Imperium: Volume 1

Chapter 4.

"Juniper! Juniper!!"

My body jolting up from a deep sleep. The same memory practically stuck on repeat. I sat up and moved my legs over the side of the bed, as I tried to control my breathing. Running my hands through my long hair, I managed to pull in some deep breathes, effectively taming down the pain in my chest. I stood up and put on my boots, jacket and hat where I then made my way outside. The sun was now setting.

I had been out for some time, and by the look of it, everyone was gathering around the bonfire which now doubled in size. I made my way over where I saw Alice talking to a few other woman. She had a smile on her face as I approached, and her full attention was now on me.

"June honey! Your awake." She rubbed my back as I gave her a smile. "How did you sleep?" She asked.

"I slept good thank you." I replied.

"Well, it certainly looked like you needed it. Are you hungry?" She asked.

It was like music to my ears.

"Ravished." I replied.

She took my hand and brought me over to a table, where she then grabbed a plate and filled it up for me.

"Here you go honey. There's a seat open over there, so just go sit, relax and enjoy. There are a couple more travellers sitting around the fire aswell. They arrived shortly after you went down." She pointed over to the open spot.

I took my seat and placed my elbows on my knees as I leaned forward and dug into my mounain of food. The heat resonating from the fire, took my chill away immediately.

As I was indulging in the small pleasantries, I scanned the crowd that seemed to be forming around the fire.

I casted my eyes on families enjoying the pitter patter of the crowd. Laughter of children filling the air and endless amounts of stories that could be heard all around me. I moved my gaze, looking through the fire to see an individual looking my way.

I looked down and slowly lifted my head after a few seconds to take a second look. His head was back down, and his face was hidden by his hat. He was leaned over aswell, keeping to himself. I didn't recognise him, but the longer I looked him over, I saw the same metal tag hanging from his neck that I had seen the day before.

"Shit." I said under my breath. I quickly realised he was at the shack, when that whole thing went down. I quickly put my head down, and decided this was not the time to stick around. I quickly got up and made my way back over to Alice and Joe's.

I walked in a found my clothes neatly folded on the bed that I slept in. I grabbed them and placed them in my pack, before taking out my water sac and filling it up with water. If he recognised me, he knew that I was trouble, and didn't want to take another risk again.

Just as I was finishing packing Joe walked in.

"Hey June...." He paused when he saw me packing my things. "Are you leaving already?"

"Y..yes. I'm sorry but I will be taking my leave now. Thank you so much for your hospitality." I paused. "It's been awhile since I've felt welcomed. But I really must be going."

"Of course of course." He assured, but his concern was all too present. "You don't have to you know. You are more then welcome to stay longer if need be."

I walked over to him, and gave him a hug. Something I havn't done in a long while.

"Thank you Joe. I won't forget your kindness."

"Well you just make sure you come back. You are most welcome, and that bed will have your name on it." He said.

"Thank you Joe. I will." I said rubbing the sides of his arms.

As I went back over to my pack, he still showed worry. He was brushing his hand on the back of his head.

"Are you sure you want to go now June? It's getting dark out and you really shouldn't be on your own. Who knows what kind of sickos are out there." He continued to babble.

"Joe....I'll be ok. Please trust me. I can take care of myself ok. No worries. I made it this far on my own right?" I said with a chuckle.

He sighed. "Ya, but if you run into trouble you come right back here." He said sternly.

I smiled at him. "I promise." I grabbed my pack and threw it over my shoulder and gave him a final gesture before I walked out the door.

Before leaving, I made sure to find Alice and thanked her aswell for her hospitality. She gave me a hug and said the same thing as Joe, telling me to come back anytime. And with that, I took back to the dirt road, passing by the group that still gathered by the bonfire. I kept my head down, as I could almost sense the man's eyes on me as I passed them.

I could feel the heat of the fire dim down on my back as I walked further away from camp, now venturing into the dark.

The road was pitch black ahead of me, and knew the small light cascading from the moon wouldn't help me.

As if the timing couldn't get any better a bright light quickly lit up the tree line, followed by screams that resonated from the camp. I peered back to see black army trucks making there way into camp, followed by foot soldiers dressed head to toe in black carrying semi automatics.

"The Dom Squad!..........." I looked back to the road behind me. Another scream coming from the camp followed by shots.

I threw my pack to the side and ran as fast as I could. The mass amount of people running, and grabbing children left and right made it hard to distinguish one from another. Screams were coming from every walk of life.

I found myself behind Joe and Alice's shed, peering around the corner to see where they were. The soldiers were shoving people to the ground, as they continued to send warning shots in the air.

I glanced over and saw Joe with his hands in the air, walking towards them, pleading for mercy.

"Joe, what the fuck are you doing?" I said to myself

"Please, Please, there just scared! We will work with you." He pleaded.

A single soldier walked up to him, and started talking to him. I looked over and could see the fear in Alice's face as she watched her husband talk to them.

Within a few seconds of talking to the man in black, he pulled a gun and placed it to Joe's chest, firing a single shot. I watched in terror as I saw Alice run to her husband's body now laying on the ground. Her screams leaving a forever imprint in my brain. She threw her body over him, and held her hand to his chest to stop the bleeding. The soldier didn't waste any time, and ended her suffering by putting another shot to the back of her head.

I stepped back towards the back of the shed, feeling the anger build up inside. My chest tightening, as the screams continued to fill my head. Trying to control my heavy breathing I put my hand on my chest.

"Breathe June......breathe....."

I slowly lifted my head as I let the anger take over me. I took in one final breath, before I forced myself off the wall and took a step towards the front of the shed.

I wanted to make them pay for what they did. I wanted to kill them all!

A few steps more and I would be in their sights.

2 more steps.........1

I felt a sudden pull, and was immediately slammed back up against the shed wall.

"That's not a good idea." The voice said.

Still breathing hard, I looked up to see the familiar metal tags dangling from his neck. They were old military dog tags. I looked up to see the face of a young man.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I ripped his grasp from my jacket and pushed him away before I tried making my way back over.

Again, he grabbed me from my coat. I turned around quickly grabbing his wrist and pushing in his elbow, where I then turned the tables by slamming him against the wall. Taking out my knife, I held it to his throat.

He just looked at me. I just stared at him, waiting for a look of .......something, but what came next was him grabbing my hand and twisting it behind my back, slamming me face first against the wall again, with the knife still in my hand.

I grunted hard.

"Stop fighting! I'm not here to hurt you." He said

"Get the fuck off me!" I tried breaking free, but all he did was tighten his grasp.

"You rather go out there and get yourself killed?" He asked.

"I can take care of them myself!" It was true, I could disintegrate them no problem.

"With what? your dinky little knife? You do that and you risk everyone here getting killed." He said calmly.

What he said had me stoop back...deep down he was right, but the hatred I felt for The Dominion conflicted his every word.

"Listen..." He loosened his grip. "There's nothing you can do here, what's done is done. So I suggest if you want to make it out here alive, you come with me."

I shook my arm to get the numbness out and turned around to face him.

"And what makes you think I would do that?" I asked sternly.

"Cus your exactly what I've been searching for." He said with absolute confidence.

I just looked at him. "And what's that?"

He looked at me.."A fighter."

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