In My Desperate Time

Chapter 169 Pretend to be Ignorant

Frances is back tonight.
I am cooking when he comes.
On these days without him at home, I have cooked a lot by myself.
Seeing what I am doing, Frances does not say anything to sit by the table.
He has a look at my phone when I am bringing some dish to the table.
I have not closed the webpage of the news on my phone; he smiled slightly to say, “You read my news.”
I don’t reply him, just rolling my eyes at him.
Everyone knows Frances is somebody who is always trending in the social media. I cannot ignore him in these news.
Then I tell him, “Since I read the big news of today, you are there.”
Frances keeps laughing, “Do you feel bad with it?”
He looks so happy to make fun of me.
I did get mad with his news before knowing Elin Smith is his younger sister. Now I believe what was reported in the news is a
If Frances supposes me to know nothing about them, I pretend to be ignorant of it.
I tell him, “Frances, you are free to date any woman in the world; that’s none of my business. I have my own duty to fulfill.”
Giving him a slight smile, I start to eat something slowly.
Frances seems to be annoyed and goes upstairs.
“Do you finish the meal?”
“Yes. I have no appetite today.” he answers unhappily.
Frances is irritated too easily.

I also go upstairs after finishing the dinner. As soon as passing by the bedside table, I am surprised to see the new box of
Oh, my goodness! Last time, Frances did not use condoms on my ovulation, yet I forgot to buy and take the morning-after pill.
Frances stays in his room for the whole night. In the early morning of the next day, I rush to the pharmacy and get one after pill to
take. I know in my mind, two days have passed, but the pill should work within 72 hours.
Out of the pharmacy, I find someone might be following me behind for another time.
I am sensitive enough to feel disturbed for being watched by others.
From the awareness, I am sure someone is following me.
Not to wake a sleeping dog, I don’t turn back to check it. But from some glass door nearby, I see the familiar black Honda car
I don’t wait anymore and call a taxi to take me to the office.
At the off time, I find the car still parking not far from the gate of the office.
What will they do to me for following me one day?
I am too worried to take a bus, ready to call a taxi instead.
Just now, a Porsche Cayenne stops in front of me.
Someone rolls down the window and I recognize Lawrence Jordan inside the car.
I didn’t expect to meet him here. “Lawrence?” I call his name.
He smiles to me and says, “Into my car?”
Considering the following danger, I definitely agree with him and get into his car as soon as possible.
Then I ask him, “What are you going to do in Virginia?”
Lawrence answers, “Come to see you.”

I feel doubtful, “What’s the matter?”
He is one friend of Frances, never contacting me privately. Now I am really curious about the reason he comes to see me.
He says, “Do you know who is following you in that car?”

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