In Reach?

Chapter Hold my hand

Mira’s POV

I wake up to that annoying bright light again.

“Hey sweety. Do you feel better now?” That sweet voice. It’s Charlotte.

I look in her direction and see that we’re alone in the room. I wonder what time it is this time.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

But then glimpses of what happened flashes through my mind. Ashton calling me his mate, Liam just standing there, and the pain my body was in. What is happening. Too much is happening at once.

“What happened?” Charlotte should know what I’m referring to.

“What do you remember?”

“I was outside, in the garden, with Ashton. Then,……Liam. I think I passed out or something. I’m not sure. My body just felt so strange, it hurt.”

“Mira.” I look up at her and she has this weird concerned look on her face.

Oh no. Don’t tell me I’m dying now.

“Your symptoms don’t make quite sense to me either, but I want us to do some blood work so I can be sure and rule out any uncertainties. Are you fine with that?”

What’s with all the seriousness? Is something wrong? Am I dying, just when I found my mate?

“What do you think is wrong with me?”

She purses her lips like she’s contemplating if she should voice her thoughts.

“I want to do some blood work to check if you’re pregnant.”

I’m sorry what? Pregnant? I’m pretty sure I’m not. I got in a whole lot of shit from them in trying to make sure I don’t get pregnant.

I snort at her comment, surprising her. “Pregnant. What makes you think I’m pregnant?”

“Your symptoms are quite serious. Your body is very malnourished, like it requires twice as much sustenance, but isn’t getting what it wants. Now, it’s possible that this may just be some kind of flue messing up your system. But I can’t give you any strong medication unless I’m sure that you aren’t indeed pregnant.”

Uhm, okay. I guess that makes sense. But there’s no way I’m pregnant. These weird symptoms started before my ‘unprotected’ night with Liam.

I nod. “Okay, you can do the blood test. But I’m telling you, there’s no way I’m pregnant.”

“Okay. Stay put. I’ll be right back.” She leaves me alone in the room.

She comes back with ‘stuff’ in her hands. Looks like needles and test tubes.

After she draws some blood in a couple of test tubes, she says I’m good to go, but that I have to get back to her if I feel any weird symptoms again.

Just as I try to make my way out of the room I see Ashton walking down the hallway to me. He sees me and is smiling so brightly as he now jogs to me.

“Hey, are you feeling better now? I came to check up on you.” He says as he rests his hand on my forehead. “What did Char say? Are you better now?”

Oh crap. This is my mate. How am I supposed to tell him that she’s doing blood tests to check if I’m pregnant? That is just going to lead to a whole bunch of other questions I do not want to get into.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” He comes closer cupping my face with both hands.

He’s so close. He doesn’t seem bothered being so close to me, someone that is practically still a stranger to him. Is this a mate thing? To just fully accept your mate, no questions asked? But then again, a mate is the person you’re destined to be with.

“N-nothing.” I try to smile to make this comfortable for me too. “She said I’m good to go. But to just come back to her if I feel weird again.” I don’t need to tell him about the rest. This isn’t me lying to my mate, it’s me not telling him something that is completely irrelevant to this, to ‘us’.

He releases a sigh of relief as he smiles.

“Okay, let’s go then.” He lowers his hand and takes a hold of mine. “I made you some breakfast. I hope you’re hungry. I figured you may need more protein in your diet so I made you some extra beef sausages on the side.” It’s not steak, but meat is meat.

I can’t help but smile back at him. He is too considerate.

“That sounds great. I can’t wait.” I grip his hand tighter, which makes him smile brighter back at me.

We walk hand in hand up the stairs to the kitchen, and I can’t help but wonder if this is going to be my new normal. Just me and him. My smile drops a little at the thought that Liam may very well be confirmed to be my ‘never’.

What is he doing now? Where is he? He’s a busy man. He probably couldn’t be bothered with caring about someone like me. He probably doesn’t care that I found my mate, that whatever we had is over now.

We make our way to the kitchen and I see everyone turning their heads to look at me, at us, holding hands. Everyone but him. Liam isn’t here. Ashton walks me to the other side of the table where I usually always sit. He pulls out a chair for me and gestures for me to sit. He walks to the kitchen, I’m guessing to get my plate of food.

I prefer to keep my focus on him, because I can feel the intense gazes of the others on me. I don’t want to look at them. Their expressions are probably just suspicious, as they always tend to be these days. Just now, they might accuse me of wooing and tricking Ashton in believing he’s my mate. I don’t need that right now. I need to just be carefree, and he’s giving that to me.

That’s when I hear a squeal next to me and turn my head to Aubrey sitting on my other side. I didn’t even notice she was there, that she was ‘back’.

“Oh my! I can’t believe you found your mate.” She nudges my shoulder. I can’t help but blush a bit at the embarrassment of not having acknowledged her presence next to me.

“Oh look at you. You’re already blushing. You must tell me everything.” I look back in front of me as Ashton puts a plate of food in front of me. I look up to him and give him a smile as a thank you.

“He’s such a gentleman, the way he takes care of you.” Aubrey just seems too excited about this.

Ashton chuckles and takes his seat next to me as he pours me some juice.

“If this is what it’s like to have a mate, then I can’t wait to find mine too.” At this point she is just speaking to the air, voicing her thoughts.

