In Reach?

Chapter Caught for the wrong reasons

Mira's POV

I wake up being enveloped in the most enticing scent of pine and toffee. I know that last night was not a dream. I’m with him, in his bed. It’s nice waking up next to him for once.

I’m still wrapped in his arms and breathing in the scent from his chest. His breathing is slow and steady, so he must still be sleeping.

But I need to get up. I can’t let anyone find me here, not to mention I’m very hungry and I’m craving some meat.

I try to move out of his hold, but he just groans as he tightens it.

Maybe I need another approach. So instead of pulling his arms off me, I just try to wiggle out of it as a slide down. This is ridiculous, but the silk sheets help.

He stirs a bit, but eventually goes still, just as I’m out of his hold. I see the clock on his bedside table, it’s six in the morning. Damn. I probably only slept for an hour or so.

I slip out of his room and go back to mine. I’m practically doing the walk of shame with my clothes from last night, but thankfully the distance to my door is short.

When I get to my room I jump into the shower and get changed. But something suddenly jumps to mind, - we didn’t use protection last night. Oh shit! I’m not that worried about whether he’s clean or not, I’m more concerned about getting knocked up.

Just Great Mira. Just great. You did the one thing you’re not supposed to do.

It’s a good thing it’s so early in the morning and people aren’t up yet. I can sneak into Aiden’s medical stash, and I pray he has what I’m looking for.

As I make my way downstairs, I notice it’s still quiet. Good. It still looks a bit dark out.

I make my way down to the infirmary and go to the room Aiden always works in. I think that is his office. But the door is locked. Great.

But I notice another room is slightly open. I go in, it looks like just another medical room. I make my way to the drawers and start looking through. The first drawer has bandages, -no. The second drawer has liquid vials and packaged syringes in it, -no. The third drawer has meds. I start going through them: basic pain meds, diarrhoea meds, menstrual cramps meds, sleeping pills, antibiotics, and voila, - my plan B.

For wolves who don’t get sick, they sure have a lot of meds. I guess as a doctor you have to make sure you have a bit of everything.

I go to the tap at the sink in the room and down it immediately. Don’t need any further deliberation.

As I make my way back up the stairs from the infirmary, I get stopped in the hallway of the foyer.

“What are you doing here?” I see Aiden. What is he doing up so early?

“Huh? Oh I was just looking for something.” I don’t really want to say it out loud, not that I will ever.

“What were you looking for down there at this hour?” Aiden asks gently but suspiciously.

Great more ways for me to make him suspicious of me. He is just standing there waiting for my answer.

“I-, I was looking for something……personal.”

“Like?” He looks like he’s trying to be understanding. At least.

I should just go with the most basic excuse that makes any man shy.

“I was looking for pain meds.”

“You should come to me for that”

“It was urgent.”

“Like what?” He looks worried.

“Like menstrual cramps.”

He’s quiet and looks shy now.

“Oh. Let me help you then. Come I’ll give you something for the pain.” Aiden tries to guide me down to the infirmary again.

“Oh it’s fine. I’m good?” I wave my hands a bit in front of me.

“Are you sure? I can still get it for you for later.”

He really is sweet. “No, it’s fine. I already got some.” At least I know they do have those meds down there.

“Really? Where?”

Really? I look a bit confused at his stupid question. “I got some down there.”

“What do you mean? Those rooms are locked at night.” Aiden looks serious.

“No. One of the rooms were open. So I tried my luck, and I found some pain meds in one of the drawers.” I say trying to smile.

But now he looks even more confused.

“Show me.”

“Okay.” I shrug my shoulders.

I make my way down the stairs again, and show him to the room I was in just minutes ago.

“You found the room open like this?” Aiden asks.

I just nod as I stand to one side of the room.

“You didn’t see anybody else?”

I shake my head.

What is up with all the questions? Damn, it’s not like I’m some druggy they have to check all their meds. What else can possibly be stolen from here.

“Thank you, Mira. You can go now.” He says.

I walk back up and the kitchen is still empty, but the sun is already rising. I’m starving, so I might as well make me something to eat already. Maybe steak for breakfast. But, let me not be so greedy. This is after all not my house.

I’ll just go with the regular of eggs and bacon with toast. I finish eating before any of them get down. I guess most will be sleeping in late today.

I’m in the library sipping on some juice when the door bursts open, with Noah storming in looking around.

He spots me and starts shouting. “You! It’s you isn’t it?” He stalks towards me, very angry.

What is he talking about?

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t try to play games.” I see Aiden and Mason walking in as well now. But they look cautious around Noah. Why?

I stand up, “What are you talking about?”

“What were you doing sneaking around the infirmary at odd hours at night?”

Oh that? I lean over to look at Aiden. Didn’t he tell him?

“I already told Aiden.”

“You really expect me to believe that? That’s the oldest trick in the book.”

Okay, so he’s not dumb. But he’s clearly barking up the wrong tree for whatever it is they’re trying to accuse me of. This is really starting to annoy me and I can feel my anger rising dangerously.

“You might have everyone else fooled,” He walks closer, he’s chest is almost against mine as I look up at him, “But I’m not an idiot.” He growls.

“Calm down Noah.” I see both Aiden and Mason trying to pull him back from me by his shoulders.

But he’s annoying me too much now. “Could’ve fooled me.” I say with a smirk on my face.

He growls more loudly and the others struggle to keep him away.

“You think I’m afraid of you? Your little wolf temper is nothing but cute.” I know I’m pushing his buttons.

“Mira stop.” I hear my name from one of the others.

They can’t seem to hold him back so now Aiden now is trying to pull me from him.

“Don’t touch me!” I shout through the room as I try to tug my arm from his hold, still looking at Noah.

Noah seems annoyed at my challenging gaze and growls louder, I can see his eyes glow.

“Mira, stand down.” Mason’s voice is annoying me. Even Aiden’s incessant pulling of my arm is ticking me off. Just as he tries to pull my arm one more time, I roughly yank it to the side hoping to get his grip off me. I’m so angry, when I no longer feel Aiden’s hold on me I move forward trying to go for Noah. But Mason pushes his way between us now. Noah seems calmer now, but I’m not. I push Mason aside and make my way to Noah. But before I reach him, to do god knows what a loud voice resonates through the room.


I look and see Liam in the room looking angry. When did he get here? Was he there the whole time?

That’s when I look around, and I see Aiden is on the far side of the room by the couch. It looks like he pushed the couch away from its spot or something. Mason is on the floor getting up. What was he doing on the floor?

Liam makes his way to Noah and me and I can still feel my anger. He stands to the side, looking at both of us. Noah is lowering his gaze,- pussy. But I’m not, I’m too pissed to focus. Liam looks at me, but I’m not going to stand down.

He growls lowly, but it just annoys me more. I huff out an air of annoyance, and now Liam looks angry.

“Mira please. Stand down.” I hear Aiden’s voice again, and close to me again. I look at him, and the look in his eyes makes my anger subside. My breathing is slowing now.

I look back at Liam and Noah, looking at me suspiciously yet again.

“Be careful of pushing someone in a corner who has nothing to lose.” Their expressions turn hard, hearing my threat.

I feel someone taking my hand. I look down and see Aiden inspecting my hand, which is now dripping with blood and has pieces of crushed glass stuck in it. When did this happen? I even forgot I had a glass in my hand.

I pull my hand back from him. He’s just like them, - suspicious of me for god knows what.

I walk out the room holding my bloody hand to my chest. I don’t want my blood dripping all over the floor. I must say, I don’t seem so sensitive to injuries anymore. This wound practically feels like nothing, compared to my previous bruises. Maybe it’s the anger still boiling in me.

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