In Reach?

Chapter Favourite Theo

Liam’s POV

I’m standing in front of Mira’s bed, watching her sleep. She looks so sexy, the way the silk covers are flowing over her naked curves. They way her long brown hair is floating on the pillow behind her.

F%*k! What I wouldn’t give to have had far more time with her.

But I couldn’t stay. There was an attack near the southern border. I heard the patrols’ warnings through the mind-link like a siren. I had to leave.

And now I’m standing here, covered in blood and dirt, looking down at her, at how perfect she looks with the moonlight on her exposed skin. I ran as fast as I could in wolf form, to get to my men and help them.

I don’t know why I’m even back here. It’s been hours, it’s almost morning. The sun will be rising soon. But I couldn’t just not come back. I needed to see her face again.

What does this mean now? Now that yesterday is over, and today is here with its own sets of problems.

I can’t pretend like this didn’t happen. She’s right. Of course I can feel the pull towards her. But I didn’t think that she felt it too. I never imagined that she would feel a pull. Could it be? Could she really be?

Whatever this is, I don’t think I can give this up, walk away from her. I feel a constant pull towards her, my wolf does too. I had to reel him in a few times as he kept pushing forward, trying to mark her. F%*k! I’m getting hard with just the though of it. Knowing that she’ll be mine once I do that.

I want this woman. I know it’s lust. But I also know it’s more than just lust. But there is so much going on in the pack right now, I can’t get distracted now. Besides, I haven’t confirmed her identity yet.

I pick up my clothes scattered around the room and leave.

Mira’s POV

I wake up with the sun shining brightly in my face.

Ugh. What time is it?

That’s when flashes of Liam’s naked body against mine run through my mind. Him laying kisses down my body and me moaning his name.

What? Surely it was just a dream. I would never be so bold.

I sit up, and notice how the silk sheets are tingling my skin as it glides off. I look down, and notice, I am very much naked.

Oh crap. I grab the sheets to cover myself. Was it not a dream?

I see my clothes are scattered on the floor. But that’s just it. It’s just my clothes, and it’s just me in the room. No Liam. He really did leave last night.

That pit in my stomach makes itself known again as I realize, I was left lying like that and he just walked out. He ran out. What a way to dampen a girl’s self-esteem.

Great. How am I going to face him today?

He must think I’m desperate. Though, he did think I was drunk.

I’m just going to pretend that I was drunk, that it was the alcohol doing its thing, and that I don’t remember anything. I don’t want to rehash this disaster of a night. I don’t want any form of, ‘we need to talk about last night’. It’s what’s best. He clearly didn’t want it to happen, and I don’t want to remember what happened, well some of it. So let’s just forget it ever did. If anything I hope he just pretends like it didn’t happen either.

This is his house. He’s the Alpha here. I’m just a ‘guest’, I think. I shouldn’t be doing such things to begin with. I am not going to play any form of an in-house mistress. There is a reason I have boundaries and of course insecurities. It keeps things like this from happening.

If I can’t control myself around him, I’ll just avoid him.

I get up and hop in the shower, to properly wake myself up.

When I go down to the kitchen I don’t hear much conversing going on. In fact, they look very down and serious. And here I thought I would be the one to look way worse than any of them.

But my stomach is still burning from all the alcohol from last night, I’m not that hungry, yet. I just walk in to get a apple.

“Hey, look who is finally awake.” Noah announces, turning everyone’s attention to me, in the kitchen.

“I told you to take it easy on the drinks last night.” Aubrey gets up from the dining table and comes my way.

“Yeah, I know. But a person sorta loses track of the number of drinks, after you have a few.” I chuckle trying to distract my nerves as I feel Liam’s gaze on me.

“Yeah, we sort of figured when you started singing your own version of ring-a-ring-roses.” Liz joins in.


“Yeah, you kept singing, ‘a pocket full of chopsticks’.” Aubrey nudges me.

Really? It’s not chopsticks? So, I’ve been singing it wrong all this time? Oh well.

I just giggle, nervously.

“Yeah, who knew you were so happy-go-lucky when you’re drunk. You even gave Mason some dance lessons.” Noah chuckles.

I see Liam take a sip of his coffee as he’s looking straight at me. Dammit. It’s reminding me of the way he looked at me when he was kissing down my body.

But, at least he hasn’t made a move to speak to me yet.

“Yeah-,…..I think I underestimated my alcohol tolerance. I’m surprised I could even find my room last night.” I take a bite.

