In Reach?

Chapter Plan Backfired

Liam’s POV

I’m sitting in the meeting room with Char, as we’re waiting for the council members to join us. I don’t know why the assholes are taking their bloody time. This is annoying. The night is almost over and I still haven’t seen Mira.

But they eventually do come in, - two older men and a woman. They look a bit stressed out, and I hope they better not let that affect my news for them.

“So, Alpha Greyson. I hear you wanted to see us. I take it you have made up your mind.” The man with the grey goatee says, as they all sit down.

“Yes, councilman. I have.”

It’s quiet for a few seconds and I realize they just want to hear my answer. I met as well get straight to it.

“Well, I have decided to not choose a Luna tonight.”

All three of them look up at me surprised.

“What is the meaning of this? You arranged this gala and called us over here, to tell us this?” The woman looks very annoyed now. I wonder what got on her nerves this evening.

“I honestly mean no disrespect. But right now, is certainly not the time. Too much is happening, especially with the fight coming our way. It’s clear that we have other priorities right now, rather than trying to ensure a Luna or heir for me.”

“You Greysons are always so task oriented.” The other man with the cowboy tie says laughingly. “But don’t you think that a Luna will be best to have, especially at a time like this. I mean, surely you must also consider the possibility of this not working out for the better. What happens if you die and you leave your pack with no Luna or heir to take over?”

Dammit. These guys are really persistent.

“Well, I fear that choosing a Luna right now may just be putting her own life at risk. From the attack that happened a few days ago, I think we need to be careful. What if Dahlia is after Lunas?” Now they’re all mumbling and whispering to each other on this. “Has there been any news on the whereabouts of the missing Luna?”

“You do make a valid point Alpha Greyson. We would like to make a proposition to you then.” He says rubbing his goatee, and clearly avoiding to answer my question.

“What kind of proposition?” What are they planning? Char warned me that they’ll just try to get something else from me.

“We want you to make an official alliance with the council”

“An official Alliance?” That doesn’t sound that bad of a bargain. “Is that it?”

“Hold on Liam.” Char chimes in. “What do you require then of him, in this alliance?” She turns to them.

But the red head woman looks annoyed at Char’s interruption, but she doesn’t seem phased by it. “What’s that look for Lyza? You and I both know the council doesn’t just offer alliances without getting a little extra something for themselves.”

Bow tie laughs. “Charlotte, as direct as ever.” He turns to me. “We would require you to agree in becoming a contractor for the council. Basically becoming somewhat of an ambassador for us. It’s all about reputation and ‘good publicity’.”

Charlotte though is giving me a weird look before she turns to the councilmen herself. “I think it best for him to think it over first.” But she continues even though redhead keeps giving her the evil eye. “An alliance is not a decision to just simply agree on.”

The room is filled with another wave of silence, until goatee stands up. “Very well then. It appears there won’t be a choosing happening today. But I look forward to hearing from you Alpha Greyson.” He turns to the door, followed by the other two also getting up to leave.

Once they’re out I turn to Char and give her a questioning look.

“What?” She’s trying to seem all innocent though. I don’t buy it. She sighs. “Liam, I know I may be a council member, but that doesn’t mean these people are all heroes in my eyes. When it comes to alliances, they always try to get the upper hand in things. Being on good terms with them is way different than becoming a contractor and doing their dirty work for them.”

But she too gets up, ready to leave. “Come on, we have a party to get to. Besides, I believe you still have to see Izabelle regarding a potential alliance with their pack.”

I get up to leave as well.

She said a lot for me to think about. I know the council will be on my case about this alliance, I just didn’t realize that it would be something to think about for too long. Maybe she’s right, and I shouldn’t rush into things.

Liam’s POV

I just about finished my talk with Izabelle. She has proven to be quite the reputable woman. Her father, the Beta of their pack was also there and we had a very fruitful discussion together. It seems we may just be settling in on that alliance after all.

But now that all of that is done, I’m scouring the hall to find Mira. I want to see her. I want to hold her. Everything has been going so good so far, all I need now is to have her by my side.

The night is practically over. People are already leaving. I hope she hasn’t left to go back yet.

She doesn’t seem to be anywhere in the hall though. I go to check outside in the garden, and there she is, standing in the garden surrounded by the fairy lights. The most beautiful sight ever. She looks so beautiful in that red dress, it sits so perfectly on her. She looks like a sex goddess but with the elegance of a queen. My queen.

I walk slowly up to her to try and not distract her from whatever she is daydreaming about as she’s staring into the lake. I’m standing behind her enjoying her scent, and I gently caress her naked arm with my knuckles, to just get a feel of this beauty in front of me. She turns around when she notices that someone is behind her. She’s looking at me, but she’s not smiling. Why? What is bothering her?

I stand closer, trying to cup her face so she can tell me what’s wrong, but she doesn’t want to look me in the eyes.

“Mira, what’s wrong? Please. Look at me.”

She walks closer as she pulls me in by the collar of my suit jacket. But just as I want to hug her back, her body tenses. “You smell like her.” I hear in almost a whisper.

“What?” I whisper back, not sure about what she's referring to.

She pulls away and steps back. “I should be going. Ashton is waiting for me.”

What? Why is she bringing that fucker up now?

I pull her on her arm just as she tries to walk away from me. “Mira, what is going on? Why are you acting like this?”

She pulls my hand from her arm. “Please Liam. Let go.”

But this just pisses me and my wolf off. Those are the words we never want to hear her say to us.

“I’m not letting you go. You’re mine.”

She huffs out annoyed. “Really Liam. Is that what all this is about? You just trying to prove a point? To one-up Ashton?”

