In Reach?

Chapter Should I Stay or Go?

Liam’s POV

I’m sitting in my office and I can’t help but think of Mira again. She was on my mind the whole night.

Everything she said yesterday, it held truth in it. We have accused her of things yet we don’t actually have anything sold to hold against her. Yes, I don’t want to let her leave just yet, and it’s annoying me to hear her say that she just wants to leave. I thought she also felt the pull to me. Why would she want to leave so eagerly then?

But then again, shouldn’t that be sort of a good sign, that perhaps she wasn’t sent here by Dahlia after all?

But the way she stands up to me is another concern. Wolves don’t stand firm against me or my wolf like that, especially dormant wolves. Sometimes, I swear, it’s like I can sense her wolf, and it’s power. It’s like her wolf is awake. Sometimes I can hear her growl, but I’m never quite sure if it is coming from her because it’s always so low. Other times I can see her eyes glow an odd colour, but I’ve never seen wolves whose eyes glow purple, so I must just be imagining things.

She is an enigma through and through. I really just want time to stop so that I can be with her, and have us be invisible. So that the rest of the world can’t see us, can’t be bothered with us.

I hear a knock on the door and know it’s Noah to give me his report on our backtracking on the head-members and Mira to check who the mole may be.

“Come in.”

He walks in and makes his way to the seat in front of me.

“So, what have you found.”

He looks annoyed though.

“Well, so far I haven’t found anything. All our members are clear, and I can’t even find anything on Mira.”

“So we’re at a dead end.” I am a bit relieved there is nothing found against Mira.

“Yeah, but I’ll continue to search. But I am still concerned with Mira.”

I sigh. I know he’s hard on her because he feels that he needs to be a hundred percent sure of her before he can trust her. Even though I know he’s already fond of her.

“I thought you said you found nothing on her.”

“That’s just it. I found 'nothing' on her. It’s like she’s a ghost.”

Now he has my attention. I lean forward.

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve checked her records. Mira Johnson didn't exist until seven years ago. Anything before that is a blank. I can’t find any people related to that name either. We really don’t know anything about her. So we don’t have anything we can hold against her. Which just has me more concerned about what she said the other day. She may be more dangerous than we anticipated.”

This doesn’t sound good. Everything in me screams that I should just reach out and hold on to her, but I know I have to hold her at arm’s length to keep this pack safe.

Another knock resonates through the room.


“It’s Aiden, Alpha.”

“Come in.”

I see Aiden coming in. He looks a bit tired though. How can he be, when he knows we have to go visit the neighbouring pack today.

“Morning Alpha. I just wanted to remind you that Ashton will be coming today to help out and get some medical training from my mom, since she’s here.”

I give a low growl hearing his name. I don’t like him. I used to be good friends with him when we were kids. He practically grew up with Aiden and I, but his attitude-change in high school got me thinking he’s just a two-faced asshole that wants to piss me off. He’s still friends with Aiden though. I don’t know why Aiden doesn’t see it, but I guess the fact that they both went into medicine still keeps them close.

“But with you gone, who will keep an eye on him?” I say lowly. Someone needs to watch that asshole.

Aiden smiles slightly still standing in front of the closed door. “My mom will be taking charge in my leave. She is still a great healer and the best of all of us here. So, she’ll keep an eye on him.”

Fair enough. I trust Char. “Okay.” Not that I like it.

But his pack already arranged with me for him to come here and get some tips and practice. They’re pack isn’t as big as ours, so they don’t get exposed to as many various types of injuries as we do. And with the ‘pending war’ they want to train their healers as best they can.

I give him a nod as permission for him to leave. But something catches my attention, her scent.


He stops before he could fully turn around to leave.

“Yes Alpha?”

“Why are you covered in Mira’s scent?”

It’s still early in the morning. Why would her scent be on him? I’m clenching my fists just thinking about it.

He looks nervous though. Even Noah is leaning forward out of interest to his answer.

“Well,……” He’s rubbing the back of his head now. He’s nervous indeed. “She-,……she isn’t doing that well.”

“What do you mean?” This has me worried now. Is she going to him to comfort her or something?

“I think she may be sick. With 'what', I’m not sure yet.”

“Sick?” Noah doesn’t look convinced.

“Yeah Noah. Remember, dormant wolves can still get sick.” He rolls his eyes, getting a low growl from Noah. Aiden straightens up. “Well, she practically slept through the whole of yesterday. And my mom found her in the middle of the night, burning up and throwing up. She couldn't even stand straight. I think it may be some kind of flue. But I’m not too sure. I don’t have much experience in treating dormant wolves. But my mom is helping to keep an eye on her. Right now, I have her in the infirmary on a drip to help nourish her body a bit.”

“Oh?” Noah sounds surprised now, like he didn’t realize how serious it may be.

But what the fuck? She was all feisty a few days ago, and now she’s practically bed-ridden?

How can she just get sick like that? And now I have to leave today, leave her here alone and sick? Fuck!!

“Okay. Report to me once you’ve figured out what it is.” I try to stay firm and calm saying this. “We’ll be leaving in ten minutes. The Moonstone Pack is waiting for us.” I say to Aiden.

He just nods and heads out.

Just as I try to speak to Noah as I get up, he speaks. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on everything while you’re gone.”

I nod my head and he leaves.

I really don’t like the idea of leaving, of leaving Mira. My wolf and I were already annoyed at not seeing her at all yesterday. And now that we find out she’s sick, I’m frustrated knowing I won’t see her again today. My wolf really doesn’t want me to leave, - telling me it’s a bad idea. I don’t know what he means, but I have to leave. I have other obligations.

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