In Reach?

Chapter Let me show you how it's done

At the club

When we get inside, Mason directs us to ‘our’ table. They apparently reserved a table for us, and guess what, it’s in the VIP section. I should have known.

He orders a bunch of shots to come our way and already Noah is complaining with Mason and Aubrey. Even though the music is loud, I can still make out what it is that they are saying. It must be a wolf thing.

Liam though, still looks pissed. I don’t know if he wants me to go to him, but that is not happening today. I’m not here to make him happy. Tonight is for me to have a little care-free fun.

“Hey. Come on. Let’s go dance.” I pull the girls with me to the dance floor.

‘Or Nah by SoMo’ is playing, and I can just feel the music running through me.

We’re dancing together, though with this sexy beat we do seem to be gaining some male attention. I guess girl on girl action really gets to guys. Aubrey and Sarah are too hesitant to acknowledge them, so they stick to dancing with each other. Liz on the other hand looks like she’s not bothered by any of them. In fact, something tells me she wore that dress as bait, and she’s just waiting for the perfect man to catch her attention.

Just as I look over to our table, I see Mason waving our way, to show our drinks came.

I reach out to the girls and tell them our shots arrived and we should head back. None of us even bothered taking a seat as we took our shots. We were already feeling the vibe and are in a hurry to get back out there.

The guys seem to already have their hands full, well more like Theo. There are two girls around him, one on each arm. His shy and aloof behaviour seems to be silently cheering them on. Seems like they invited the girls from the table next to ours to join.

Aiden seems too shy to be getting their attention. But one of the girls is already leading him to the dance floor.

Mason doesn’t seem too impressed that Theo is the one covered in girls and both his arms are still girl-less. “Fuck it.” He says before he downs a shot and goes to the dance floor for some ‘hunting’.

Noah seems too focused on Aubrey to notice the cutie next to him trying to get his attention. But when Aubrey heads back to the dance floor, he takes the girl’s hand and takes her to the dance floor as well.

I look over to Liam, an he’s just watching me from across the table. But he’s not making eye contact. So it’s more like him just watching my body. I’m annoyed that he’s actually letting the girl next to him touch him. She’s leaning into his neck and sliding her hand into his v-neck shirt.

Fine! You want to watch me watch you with some other girl touching you, I’ll just return the favour.

The song Na Na by Trey Songz is already playing. And knowing my way around a dance floor, I know just what to do to get the boys lining up to dance with me. I walk to the middle of the dance-floor and put my hands in the air as I’m swaying my body to the beat.

I can sense eyes on me, more than one. It won’t be long now. I glide my hands over my body, and give extra attention to my curves, in other words, my breasts and hips.

I look back at Liam, and he’s still seated with that girl. But he’s looking at me directly now. Good. I smile, and he sees it.

Just as a hand snakes around my waist, I move away, and make my way to the bar. The song just ended, so I guess that is a perfect excuse to walk away from whomever that was. When I get to the bar, I ask the bar tender for a few shots. I need to get a bit heated to handle this slutty side trying to push through.

As I lean over the bar counter, I feel a hand glide down my ass and tightly squeeze before I can react. I look over my shoulder and see Liam behind me, looking very angry right now. He leans in and says, “You keep giving everyone attention but me, even random strangers on the dance floor.” He squeezes again. I almost whimper at the touch. With him standing behind me I know others can’t see what he’s actually doing.

Is he jealous? Good.

The bartender brings the three shots I ordered. I down one and look back at Liam.

“I came here to have fun. Not to entertain you.” I pick up another shot but he takes it out of my hands. I look at him with a ‘seriously’ look. I pick up the other shot and clink it with the shot glass he has in his hands now, and down it.

I leave him at the bar as I make my way back to the dance floor.

I see glimpses of the others on the dance floor as well. Aubrey and Sarah are still dancing with each other, but looks like they’re having the time of their lives. Noah too seems like he’s enjoying himself. Guess he figured he didn’t need to worry about Aubrey. Mason however, has this very touchy and very curvy girl all over him. She so wants him, and he’s enjoying it. Theo looks a bit awkward on the dance-floor, but he seems to still try and make the most of the two girls dancing with him. They’re practically grinding him from the front and back. Aiden looks like he’s finally getting the hang of dancing with the girl. Guess the shots must be kicking in.

