at her skin trying to rip it off. I need to stop this bleeding.

“I’m saying that Liam attacked her!”

I look up instantly. “What?”

“It’s true.” I see Noah, still struggling to keep Liam back. He’s keeping him back from Mira. “He lost control of his wolf. His wolf completely took over.”

I look into those eyes of Liam, and notice, this isn’t an angry Liam. This is an angry wolf.

“Are you saying that he was in wolf form when he attacked her?”

Gggrrrhhh! Liam’s deep growl resonates through the house.

“No. It’s like his wolf was in complete control, but he didn’t shift, well not fully. He was still somewhat in a human form.”

His wolf did this? But not in wolf form? He took control of Liam, to attack her in human form.

Realization hits me just as Aiden comes back with some medical supplies and he leans in to help.

Ggggrrrrrhhhhhh!!!!!! I can see Liam getting feral again as he growls at us. He yanks Mason off his arm, as he’s trying to make his way desperately to,…..Mira.

“Aiden stop!” He looks shocked as he’s frozen from my command. I can see Ashton trying to come forward. “Everybody get back. Now!”

They look lost but I need the space. But they all start moving back from Mira, everybody besides Liam who’s still struggling.

“Liz, come help me.” I can see the confusion in her face, but the urgency in my expression makes her come to me.

She leans down next to Mira on the coffee table and I hand her gauze and some alcohol. “Here. Help me clean the wound.” She’s hesitating again. “Hurry!”

I seem to have gotten her a bit shocked and she starts dabbing the gauze on the bleeding wound.

“What’s going on mom?” Aiden seems confused about me pushing him away. But I can’t deal with that now. I need to stop the bleeding. I know she won’t bleed out and die, but the more blood she loses the weaker she’ll get. At least everyone is quiet and calmer now, just looking at us working.

I’m just about done and putting the adhesive dressing on her, practically covering half her neck.

“Will she be fine?” Liz looks worried, with all the blood in front of her, on her hands, the piles of gauze, Mira’s shirt and on the table.

“She’ll be fine.” I turn to Liam who is quite calm now, as expected. “He wasn’t trying to hurt her.”

I hear him give another low growl.

“How can you say that? Look at her!” Ashton is charging at Liam, who is getting angry again.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He looks back at me sensing danger in my warning. I sigh. “She’ll be fine.” I stand up looking down at Mira. “He marked her.”

The room is quiet now.

“What? He what? He marked her?” Ashton is charging at Liam again. “You fucking marked her?”

But Liam looks ready for him with that smirk on his face, his wolf’s face.

“Enough!” Ashton is really working on my nerves. Can’t he read a room and put his ego aside. He’s like a wannabe Alpha. I can tell why Liam doesn’t like him. “Let this be another warning to you Ashton. If you take another step towards him, he will rip your throat out, without a second’s thought.” He seems concerned by my serious attitude now. But even Liam’s wolf is annoying me now with that growing smirk.

“And you better reel that attitude of yours in, you little twat, before I do it for you.” I look Liam’s wolf directly in the eyes. He better show me some respect for treating his mess, his now-mate.

But he growls at me, trying to intimidate me.

“Char, I don’t think it’s wise for you to push Liam right now.” Noah tries to pull him back again.

I huff. “I’m not talking to Liam.” Noah seems confused furrowing his brows. “I’m talking to Liam’s wolf.” Everybody’s looking at Liam right now, as he’s wolf is smirking and growling. “His wolf is still in control, and by the looks of things, Liam is still trying to fight back for control.” His wolf is smiling back at me, probably for figuring out it’s him. “He will still attack anything that gets in his way though. But, you guys can stop trying to hold him back. He won’t do anything. He just wants to be near her.”

I can see Noah being a bit hesitant with my suggestion. But, as they start loosening the hold on him, his body starts to relax.

“What does this mean?” Ashton looks worried. I don’t blame him.

“Well Ashton. I’m sorry to say this. But you just lost your mate. She’s his mate now.”

“What!?” He’s practically trying to pull out his hair trying to understand my words. “No, no. No!” He’s charging Liam again, but Theo and Mason hold him back, not wanting to anger their Alpha’s wolf again. “He’s gonna pay for this. This isn’t over. He has no right stealing the mate of another. The council will hear about this. He will be punished for this. He had no right!”

It seems that everyone in the room realizes the consequences which may come with their Alpha’s actions. But I don’t have time for this.

“Liam, pick her up and take her to the room.”

“What? You’re going to let him take her?” Noah seems worried.

“Noah, in this state, he’s not going to take his eyes off of her. He is literally the embodiment of a possessive Alpha right now. He’s not going to let any male near her. And right now, marking her as his mate means he’s the only thing that can help her heal faster. So they need to be together. She will calm him down, and he will heal her.”

Sometimes I do get annoyed having to spell things out to these kids. It’s like they forget everything we teach them as children.

Everybody is quiet again. Though the moment Liam comes closer to pick Mira’s body up, Ashton storms out of the house. Everybody just stares as Liam’s wolf is taking his mate up the stairs like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

Great. Just great Liam. The day you tell the council you’re not choosing a mate, you go and force your mark on another's. I’m already getting a headache of all the paperwork that this will bring me. But what’s done is done. I already had a long day, I’m going to bed now.

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