But this is just getting me more angry. This is not how this night is supposed to go. He has no role in any of this. “What did I tell you about mentioning him around me?”

But she looks like she’s getting angry too. Why?

“He’s my mate Liam.”

I growl. “Not if I have anything to say about it.” I pull her tightly into my arms.

But she’s trying to push me away again. “Just stop it. I already know.”

“What? You already know what?”

“You thought I was pregnant, right?” She looks serious.

How does she know, that I suspected?

“Tell me, Liam. You thought so didn’t you?”

“Yes I did.” I look at her confused. So what if I did? What does this have to do with anything anyways.

She just snorts. “That’s why you’ve been acting this way. It was all because you thought I was pregnant. I knew it.” She’s taking another step back, from me. “You never wanted me, you just came after me because you thought I was pregnant. You just wanted to one-up Ashton again.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I’m reaching for her again but she keeps trying to avoid my touch.

“Well it doesn’t matter now. Because I’m not pregnant. So you can just leave me alone.”

“I’m not leaving you alone.” I’m raising my voice now.

“Just stop it Liam. I’m tired. I’m tired of just being your side-piece to keep you entertained whenever you’re bored.”


“What are you talking about? Everything I’ve been doing has been for you. All of this,” I gesture to our surroundings, “has been for you.”

“Just stop lying. I already know. I know what this party is for. I know that you’re supposed to choose your Luna tonight. That you’re choosing Izabelle. I know, because I saw you with her, and now you smell like her.”

I stand there dumbfounded. How did she know about the choosing? I never told her about it yet. Not that I needed to. And how does she know about Izabelle? Uuuggghh! This isn’t going how I planned it to.

I walk closer to her again, but I grab both her arms before she can try to pull away. “Mira, listen to me. It’s not what you think. It’s not like that between Izabelle and me.”

But she’s trying to pull away again. “I don’t care.” Her eyes are tearing up, and it’s hurting me to see her like this. “You have Izabelle. The perfect woman chosen just for you. Just go back to her. I have Ashton, my mate.”

Gggrrhh! “I told you, you’re not his.” I can feel my wolf trying to push through as he’s claws are beginning to morph and his grip is getting too tight on her arm.

“I said, let go of me!”

Her shout pulls me back to my senses as I drop her arm from my hold. But just as I try to go near her again she stops me. “Don’t! Don’t come near me, just stay away. And stay away from Ashton too.”

What the fuck? She’s defending him, now?

My wolf is getting fucking sick of this. Everything has just gone to shit ever since that fucker showed up. I can feel my wolf push through again, and he’s going for blood. And just like he wanted, his target shows up as he hears his voice.

“You heard her Liam. Step away from her.” Ashton walks up behind her, pulling her close by her waist.

“Let go of her!” I lunge at him, but he comes to punch me in the face.

I knew this asshole wanted to fight me for the longest of times. Today I’m not going to hold back. I rush back at him throwing a punch of my own straight to his face.

“Stop it!” I hear her shouts in the background, but right now, I’m focused on him, on fucking that face up, and wiping that smirk off his face.

“You think you can have her? Well you can’t, she’s mine.” I growl at him.

“What, you think she’s yours just because you fucked her?”

So he knows. Did she tell him?

We both crouch as we’re ready to attack. But just as I’m about to reach him, Mira runs in between us and hugs Ashton as she’s trying to protect him like some human shield.

What the fuck! Even Ashton looks shocked by this, with his hands still in the air as he was ready to punch me. But she’s not letting go. She’s holding onto him like her life depends on it.

This is pissing me off. “Mira!”

But she’s not letting go and Ashton is hugging her back now. I go in to try and pull her away from him, but I’m being pulled back by my arm. I look over my shoulder and see Noah, looking at me with a dejected look.

I look back at them, and see Ashton looking down at her as he’s cupping her face.

“Mira.” I’m trying to get her attention again. But she’s not looking back.

“Come on. Let me take you back.” Ashton says to her.

But she grabs his hands and says. “No, I want to go with you tonight.”

What the fuck? She wants to go with him, to his place? To what, fuck him? Is she really choosing him over me? Even that fucker-Ashton looks surprised by this.

“Mira. Are you really choosing this fucker over me? After everything.” I'm still struggling in Noah's hold on my arm.

But she’s still not looking back at me, she’s just looking at him.

I hear her sigh, “I choose my mate.” She walks past him and pulls him along by his hand to walk back with her.

What? I’m standing there, watching the woman I chose, the woman I want to be mine, walking away from me, with another man by her side. This is the worst thing to happen. And this knot in my chest is making it hard to breathe. It’s like every step she takes away from me, is squeezing my chest, making it harder to breathe. But I don’t look away. I don’t want to believe this. She won’t do this. She couldn’t. She loves me. I know she does, because I feel it, I feel it through the love I feel for her. But I can’t look away, I won’t, she must feel it too. She must feel the pain of walking away from me. She can’t walk away from me like it’s nothing.

Just as I feel my eyes tearing up, I see it. I see her turning her head slightly to look back at me over her shoulder. A sad look in her eye, one of pain and regret.

That’s it. That’s all she had to do. I know she cares for me, I know she’s hurting and that’s why she’s walking away from me. She thinks it will make things better. But it won’t. I’m not giving up.

“Liam. Come on. It’s over now.” I can feel him squeeze my shoulder. “She made her choice.”

But he looks confused by the slight smile I have on my face.

“What’s that look for? Don’t go doing anything stupid. We both just saw what happened. You need to let this go now.”

I just shake my head at him and smilingly say, “She looked back.” And walk past him.

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