I start dancing in the middle again, not a care of who is around me. But I see Liam, and he’s a little way in front of me dancing with the girl he was with at the table. They seem to be enjoying each other, but he keeps looking at me. I guess he wants to make sure, I see it.

But a hand snakes around my waist from behind, and when I look over, I see a handsome man smiling down at my swaying hips. With the way he’s moving his hips against mine, he seems like a good enough dancer and worth my time.

That’s when the song changes and ‘Put it on me by Mistah and Rebecca (deeper version)’ plays. Oh damn. I smile back at him feeling the excitement of the song.

I start to sway my hips with the beat of the song and his other hand moves my hair over my other shoulder as he leans into my neck. I feel his hot breath in my nape and lean my head back on his shoulder. This gives me the perfect angle to look back at Liam, without it seeming like I’m trying to.

But he looks pissed, and I’m just happy that he’s looking at the guy behind me and not at me. But the moment he sees me looking at him, he pulls the girl’s body flush against his, her back facing me. I can see his hand in her lower back, his fingers gliding just above her ass.

I don’t want to see that. I turn around quickly trying to avoid that disgusting scene. My dance partner is quick to hold me against him, but not too tightly, allowing me to still sway my hips. We have our legs between each other’s, so it looks like I’m practically grinding his leg. At least he can dance, and isn’t just some perv desperate for a feel.

But dancing in heels is exhausting, and I have to grip his neck to keep myself stable. He smiles down at me as our faces get closer. But he’s a little too close for my liking, so I twist around again. And I’m even more annoyed with what I see.

The girl in Liam’s arms is grinding her ass against his front as he’s holding her hips. But that’s what’s annoying me. She’s not even dancing or trying to sway her hips to the beat. She’s just there swaying her ass against him. That is what you call typical desperation.

She has her arm leaning back around to his neck to make a pathetic portray of them apparently dancing. I’ll show them how it’s done.

Liam smirked at the annoyance in my face, but the moment he saw me smile, his face got serious.

I take the guy’s hand and move it from my hip to the front of my stomach, still swaying to the beat. I too, lean my other arm back to get a hold of his neck, pulling his face closer to my neck. He again, moves my hair, exposing my neck to his hot breath. As I sway my hips more, I notice how my dress is riding up my thighs. Any more and my underwear and definitely ass cheeks will become public view.

While doing all of this, I’m looking straight at Liam and smiling, daring him to look away. He looks pissed, and so does his wolf, with those glowing eyes.

The moment the song ends Liam makes his way to me, but I turn to go to our table. The moment I get there I’m jumped by Liz.

“Damn girl! You got some moves.”

“Yeah. I never thought a small girl like you can wrap just any man like that around your finger.” Mason laughs as he brings more shots to our table.

“Yeah, she even got my dance partner all distracted.” Liz goes at it again.

I didn’t even notice any of this was happening. I just chuckle nervously.

“I told you she was good.” Aubrey giggles. I wonder how many shots she already had.

“Wait. Is this the kind of private dances she’s been giving Theo?” Mason asks Aubrey.

I hear a low growl behind me, and I know it’s Liam. But I’m not going to look at him. In fact, I’m not going to give him any attention. I need to make him come to me.

“No.” I try to rescue myself. “I practice my contemporary dance routines in front of him. It’s quite boring, but Theo doesn’t mind, so neither do I.”

“But after seeing that I think I’m gonna see you in a whole other light.” Theo speaks. Even Noah is laughing at this.

“Damn Mira. You got some tricks up your sleeve.” Noah remarks.

I just laugh and take a seat between Sarah and Liz. I think this may be a long night.

After some more drinking, and some more dancing, we eventually decide it’s time to leave at around 1 in the morning. Everybody seems to have enjoyed the night.

But now that I’m in the hallway to my room, I’m struggling with another train of thought.

I want him to come to me, yet he always comes to my room. I’ve never been to his. I don’t want to make it seem like I’m running after him, but maybe going to his room will ensure me obtaining some form of authority in this. I think, tonight it’s my turn to have my way with him.

I can hear him walking up the stairs, behind me. I walk past my door and onward, to his, a bit further down the hall. I know he’s behind me. When I get to his door, I turn to look at him, making sure he sees me going in. He looks shocked at where I am. But before I can think too much about this, I walk in.

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