But Noah gives a growl, probably at Aubrey’s words. But looking up, I see all their expressions. They’re all looking ‘suspicious’ and even angry between Ashton and me. Can these people not at least try to be happy for me?

The rest of the time it’s just Aubrey and Ashton talking, well more like Ashton trying to answer all of her questions. I prefer to keep my mouth occupied by this delicious food.

Some of them are already getting up from the table. I guess they’re done, or they just lost their appetite.

Ashton takes a hold of my hand on the table, getting my attention. “I requested to stay here for a while, so that I can be close to you. I want to spend more time with you, to get to know you better.” He says with that sweet smile of his.

“Really?” I say smiling back. I like the idea of spending time with someone who isn’t obligated to.

“Awh, you two are just cute together.” We look at Aubrey on my other side getting up. “I’ll leave so I can give you guys some alone time.” She says winking at me.

“She really is a sassy one for someone who looks so quiet.” He leans closer to me talking quietly.

I just giggle at his comment.

“So what do you feel like doing today? I hope you don’t mind me tagging along. I just don’t want to be too far away from you.” He looks shy saying this, almost making me blush too. “But if you prefer your personal space, I can ask Aiden to give me something to keep me busy in the infirmary.”

I can feel his hand somewhat sweating. I guess he must be nervous.

I give his hand a quick squeeze, “Of course I don’t mind.” I say smiling back at him. “I’m more worried about you, getting bored around me.”

“Me? Bored of you? Never.” He says laughing.

He gets up and takes our plates to the kitchen sink. I can’t help but admire him. He is so sweet. I can’t find anything about him to really complain about. But, how could I? He’s my mate, right? I can’t wait to tell Alex all about this, - me being a wolf; me having found my mate. Knowing him, he’ll be too focused on the ‘mate’ part than the wolf thing.

“What’s that smile for?” I look up seeing Ashton look at me curiously.

“Huh? Oh, I was just thinking about………..someone.”

“Mmh. Anyone I should be worried about?” He almost looks worried.

I snort. “I’d say no, but then again,………it really depends on how you treat me.”

“Oh really. Then I already know we will be best of friends. Because I plan on treating you like my queen.” He lifts my hand and places a gentle kiss on the back of it. “So, lead the way my queen.” He says smiling.

I can’t help but smile too. I haven’t been treated like this since, ever. I’m so used to Alex always scolding me and Liam is always on the brink of arguing with me with his constant suspicion of me. Theo follows me around like a puppy, but in all honesty it’s more like him protecting me like I’m his puppy. This is different.

“Let’s go for a walk, in the woods. And you can tell me more about yourself.” I say getting up. I want to get to know him as well, who my mate is.

“Mh? Sounds good.” He takes my hand again. I guess he doesn’t like being parted from me.

Just as we reach the front porch, I see Theo sitting in one of the chairs looking intently at us. Really? But before we can walk any further Theo jumps up and stands next to me.

“So where are you going?”

Really? Is he going to babysit me, even though they know I won’t be left alone to do go knows what it is they are suspecting me of?

“I’m just going for a walk with Ashton.” I look him up and down as he is still not backing off. “Are you still going to be watching me?”

Theo seems surprised by my question. “Uhm. Yeah.”

What do these people think I’m capable of? Do they really think I’m going to do something to Ashton, to my mate?

This potential date has just turned into an awkward party for three. But Theo seems to sense my discomfort. “I’ll keep my distance though. So, don’t worry. It will be like I’m not even there. I just need to be aware of where you are anyways.”

But he gives Ashton this weird look I can’t quite make out.

Ashtons grips my hand. “Okay then, let’s get going.” He pulls me towards the woods with an excited smile.

After a while of walking through the woods, I finally decide to break the silence. “I’m sorry for that.”

“Mh? For what?” He really looks confused though.

“About all of this.” I sway my hands around me. “Like I told you, they don’t really like me here. And now it seems they’re taking it out on you too for just being my mate.” I look down feeling guilty.

But he just chuckles. “You think they’re worried about me? To me it seems like it’s the other way around.”

What? Impossible.

He walks closer to me and cups my face as he smiles. “But I like hearing you say that.”

I look up into his eyes. “Say what?

“That I’m your mate.” He rubs his thumb on my lower lip. But I look down feeling unsure. Not only is it that I’m not sure if I’m ready to kiss him yet, but that was also the very thing Liam always did when he wanted to kiss me, well more like attack me with his kisses.

“Don’t worry.” I look back up at him as he speaks softly. “I’m not going to force you to do anything. I’ve waited so long for you, I don’t mind waiting a bit longer. Especially when I already have you in my arms.” He gives me that sweet smile again, making me smile in return.

I couldn’t have asked for a more sweet and understanding mate. I hug him, and I can feel his muscles tense at this. He must not have expected it. But I feel his body vibrate as he chuckles and wraps me in his warm arms. His scent isn’t as intoxicating as Liam’s, but it’s comforting. Even my body feels like it’s heating up again, at his touch.

When we continue our walk through the woods, he tells me that they arranged for him to stay at a cabin that’s near to the main pack-house. Apparently there aren’t any room available in the house. That is total bullshit. I know the rooms in my hallway are empty. They only rooms taken is Liam’s and mine.

Why wouldn’t they want him to stay in the house?

But around lunch time we head back to the house. He had to then go help Aiden out with something, so I made my way to the library to pass time.

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