In Reach?

Chapter Glowing witches

About fifty SUVs are driving towards the North mountains, all with the intention to fight the witch Dahlia and bring back Liam’s mate.

They all left the house at five in the morning, and will arrive at the site, at about past five in the afternoon.

Everything seems to be set and they seem more than prepared. They have about two hundred wolf warriors, twenty hunters, four vampires, three witches and twelve healers.

Shay and Aiden managed to make enough of the scent masking powder. But they liquidized it, so that they can drink it and to not affect their own sense of smell. They brought a few kilos of the salve as precaution for last resort cases.

The wolves are assigned to attack rogues and the hunters are to attack the other hunters to disarm them from their hexed weapons. The vampires and the witches will help the alphas attack Dahlia’s witches, as they push through to get to Dahlia herself. They just need to be careful of what new powers these witches may have gotten from their blood magic sacrifices.

The moment they near the area, about ten kilometers away, they stop and continue by foot. Liz and the patrols lead the way to surveil the area up ahead. But the mountainous terrain is making them take longer to get to the campsite. It’s already starting to get dark, and Liam is keeping a close watch on that moon. He gets everyone to start pushing through faster.

But Liz stops them a way ahead. “They definitely know we’re coming. They have rogues surrounding about a two kilometer radius around the cabin, and hunters about one kilometer radius around it. They’re creating their own wall barriers. The moment we attack, everyone will know we’re here. But they do seem very spread out.”

“Which means we can easily push through with one focused attack.” Mason informs the rest of the alphas.

Liam nods in agreement, knowing a focused attack is the best and quickest way of getting to their target. “Mason, have the teams ready. We go in soon.” Liam says as he pulls out a phone. He sends his message to the council, and makes his way back to the other alphas. “I hope you’re all ready. No holding back.”

Psh. “Not a chance.” Alpha John takes his shirt off, as they all do as well.

“Should we start a tally?” Brian looks among the alphas grinning. “To see who gets the most kills.”

“Don’t be in such a rush Brian. This is after all Alpha Chris’ first battle.” Sam reprimands.

“I can take them. I may be young, but I have a hungry wolf and beginner’s luck on my side.” Chris says.

All of them just start laughing at the eager young alpha.

“Alright alphas. Let the tally begin.” Liam says as they march towards the campsite, ready to kill.

Liam’s warriors’ attack was so sudden and smooth, that the rogues only realized their presence after the death cry of a couple of their wolves. But it’s done, they’re already on them.

Mason separated the warriors into teams, so some attack in wolf form while others attack in human form. It seems to have confused the rogues a lot, and threw them off guard many times.

They definitely didn’t know what tore through many of them as the vampires ripped their heads off, in flashes that only splatters of blood are smelled.

The smell of blood is already all over the woods. And it’s already dark, leaving the moonlight the only source to see the flashes of creatures killing with no mercy.

It didn’t take them long to reach the hunters. They were all very cocky holding their hexed weapons, and seeing the wolves halt in their movement forward. But their expressions turned to shock when saw hunters running forward with their own weapons, ready to attack. Many of them didn’t stand a chance against the vampires, but they quickly got into their old formation to attack the likes of them. But Kendra’s random gusts of wind and lightning hitting down, broke many of their forms apart.

The alphas managed to push through, leaving the others behind with their own opponents. But now, witches have come to stop them from getting to the camp. Many of the alphas have already shifted into their wolf forms during the attack, but not Liam. He wants to save his wolf for Dahlia.

But something seems off about these witches to them. Some of them have eyes glowing with a blue celestial colour. Even their hands. It’s like the veins from their hands to their upper arms are glowing blue and shining through their skin.

One of the wolves rush up and jumps at one of them to attack. But she raises her hand towards the wolf, and a bright blue beam shoots from her hand, pushing the jumping wolf back, flying against a tree.

All the other wolves, alphas included, can sense the danger but instantly attack, trying to avoid their hands.

