In Reach?

Chapter Alliances

The next day

Mira’s POV

This morning just keeps getting better. I woke up in Liam’s arms, knowing things will get better between us. I’m his mate, his Luna. I wonder when he’ll tell the pack. But I still get nervous with the idea. I don’t know anything about being one. But I’m sure things should work out.

I walk down to the kitchen hand-in-hand with Liam. He refuses to let go, but I’m happy with his gesture. This is a first and I feel like he wants the rest in the house to know that I’m his.

When I get to the dining table, I see just how packed the house has gotten, especially since Alex and his guests have joined us. I’m still surprised that Alex brought Marcus with him. Last time Alex and I talked, he practically bit my head off about me having to stay away from Marcus. And yet he brought him here. It must be because he’s a hunter too. They really are making themselves at home, and shocking the others. They’re probably wondering how three hunters can be so relaxed in a house full of wolves. But Aubrey is still in the infirmary with Charlotte looking after her. I hope she gets better soon.

I make my way to the other side of the table where I always sit, but Liam pulls me back, making me look back at him confused.

“You sit next to me.”

When I sit down, I notice Alex’s stare at me from the other side of the table. I know everyone else is staring, but he looks very questioning, and I know we have a lot to talk about.

Honestly, I don’t know where I stand with Alex either, not with how we left things. I know he still cares for me, but I don’t know if it’s still romantic for him.

After breakfast, everyone starts getting up and going their way, but the hunters remain seated. Mason is also not getting up, staring at his mate as she tries to avoid his gaze. I noticed that she sat between Alex and Marcus, probably to avoid Mason, but he’s not one to give up.

I look up to Liam. “You don’t have to wait for me.”

I don’t have to say more, as I know he knows what I mean.

He looks at Alex and back down at me with a soft smile, before he gets up to leave.

As I approach Alex, Marcus gets up but is stopped by the girl.

“Where are you going Marcus?”

But he just looks annoyed. “I’m going for a walk. Besides, I’m not interested in playing fifth wheel here.” He looks at me and then at Mason as he pulls a cigarette out and walks to the front door.

“Alex.” I say standing in front of him, hoping we can go for a walk so we can talk in private.

He stands up and walks next to me as we leave.

“Alex, you can’t leave me here too.” The girl says again.

“But Rachel, you’re not alone. You’re here with your mate.” Alex smiles at a smiling Mason.

But before she can say anything, Alex guides me out the door.

Alex and I are walking outside and around the garden.

“So, Mira, what’s the plan here? I was under the impression that I’m taking you back, just to watch you walk hand-in-hand with that wolf.”

“Alex,…….it’s complicated.”

“Then uncomplicate it and start talking.”

“I don’t even know where to start. So many things are happening all at once. I mean, I just found out that you’re a hunter, and then there’s the fact that I’m a wolf. Alex,……how did you know I had a dormant wolf?”

I can see the sad look in his eyes.

“I could sense it.”


“That’s what makes us hunters, we can sense the type of magic flowing through a supernatural, whether it’s shifter, vampiric or even witchcraft. You had wolf magic in you, but it was so faint I only got a sense of it when I was standing right next to you. I knew your wolf was dormant if not dead.”

“Uhm, o-kay.” I guess he knows more about this world than I do. “Why did you stay friends with me then? Aren’t hunters supposed to kill my kind.”

He steps forward. “Mira, I don’t know what these wolves have told you, but we hunters don’t just go around killing every supernatural we see. Yes, we’re born with skills to easily detect supernaturals, and with somewhat enhanced senses and strength to fight them, but that is only so we can even out the playing field. We protect humans by killing supernaturals that get out of line.”


“I had no intention of ever hurting you. You were never a threat. And I kept you close because you’re an amazing person, that doesn’t discriminate.” He adds with cheeky raised brow. “So why can’t a hunter be friends with a supernatural?” He says with his contagious smile.

“And now that I have my wolf back?”

“What of it? You’re still the same Mira I know.” There’s a bit of a silent moment between us before he talks again. “But how did you end up here anyway? They said you just popped up in the middle of nowhere. Do you have any idea how worried I was? No one knew where you were. I thought you left me for good.” He has a sad look in his eye, making me feel guilty.

“I’m sorry. But I’m not exactly sure how I got here either. But I think the moon goddess brought me here. I know it sounds ridiculous, but,”

“I believe you.” I look up at his sudden response. “I’ve seen too many things in my lifetime to not consider it. Besides, you have no reason to lie to me.”

This is why I value Alex so much. He trusts me regardless of the insanity of things.

“But the moment I got here, I became suspect number one for everything happening around here. And now I hear there’s a war coming. I don’t know what’s going on Alex.”

“Don’t worry. You know I won’t let anything happen to you. It’s one of the reason I want to take you away from here.”

“But,…..” I raise my hand to my mark, thinking of Liam, and us wanting to make things work out between us.

