In My Desperate Time

Chapter 213 Wait One More Week

As usual, Frances has been out when I go downstairs.
That’s good. If he asked where I go, I would have no idea what to say.
I don’t dare to lie in front of him. He’s so horrible. Every time I even haven’t opened my mouth he’s already known it.
I make an appointment with Mindy at eight o’clock in the hospital. After changing clothes, I leave for the hospital.
When I arrive, Mindy has registered for me.
And to my surprise, she comes here alone. David should let her return from abroad alone. It doesn’t look like the deed he would
do. This is unusual.
“You come back alone? Where is David?” I ask.
Mindy shakes her head and says quietly, “Shh, don’t be so loud. He objected to me coming back. He said you should go to
Frances for help. Frances can handle this. His suggestion sucks. You must be insane if you come to Frances, aren’t you? So I
snuck back myself.”
Though David is at the other side of the ocean where it is tens of thousands of kilometers away from us, I can imagine his
gloomy face now when he found out that Mindy had snuck back alone. When I thought this, a shudder comes through me.
“You are so bold.” I sigh to her.
“I don’t care how David would think! The pregnant woman is the boss!” Mindy rolls her eyes and says, “Let’s go. I’ve registered.
It’s still early and there are not many people. We can get the surgery done early so I will also be relieved.”
I nod and walk with her towards to maternity department.
There are only two patients in front of me so it soon comes to my turn. Mindy accompanies me inside the doctor’s office.
“What’s the matter?” the doctor asks me in a deep voice, even not looking up.
“I’m pregnant.” I reply with a low voice, feeling sad.
“Have you tested it yourself?” the doctor raises her head and takes a look at me.

I nod to her.
“The last menstrual period?”
“November 15th.” I reply honestly.
“Do you want to keep the baby or not?” the doctor continues her formulaic questions.
It’s a lovely creature in my belly! Perhaps having seen the loss of so many babies, maternity doctors are all numb to this now.
“It’s only been thirty days and we can’t check if it’s in the uterus or out yet. You’ll have to come back to have an examination in
about a week or ten days.”
It’s so many days to wait. My eye brows frown together.
I’m not sure that everything will be all right in a week, or that Frances won’t find out.
But I have no choice but to wait as the doctor told.
Mindy and I intends to leave the hospital.
I feel more relieved than coming to hospital. Perhaps I partly want to keep the baby.
I must cherish the last few days when my little baby are still with me.
“What should we do now?” Mindy turns to me, wearing an upset expression.
“Anyway, we can’t let Frances know it. Any clues must be destroyed.” as I say, I quickly tear up the registration slip into pieces.
Frances is a man with attention to details, so any traces may be detected by him.
“I’m so unfortunate, aren’t I. So I have to wait one more week. But if I didn’t guess wrong, David should be on his way here. If
nothing else, it’s likely that I’ll see him tonight.”
I look at Mindy with pity and smile sadly as I look ahead.
“You don’t need to wait till tonight. He’s already come.”

Following my sight, Mindy is shocked to see David who wears a gloomy and livid face. She immediately hides behind me.
He walks towards us. Instead of blaming Mindy first, he frowns and says to me, “Jane, you must tell it to Frances. There are
some consequences you can’t afford.”
What does he mean?
Does it mean that Frances will throw a fit if he knows?
But for what? Anyway he won’t want to keep the child, even if he knew he would let me conduct abortion.
Mindy can’t stand anymore. She stands out from my back, shouting to David, “Are you out of your mind? How can we tell it to
that bitch Frances? I specially come back to help Jane solve this matter. You’d better stay out of it, or I’ll let you be a cuckold.”
David takes Mindy away from me, and to be exactly, Mindy is dragged away because of her last sentence.
Looking at their leaving figures, I put on a helpless smile.
When I step towards outside, I have a sight of Whitney who is walking quickly into hospital.

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