Liam’s POV

Things are getting out of hand. We’re trying to fight these witches, but these bloody beams shooting from their hands are powerful. They’re affecting our wolves. It seems that whoever gets hit by it, their wolf retreats completely, forcing them to shift back.

We can all feel the heavenly power radiating from it. Our wolves are getting scared to attack. But my wolf is just getting more pissed. And I have no problem letting him feed on his anger.

So the moment I saw an opening I reached behind one of the witches and snapped her neck. Just as her body dropped dead, did the glow evaporate from her body and slowly rose to the sky. Probably returning to where it came from.

There are blood and screams everywhere, and it’s becoming very crowded now. All the fighters are moving closer towards the campsite. Now we have a mixture of rogues, hunters and witches all fighting in this area.

As I’m fighting, I feel tugs in my alpha bond, and I know these are the deaths of my members that I’m feeling. I have already begun to lose fighters.

Ggggrrrrhhhh!!!! I rip open a rogues jaw as he tries to jump me. I see some wolves attacking a witch on the ground, each gnawing at a limb, ripping her into pieces. Just as I try to help a young warrior up and away from a rogue, I get hit and feel my body slamming against a tree.

Looking up, I see the glowing witch who dared to attack me from behind. Gggrrhh!! I understand the fear in her eyes, because she definitely sees my eyes glowing, - my wolf. My wolf is too pissed. He will not be put down so easily.

Just as I stand up, Theo’s large wolf stands next to me, asking for permission to kill. But she’s mine, he can just clear the way for me. Gggrrhhh!.

With my growl he already knows what I mean as he takes the lead, snapping at the rogues and hunters in my way. As I run to her, she tries to back away. But just as I reach her, she puts both her hands in front of her and shoots her beams at me. I can feel them hurting my wolf, and trying to push my body away with an invisible force. But I’m too focused on her. My hands are so close to her.

I force a step closer, and grab her hands and break them, stopping the beams. Her screams must have annoyed the others, because one of the warriors came and snapped her head off, as he made his way for his next kill.

But I feel weak as I fall to my one knee, trying to catch my breath. But as I look up, my breath hitches, seeing flames in a distance, in the direction of the campsite.

That’s when I feel Theo’s wolf nudge me, telling me to go, to go to her. Just as I force myself to get up and run, I see two more wolves running alongside me. It’s Alpha Brian, and Noah. But more witches and rogues are getting in our way. And they all seem to be focused on me. Three rogues jumped me, and now I struggling on the ground trying to get them off me. Brian and Noah got two off of me, but this one seems persistent, snapping his jaws at my face as I try to hold him back. But suddenly I hear him whimper and his limp body falls on me.

Looking over it and the silver knife stuck in it, I see Alex standing over me, smirking.

“It looked like you needed a hand.” He pulls me up and we all get ready for the new enemies running towards us.

But as we fight off more rogues and hunters, I feel a huge tug in my bond. And hearing Noah whimper, I know he felt it too. He died, Theo is dead. My wolf feels the numbness from the loss of his friend and brother. I get distracted for a second too long as a hunter tried to jump me. But I grab his hand holding the dagger and twist it, stabbing himself with it.

I need to hurry, the flames are growing, and I’m pushing through too slowly.

But just as I run ahead of the others, a searing pain hits my neck, causing me to halt in my tracks and scream.

Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!! I fall to one knee, leaning against a tree, refusing to believe this. I try to get up, but the pain stings again. Aaaahhhh!!!!

“Liam!” Noah calls out as he runs up trying to get to me.

But then another pain hits me, spreading through my whole body, as I fall and crouch onto the ground. It feels as if every inch of my skin and internal organs are doused in acid. Aaaaahhhhaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

“No, no, no, no, no, no.” Alex kneels next to me. And I know he knows what’s happening.

I’m numb, lying on the ground, as I can’t feel my body, I can’t feel,…….anything. The bond is gone. Mira is gone.

I’m so numb, I feel myself slipping away. I know it’s time. I have nothing left to lose now anyways.

I let go.

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