“I know, you’re marked and have a mate. But seriously Mira, how the fuck do you wind up as the mate of the freaking Alpha?” He looks frustrated but he’s snickering. “And now that bloody witch is coming after your ass as well. You always find a way to attract trouble.”

His twisted sense of humour did always annoy me.

“So are you staying with him, or do you want to leave with me?” He looks serious now.

I know he wants to keep me safe, but I don’t know if Alex still has hope for us being a thing.

“I……..” I don’t know what to say. I want to stay with Liam, but I don’t know if I want to stay in his pack. They still treat me like some dirty rogue. But I don’t want to use Alex as my escape either.

“I never stood a chance with you.” He looks away as he continues. “I know you don’t want me as I wanted you. But I know you want him. I’ve never seen you look at anyone the way you look at him, and he looks at you with just as much want. But don’t worry, since our last talk that night, I realized that we will never be more than what we are now. And I will rather have you as a friend forever than risk losing you to my selfishness.”

He’s still looking away, but the sincerity in his voice makes me so happy to know I will still have him in my life. I walk to him and pull him into a tight hug. I know I caught him off guard with the way he caught his breath and his muscles tensing.

But he soon relaxes as he returns the hug. “I’ll stay as long as you need me to.”

I’m really lucky to have someone like Alex in my life.

“So what’s up with you and Marcus? Are you friends now?” I just have to ask.

“Ugh. I work with him. That’s it. Besides, he owes me a favour and I needed some support walking in on a wolf pack.”

“So you’re no longer convinced that I have a thing with him.”

But he just looks annoyed. “I never liked the idea of him and you together. Still don’t. He doesn’t care about anything but himself. And I knew that he looked at you like you were just another fuck. I’m not completely happy with him here, and so close to you, but with me and an Alpha in his way, I know I don’t need to watch him like a hawk. Besides, I hear he apparently has a girl now. So that helps.”

“Well, that’s good to hear. I’m happy for him.”

But Alex looks a bit dejected.

“Don’t worry. You’ll meet your special someone in no time.”

“I doubt that. I’m not deserving of good things in this world.”

“Don’t say that. You have someone perfect out there for you. I can just feel it.”

“Sure. Now you think you’re a love guru too. The very person who didn’t even believe in love.”

“Shut up.” I smack his arm as he laughs. “Come on. Let’s head inside.”

“We so need to seriously get wasted tonight.”


“This is the end of an era. It’s no longer just me and you. You’re moving on with your own life just as I need to move on with mine.”

“But this is not goodbye.”

“Never. I promised to always protect you, didn’t I? And last I checked, I don’t lie.”

Liam’s POV

I’m so happy that Mira agreed to stay so we can work on us. My mate wants me. I can’t wait to tell her that she really may be my fated-mate. But that doesn’t really bother me, because I know we both want each other.

I did however, get a whole lot jealous when I saw her and that Alex guy hugging each other in the garden. I wanted to rip his head off so badly. But she told me to trust her. But I definitely don’t trust him. I saw the way he looked at her, and I know what they shared in the past.

But Mira kept her promise by staying near me, where I can see her. So, I won’t get jealous. Well, I won’t let it get the best of me. I trust her. I just need to sort out where I stand with Alex. I can’t let him take her way. Which is why I called him to my office so we could talk. And now he’s sitting here in front of me, challenging my silence with his own.

“So, Alex. How long do you plan on staying?”

“As long as she wants me to.”

“You know I won’t let you take her from me. She’s my mate.”

Pfh! “You wolves and your mates. As her mate I know that you want to protect her, but don’t for one second think I don’t know that you already hurt her. Why else would she have called me?”

“There were a lot of misunderstandings. Many of which you helped to clear up.”

“Is that a thanks? Look, I don’t want to get in the middle with whatever is between you two and your 'mate bond', but right now, she wants my protection. And I will stay and do just that until it’s no longer needed.”

This is really annoying me. I can protect my mate, he doesn’t need to do it. But then again, I know she would want him here, and I will feel more at ease if there is more protection for her.

“If it’s regarding her protection, you can stay as long as you want.”

Alex raises a brow. “You know, most Alphas would be too cocky to let another man help protect their mate. Aren’t you guys territorial like that?”

Ggrh. “Trust me, this isn’t pleasant for me either. But I’ll do anything for Mira.”

“So does this mean that the famous Alpha of the Blood Rose Pack is actually in alliance with hunters?”

“I never thought the day would come, but yes.”

“Maybe there’s hope for you after all.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I’m just thinking, if Dahlia is getting all sorts of killers together to form her army to go against you wolves, maybe you will have somewhat of an added advantage having hunters on your side as well.”

What he says actually makes sense. Dahlia already has witches, hunters and rogues on her side. I’m sure she wouldn’t expect us wolves to have hunters on our side as well.

“Well then. I guess it’s official.” I hold out my hand for him to shake.

He better not annoy my wolf by leaving my hand hanging. It’s up to him if he wants this or not. But he barely looks at my hand for a second when he already grabs it and shakes it in a tight hold.


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