In Reach?

Chapter Forgotten Secrets

Mira’s POV

“So how did it go?” Aubrey bombards me when I’m barely around the corner of the office.

“Geez Aubrey, you gave me a fright.” I hold my hand over my chest.

“Sorry. But tell me. How did it go? I almost thought something was going on when I saw Noah and Theo walking in.”

“Well, I did what we set out to do. All we can do now is wait and see what they decide. But Liam didn’t really give an indication of whether he was considering it or not. So I can’t promise you anything.” I say, looking at her worriedly as we walk down the hallway.

“It’s okay. I actually think it went well.” She smiles.

“What makes you think that?”

“Noah and Theo. Why would they come to his office now? They just left this morning to go to the ‘torture chamber’. But when you went in to talk to Alpha, they came back hurriedly, as if Alpha requested them to.” She’s still smiling.

“Let’s hope so. But Aubrey.”


“I still think you should tell Noah.”

She looks at me with that smile slowly disappearing.

She sighs. “I know you’re right. But,……not yet. I’m,…….I’m not strong enough yet.”

That’s all I needed to hear, that not only will she tell him eventually, but she’ll work on making herself stronger.

“Good. I’ll be here with whatever you may need.”

She links her arm with mine as we continue down the hallway.

“You coming to the bonfire tonight right?”

I remember Liz talking about it the other day. She said it's like a pack-barbecue. I’m not a big fan of crowds, but hell, nobody really knows me here, and I’ll be sure to keep myself busy with some steak. They better have steak.

“Yeah. Wouldn’t miss it.”


Later that night

I hear a knock at the door.

When I look up from the books in front of me, I see whose head is peeking through the door,-Charlotte.

“Hey. Sorry. I didn’t want to disturb. You looked so focused on the books.” She walks into the library, and points to the book on my lap. “But Aubrey asked me to help find you.”

Oh damn. What time is it?

I look out the window and see the sun is almost fully set.

“What you reading there?”

I look at her, and see her nodding towards the book.

“More like trying to decipher. Even after translating, I still can’t make sense of what this is.”

“Oh really? Maybe I can help, if you don’t mind.”

Well, I have been sitting here for almost half the day, maybe she’ll help me make sense of something.


She moves to sit next to me on the couch. She looks at the ‘spell’ I have open. The same one that’s been racking my mind.

“Mmh. Great.”

“What?” Does she know something? “You know something?”

“Well,……no.” She looks at me with a curious smile. “You just had to go and try to ‘decipher’ one of the spells that even Luna’s today can’t quite explain.”

“What do you mean?”

“This is a very old spell, one of the oldest in fact. And it’s translation and description has sort of faded out through the generations.”

“So there is no way to figure out then?” Great, just great.

“Not exactly. The only people who can tell you about this, are Lunas. None of them have really wanted to, or could explain it to the council in a way that we can understand. They actually have a name for these ancient and forgotten spells.”

“Who, the Lunas?”

“Yip. They call these, ‘Forgotten Secrets’. Poetic right?” She nudges my shoulder as she smiles.

“You can say that again. How am I supposed to figure out a secret that is apparently forgotten, and the only people who can help me, aren’t around.”

I sigh, as I close the book and stand up.

“I guess we better go then.”

She chuckles as she also gets up. “You know, if you are really desperate to get a Luna’s take on it, I can help you out with that.” She looks at me expectantly.

“Seriously? How?” Is she really going to help me?

“At the upcoming gala. You know about that, right.” I just nod. I was there when she and Charlotte were making arrangements for it with the omegas. “Well, there will definitely be a Luna or two at the event. I’m sure I can get you introduced.”

I can’t believe she’s really going to make all that effort. Maybe she really does want to help me.

“But how will you get a Luna to talk to me? I’m no one. Or are you just that convincing of a person.”

She laughs. “Of course I’m convincing. But actually, the Luna I’m referring to also happens to be my sister.” Oh, that should make things easier. “And she’s also Liam’s mother.” Oh shit.

Of course! I completely forgot. Of course his mother was Luna of the pack.

I just stand there frozen at my stupid moment of forgetfulness and the sudden terrifying thought of meeting his mother. I wonder what she’s like. Wait! Does that mean his father will also be there? The former Alpha? Crap. I just realized that this is a family event, and I will literally be crashing it like the unwanted rogue I am.

“What’s wrong? You look,……worried. Afraid of my sister already.”

I try to smile.

“Don’t worry. She’s quite small for her size. I’m sure even you can take her.” She giggle again.

I know she’s trying to make light of the situation, but right now, I think I need a drink.

“Let’s hope not.” I chuckle back. “Let’s get going.” I gesture with my arm for us to walk. “So do they have alcohol at these things?”

“The best!” She squeals.

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