IN FULL COLOUR - Dark Fantasy

Chapter 83


When I finally made it to the service, most of the sorrowful formalities had been done and the loved ones of the fallen had started setting the bodies alight. Torches burning bright with brown magic fire danced around the edges of the wooden structures, sending blazing heat to devour the remains of their loved ones and set them free at last.

It was quiet.

Everyone paid their respects to the dead and those who mourned their passing.

One by one, the wooden structures were engulfed in brown, smokeless flames. We stood, watching.

I snaked my arm around Gabby’s waist as I took my place at her side. She smiled sweetly at me and turned back to face the two structures ahead of us. Immediately, I understood why she had chosen this particular spot.

As I gazed into the flames, I saw Beast’s black leather bracelet, the one Molly had woven him a few weeks back. It was wrapped around the leg of the structure to our right and to our left, a structure stood with vines and brightly coloured flowers coiled around its legs. Molly.

Their bodies lay on top wrapped in pure white linen. Beast seemed so large in comparison to Molly’s delicate frame.

Side by side the mates were laid to rest.

Dire Mountain had gathered around these two structures, eyes fixed on our fallen packmates. A brother and sister to us all.

The sight of it and the realization that they were truly gone, tightened something in my chest and I found it difficult to breathe.

The two had been inseparable and yet seemed like such opposites. They truly complemented each other, and I couldn’t help but wonder what type of pups they would have produced if they ever had the opportunity.

Beside me, Gabrielle smiled contently as tears ran down her cheeks. I stared at my beautiful mate, wondering what it was she saw. Her eyes hovered in the air above the structures and something like awe and amazement shone in those caramel, red-rimmed orbs.

I pulled her closer into my side and turned back to the flames, sending the incredible love I felt for her down our bond.


Locke and the others had spoken about using flame as a means of laying our loved ones to rest, debating that it was tradition and that it was specifically used to set the energy of the deceased free and return it back to the world from which it came.

I had known this, but never really understood it. Didn’t think there was anything to it, more than mere words of comfort.

But now, as I gazed at the bright white and silver energy wafting out of Molly’s burning body, it all made sense. I could see it. I could see the last of them leaving us forever. Molly’s energy gathered, lingering, as though it was waiting for something, and then, from the corner of my eye, Beast’s golden life-essence drifted to hers, entwining and becoming one.

Rainbows danced within their energy core and floated up. In my mind’s eye, I could see them together again, happy. Molly perched on Beast’s lap, laughing brightly at something he had said. And Beast, staring at his lovely mate with all the love and adoration in the world.

I smiled then, staring at the last traces of the two as they twirled and waltzed their way out of this world, dissipating into nothing as the atmosphere absorbed them.

I felt an incredible warmth and calmness washing over me.

They were together again.

A love stronger than the mortal constraints of this world.

Turning, with tears of joy running down my cheeks, I saw more spirits drifting up from other structures, finally free.

My heart swelled in appreciation and understanding. I could truly see things others couldn’t.

I could truly see the world in full colour.


Dear reader.

Thank you very much for reading my novel and crying along with me. Please bear in mind that it is a first draft.

I am very thankful for every comment, like and review. You guys make it all worth it.

SPECIAL NOTE: There will be a BONUS CHAPTER posted within the next few days. It is going to be a bit spicy, so you are welcome to skip it.

Thanks again.



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