In Reach?

Chapter Taking chances

Mira’s POV

What the hell is going on? The way everyone is reacting, the way Char isn’t trying to heal him, it must mean it’s one of those hexed weapons they spoke about. When I saw the thick black blood in his cut, I knew it must be it.

Aiden was cut with those hexed weapons, and now he’s bleeding out. He can’t heal.

My feet take me down the hall before I can even think this through, but I have to try. They all may hate me for it, but I need to try. Aiden is dying.

I run into the library towards the fire place. I hurriedly grab the chimney poker I left in the flames before this whole fiasco happened. It has a bright orange glow to it. I run back to the living room hearing more crying. Oh crap. Am I already too late?

But I see a choked look on his face as Charlotte continues to plead with him. There really is no way to go around this. I rush through the people, careful with the hot metal in my hand. Just as I make it to Aiden, I push Char aside, to get her hands off his chest. I push the hot poker down on is chest, aligned with the deep slash.

Aaaaahhhh!!!!! Aiden’s screams fill the room with the sizzling sound of burning flesh.

Everyone must be shocked with what I’m doing, because no one is stopping me. But just as Aiden’s screams quietens, I feel Noah roughly pulling me away from Aiden.

“What the hell are you doing?” He looks angry between me and a passed-out Aiden.

Everyone is looking at me, like I just killed a dying Aiden. Everyone, but Char. She is checking him, trying to wake him up.

But then she pulls my hand in a tight grip with tear filled eyes. “How did you know that would work?”

“What?” Noah asks

“The bleeding stopped.” I see the black blood turning to a bright red, with a black fog evaporating from it.

Now everyone is looking back at the bloody and still body on in the middle of the room.

“She,……she basically cauterized the wound. I don’t know why I never thought of it.”

“You mean he’s fine?” Liam asks from behind her.

“Yes. He’s just passed out. He’s breathing is slow, but with the bleeding stopped, he may just stand a chance.” She looks up to Theo. “Can you help me carry him down to the infirmary?”

He nods and steps forward, picking Aiden up like he weighs nothing.

Noah bends down to my sitting figure on the floor, with an apologetic and sad look. “I’m sorry for that. You may just have saved his life. Thank you.” He extends his hand to help me up.

I’m hesitant, but I take it. Standing up I see all eyes on me, and the attention is getting to me, so I just walk out and up the stairs. I can hear Liam following me closely behind.

“How did you know that would work?” He asks me just as we get into the room.

“I,….I didn’t know it would.” I look back at him with a sad look.

“You didn’t know?

“I wasn’t sure. I mean, that’s how normal people stop wounds from bleeding, but we’re dealing with magic and curses. I didn’t know if it would work, I just took a chance.”

Liam walks closer to me. “And that chance may just save his life.

I lean my head against his chest. “Liam I was so scared. What if it wouldn’t have worked? I could have killed him.”

He pulled me into a tight embrace. “You still tried. You tried to save him risking yourself. You saved a life we all thought already lost. You are a true Luna to this pack. You have no idea how much I appreciate having you in my life.” I feel him kiss the top of my head.

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