IN FULL COLOUR - Dark Fantasy

Chapter 36


“Axel, what the hell do you think you’re doing!?” Lily snarled down at me with her glowing wolf-eyes burning like a furnace.

I kept a tight hold on John and swiftly eyed all the faces around the circle staring at us with confused expressions. Some of them held heaps of cash in their hands, Beast was grinning like a lunatic and Gabrielle, my eyes lingered on hers for a second longer. She looked terrified. Pamela was standing next to her, hugging an arm to her chest in a comforting manner while Gabrielle’s mouth hung open, her beautiful caramel eyes wide in horror.

“Oh, you know, just defending a lady’s honour,” I replied with a broad, forced smile and a shrug, turning my gaze back to my sister.

Lily’s chest was heaving violently. Of course, she thought I was just up to no good, as usual, messing around, getting into silly fights and in general just scarring the name of the Scott bloodline.

But this time it was different, wasn’t it?

“Let go of that man RIGHT NOW!” She seethed, quickly scanning the crowd, and turning a light shade of pink. I had embarrassed her, that much was clear.

“What’s the magic word?” I crooned in a strained voice since John was struggling to get out of my grasp again.

I heard muffled laughter emanating all around us, and it looked like my sister was about to explode. Shit, maybe I shouldn’t have...

“Please,” her single word came out as a low almost inaudible, deadly growl.

I let go.

John scrambled away and quickly got to his feet. He tried to dust most of the dirt from his clothes as he bowed to my sister, “Luna,” he greeted respectfully, but she didn’t even turn to face him.

He quickly moved on towards Raiden and Gabrielle’s parents, inclining his head also, “Alpha, Luna, Alpha,” he greeted. The only person who greeted him back with a semi-normal expression was Ray, who stuck out his hand and properly introduced himself.

“Raiden Anderson, Shadow Creek,” he said. John tried to clean most of the blood and dirt off his hand before shaking Raiden’s.

“Beta John Elliot, Dire Mountain.”

“BETA!?” Lily snarled again, keeping her angry eyes fixed on mine.

In the meantime, I had turned onto my back and now lay comfortably on the ground, legs outstretched, and ankles crossed, leaning back onto my elbows to observe the incredibly awkward introductions. Everyone already knew me, so no need to get up.

I shrugged, “what’s in a name?”

Lily looked livid.

Luckily, Ray stepped forward, “Axel,” he greeted.

“Brother,” I replied with a genuine smile, although I was pretty sure my teeth were covered in blood. Its metallic pang coated my tongue, thick and rich.

Ray shook his head and tried desperately to stifle a laugh.

Lily’s eyes snapped towards him, and his features changed instantly. Hello, mister serious Alpha.

“Axel,” he said in a firmer tone, “why don’t you get cleaned up and we will meet you in the garden after?”

Raiden placed a loving, gentle hand on Lily’s shoulder and pulled his brows up dramatically, indicating that I shouldn’t be pushing it any more than I already have.


“I’ll be there in ten,” I replied, shoulders slightly sagging and making no move whatsoever of getting up.

Raiden nodded, relief evident on his face and took Lily by the arm, guiding her back towards the main building.

Groans of disappointment murmured all around the circle and I distinctly remembered hearing Beast’s voice saying, “I’ll hold on to this, for now, it isn’t over yet, you can place your bets up to Wednesday at the latest.”

I smirked.

Gabrielle landed on her knees next to me in the dust, Pamela standing just behind her, “Axel, are you alright?”

Her voice was like an angel’s and my wolf purred in pure delight inside my head. Quickly sitting up, I wiped my hands on my knees, “sorry about the,” I waved an idle hand in the air, briefly gesturing to the crowd who had now started to disperse, “uh-scene.”

She looked up and gazed at the wolves around us, shaking her head quickly, “don’t worry about that.”

Gabrielle got onto her feet and held out a delicate hand to help me up. My eyes landed on her bruised wrist and the dormant serpent inside of me made a move, slow and uncomfortable.

I swallowed the bitterness back down and pulled a forced smile onto my face, gripping her hand in mine, “I’m not done with him yet, you should place a bet,” I said with a wink, letting her pull me up.

A bright smile instantly reached her ears, and a rosy blush stained her cheeks while she rolled her eyes, “Axel,” she scolded playfully and swatted my shoulder with the back of her hand.

My heart fluttered. I did that.

Turning to fully face her, I flashed the best bloody smile I could muster. Her eyes fell onto my red teeth and her smile faltered a bit.

“What? You don’t think I can win?” I teased as we started heading back towards the guest living quarters.

She shook her head again, looking down towards the ground, but the beautiful smile was back and I couldn’t help but smile myself.

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