In Fledgling Whispers (Book 3 of The Transition of Pinn)

My favorite place (Chapter 3)


The waiting room is my favorite place.

Sure, it’s not really called that, it called some long and ridiculous pious name and I forgot what it was several months ago. But whatever it is called doesn’t matter. It’s a place for us priestesses to chat and gossip, to check on each other in comfortable surroundings without the priests breathing down our necks.

Its a medium-sized room, nothing impressive really. But it has large couches of various colors lining three of the four walls and a counter filled with drinks and small snacks. The floor is covered with thick rugs, and it’s the only room in this temple with the torches turned up high enough that you can properly see anything.

I’m sitting in one corner next to Ava, who rubs her small baby bump with one hand while making gestures as she talks with the other. I thought they would have sent her on leave by now and she keeps saying it will happen soon. She looks regal in the pale blue priestess dress spayed around her on the couch. Her silver belt is pushed up above her bump, accentuating it. I wonder if her son will have her high cheekbones and blond hair- that would just be too cute on a baby.

On the floor next to us is Marie, a petite dark-haired woman with wide eyes. She sits with legs crossed, not caring if her blue dress gets soiled. She swirls her juice glass like its red wine before taking a sip. She looks like belongs in a country club on the arm of some rich husband, not here as some sort of sex-slave wrapped in all of the dressings of piety.

“Ugh, I don’t know how that cold bitch landed the Master Priest”

I look to see that Ava is narrowing her blue eyes at Maya, a quiet priestess who in my 6 months here I’ve never spoken to.

Maya stands in the corner, arms crossed, looking out into the room, speaking to no one. I haven’t seen her around recently so I guess this is her day in, even those who are good enough to become the property of the priests have to pay their dues every once in a while.

“She thinks she’s too good for the rest of us. Did I tell you what happened when I tried to talk to her?” Marie starts gossiping “She just got up and walked away! I mean, seriously…. She can’t even stomach saying hello to one of us”

“Have you seen the way he stares at you, Rachel? He should be yours” Ava adds in.

“Who? The Master Priest?” I ask. Of course, I see the way he stares, it’s impossible to miss. It should be weird and kinda creepy, but somehow it feels like we have something… something significant. Can that be possible with someone with whom I’ve never spoken more than a few passing words?

“Yes, silly!” Marie smile.

Ava decides to pile on, “I bet he has a really big-“

“Marie!” a priest calls out from the door.

“That’s me, girls” Marie stands up from the floor, brushing imaginary dust from her butt, “wish me luck!”

“Go get ’em, girl!” I call out cheerfully.

“Save the good-looking ones for me!” Ava calls out before giggling.

Marie doesn’t need any luck, she has an eye for the game, and most of the girls here do. She aims right for the richest looking worshipers and works her magic. The girl gets tips like no one else in this place.

Marie sashes over to the priest and exits the room. With that, a comfortable silence falls over Ava and I, like old friends who simply enjoy being in each other’s company. I sip my juice, Ava rubs her belly, the girls around us chatter, I wish I never had to leave this room- I wish I never had to go out there.

Ava suddenly grabs my hand, “Rachel, I worry about you”

I look over and into her face, indeed her face is scrunched in worry with lines marking her forehead, “I’ve seen it before, you need something, a goal, something”

I shrug my shoulders. What is the point of this? Talking about ‘out there’ strips me of my peace I only find in here.

“I love my sons, I do, but…” she continues to rub her belly, “if you can get away from this, you should”

I don’t know what she is talking about now. Get away? There is no getting away. There is no escape. I tried. We all tried at some point. We all know the repercussions of trying.

“Ava, you know what happens-“

She interrupts me, “No, I mean…” she shakes her head, “the Master Priest watches you. I’ve never heard of him abusing any of the women, you can… you would have a chance to escape this and live a somewhat normal life”

I have to hold back my laughter. Normal life? There is nothing normal about this life. There is nothing normal about Pinn. “He’s maybe said two words to me the entire time I’ve been here. I don’t think he is that interested. He’s just a sick pervert that likes to watch like the rest of them… He’s with Maya anyway”

“Fuck her”

I laugh because that is exactly what he is doing.

“Just promise me, if the chance comes up you’ll take it?” Ava looks at me with her wide angelic blue eyes.

“Sure” I shrug again.

I can promise anything- it will never happen.


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