I can still feel Liam’s stare. It’s making me very uncomfortable.

Theo gets up and makes his way to me. He’s resting his hand on my shoulder, making me look up at his very concerned face. He can probably sense the damp mood I’m in. I just nod with a smile, to tell him that I’m fine.

But I feel everybody else’s stare on us now, especially Liam’s. I’m constantly aware of his actions. I need to get out of here.

“Can we go for a walk through the woods today?” I ask Theo.

He just smiles and nods, leading me to the front door. I’m so happy he picked up on me wanting to go now and not later.

As we walk in the woods , Theo takes me to the river alongside it. It really is beautiful out here.

But Theo’s silence is beginning to bother me, his aura is off. “What’s wrong Theo.”

He looks like he’s contemplating what to say. I don’t think he has ever lied to me before and I don’t think he will now. But whatever is on his mind, seems to have him think if he needs to tell me.

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” I don’t want to pressure him into anything.

“I want to tell you. Well, actually I want to ask you something.”

“Ask me something?” What could he want to ask of me? “Like what?”

We’re still walking side by side next to the river, with me between him and the river.

“There is something about you that is bothering me, but I don’t know exactly what it is.”

Really? Am I a bother to him as well now?

“Uhm. Okay. What is the question then?”

He sighs as he thinks again. Theo is a man of very few words, and I think one of the reasons he thinks before he speaks is to pick what to say with the least amount of words.

“I’m the pack’s mediator, as I deal with internal affairs. So, I’m used to assessing people’s behaviour to understand a situation. But lately, I can’t seem to make sense of my behaviour, especially when it concerns you,” He is silent.


“Yes. My wolf is very protective of you. Even before the Alpha assigned me to you. I always thought that I understood people’s emotions, but I don’t understand mine. I have very intense emotions for you. They’re not romantic, I think. But I don’t understand why I have them. Do you maybe know what this is? You seem to have a good grasp on understanding people.”

This must really be bothering him.

“Unfortunately, Theo,” he looks up at me, “I don’t really know what to say to that.”

He looks disappointed.

"I haven’t been a wolf for long, so I won’t know if it’s a wolf thing. But, what I can tell you is that I think I feel something similar for you.”

He stops walking now, looking at me. I look at him too smiling, shy at this conversation.

“I don’t know how to explain it either but I feel safe around you. Like I know I can trust you.”

I give another brief smile as I continue on our path.

“Mira, I really hope you aren’t a threat to this pack.”

“Why do you sound so desperate?” I chuckle trying to make light of the situation.

He sighs deeply. “Just know that if it ever comes to a point where I have to,……’hurt’ you, just know that I don’t want to.”

“Thank you.”

“Huh?” Wow, he looks so cute being at a loss for words.

“I’m just thanking you for being honest with me. It’s far more than what most people have given me here.”

He smiles. “Your welcome.”

“It’s official. Your one of my top favourite people now.”

He actually blushes a bit. “Really?”

“Yeah. Of course. Hey, did you even realize that this is probably the most you have ever spoken to me? I really hope we stay friends if I ever get back.”

“Do you really want to go back?”

“Mhm.” I nod.

“But, don’t you like it here?” Of course he would know that.

“I do like it here. But I can’t stay here.”

“What’s so nice about the city? Clearly you’re a nature girl.”

“Well, my other favourite people are waiting for me there.” I say back smiling.

He smiles back, but it seems sad.

“I sometimes forget that you have your own life out there. If you do ever leave, just-,………don’t forget about me.” He looks shy.

“Of course I won’t.” I link my arm in his and lean in on his shoulder.

I’ve never actually spent much thought on such trivial things, but I think that if I ever had the chance to have a brother, I think he should be like Theo. Alex definitely has competition.

“Come on, we have to get back. Alpha is asking for us.”

Oh great. What now?

“Hey. What’s wrong?”

“Oh, It’s nothing.”

“Don’t worry.” He puts his hand over mine holding his arm. “I think he just wants to fill us all in on what happened last night.”

WHAT!? Last night? What does he want to tell them?

“W-, wh-, what does he want to tell everyone?” I’m clearly stuttering.

“Well, there was an attack late last night. Luckily it was handled quickly and efficiently. But I think it must be serious if he wants to fill us all in in person.”

I’m shocked at hearing this. There was an attack? Is that why he left so suddenly?

I don’t know what to say. I just let Theo drag me along back to the house with my arm still linked with his.

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