In Reach?

Chapter What is this?

“Come here.”


“Don’t make me say it again.”

Is he serious right now? What does he want?

“What do you want Liam?” Why can’t he just be straight with me?

I hear him growl, as he walks around the table to get to me.

But with every step he takes towards me I take a step backwards.

He stops, as do I. He should know, that I don’t have a problem making him chase me around this table. But I am not willingly going near an angry wolf.

“I’m supposed to be the one asking you that Mira.” He says looking disappointed.

“What do you mean?”

He takes slow steps forward. I take slow ones back.

“What was last night all about?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

He snorts. “Oh don’t pretend like you don’t remember. Not with the way you were screaming my Liam last night, and the way you were moaning my name in your sleep.” He says smiling.

Wait. Moaning his name in my sleep? How would he know that? Did he watch me sleep? Did he come back?

“And now I have to watch you cling onto Theo like that the very next day. While you avoid me like nothing happened at all. What game are you playing at?”

What does Theo have to do with this?

“I told you to be careful in starting things you may not know how to finish.” His eyes glow as he smiles. It’s his wolf. Oh no. That sadist is coming out to play.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Theo has nothing to do with this.”

Ggrh! “You dare focus on another man while talking to me?”

We’re not getting anywhere. We need to set a few things straight.

I sigh. “Of course I remember last night.” He smiles as he continues to stalk his way to me.

“Then why avoid me? You said it yourself, that you weren’t asking for anything. So there were no unnecessary expectations.” I’m so entranced by his voice, I only realize now that he’s getting closer to me, very close. “So why avoid me? Do you regret it?” He says angrily as he reaches out and grips both my arms.

His scent is hitting me full force, sending reminders of last night to me. “I-,….I thought you did?”

“What?” He says a bit calmer now. He steps closer, closing the space between us. “Why?” He brushes my hair out of my face with his fingers.

Crap. I didn’t want to have this talk. But I can’t stop myself from answering him.

“You just ran out. I didn’t know what to think.” I try to look down. His eyes just seem too intense.

He takes my chin and tilts my head up to face him.

“That was the last thing I ever wanted to do.” He says as he leans in closer to my face.

His lips gently take hold of mine, and I kiss him back. I’m practically on a high from just his scent. I can’t stop myself, and I don’t think I want to. I hold him closer as I link my arms around his neck.

In an instant he picks me up by my waist and puts me on the table next to us. I guess I must really be that light.

He makes his way between my legs, and pulls me to the edge of the table by my thighs, pulling me flush against him. His hand caresses the skin of my thighs under the dress, while the other is behind my neck pulling me closer to deepen the kiss.

I can hear him groan in my mouth and feel him getting harder by the second. This needs to stop before someone walks in on this. But my legs instinctively wrap around his waist pulling him closer, as my dress rides up my thighs.

I can feel him leaning me down on the table, and this gives me a wake up call of what might just happen here.

I pull my mouth away from him, but he kisses my neck. Oh dear. I bring my hands forward and try to push him away, but his pecks just feel amazing. I’m going to need to try harder.

“Liam.” It comes out as a bit of a moan, and he just groans in return, as he moves his kisses further down to my collar bone.

Oh no. I need to stop this now or else I won’t be able to later.

I use one hand to try and grip his hand off my thigh, while I use the other to push him away at his chest. “Liam.” I say more firmly as I lean back from his kisses. “Stop.”

That seemed to have gotten his attention. He stops and looks at me with concern through hooded eyes.

“Something wrong?”

I know he’ll kiss me again if I say ‘no’.

“What is this?” Deep down I know I’m not just talking about us kissing, but more concerned about the indescribable pull I have towards him. It’s not just physical, it’s everything, it’s like he is my everything.

He takes a deep breath and leans his forehead against mine.

“I don’t know Mira.” He sighs deeply, like it’s regret. “But-,..”

“We shouldn’t be doing this.” I finish his sentence for him.

I know what he means, now that I think about it. Wolves have mates, he and I aren’t mates and Aubrey said that he’s waiting for his. He seems very committed to her, even though he hasn’t even met her yet. And here I am trying to ruin it. I probably have a mate of my own. I shouldn’t be doing this either. But then again, maybe I’ll take Aubrey’s advice, - we’re still young, we can fool around.

He looks at me concerned, probably shocked by my words, his words.

How do I go about this without sounding like a slut?

I grip his shirt to help me lean forward, my lips hovering over his.

“Not yet. Just a little longer.” I say through pepper kisses on his lips.

He groans as he cups my face. I stop the pepper kisses to look at him, but he pulls my face back to him.

“Just a little more.” He says back between kisses.

He wants this too. I purr in his mouth at hearing his words.

Here goes nothing. “No one has to know.” I whisper against his lips. It’s not like I want others to know I’m fooling around with their Alpha. I might consider to be that girl, because of my plunging insecurities around him, but I don’t want anyone to know about it.

He looks into my eyes confused. I know he wants me to elaborate. But how? What if he doesn’t want it?

I bite my lower lip not knowing my next words. He looks down at my lips and uses his thumb to pull it free from the grip of my teeth.

“It can be our little secret.” I say in another whisper.

Ggrh! “I told you to not start things you can’t-,”

“I don’t care if ‘you’ finish it. But I want this, I’m sure.”

He smiles at my words giving me an amazing up-close view of those dimples. I can’t help but be happy at his approval. He’s rubbing his thumb on my lower lip now.

Just as he leans in to kiss me again, his phone goes off, filling the room with its ringing.

He grumbles something under his breath as he steps back to answer the phone.

“Liam speaking.”

I know it’s a serious call from the way his brow are furrowing.

I guess this is my cue to leave.

I get off the table and give him an understanding smile as I make my way to the door.

I don’t even know where we go from here. He never actually agreed.

Other than that, I don’t even know what I’m supposed to think of myself right now. I just tried to arrange a fling with a guy that will most probably never be mine. Does this make me a bad person? Does this make me a ‘slut’? For going after what I want?

Hey, it’s about the journey, not the destination. And she’s back, that care-free voice in my subconscious. Maybe I should listen to her a bit more. She seems to know what we both want.

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