Imperium: Volume 1

Chapter 10.

He lead me through several tiny hall ways, hand in hand to go meet the leader of the resistance. I don't know why, but I could feel butterflies in the pit of my stomach, and my chest felt hot.

We walked through a small corridor and walked through the open door, that had the name Harrison on the door. Raeve went in first and I followed.

"Raeve!" Said the man, making his way around his desk. "Glad your back buddy! We were starting to get a little worried."

"Sorry about that Harry, I should have sent word that I was going to be a little delayed." Raeve told him.

Harry smacked the side of his shoulder. "Just glad you came home in one piece! And who do we have here?" Now turning to face me.

Raeve moved to the side to let Harry come greet me. "Harry this is June."

"Hello young lady." He held out his hand, and I reciprocated. As I grabbed his hand, I felt a sudden spark crawl up my arm, which suddenly forced my hand to snap back. I looked at Raeve confused.

"Ahahahah sorry about that." He turned to Raeve. "So we have another Imperium to add to the cause eh? Why didn't you tell me sooner Raeve?"

What the fuck? How did he know?

"Must have slipped my mind." Raeve responded.

I quickly looked at him confused and shocked. He just glanced over with a grin before returning his gaze to Harry.

"Is Bowdie around?" He asked Harry.

"Y...Yes in fact she should be on her wa-"

He was cut off to the sound of someone talking.

"Is he here? Raeve?" In walked a young girl. She looked to be around 16 or so.

"Raeve!" She ran to him and jumped in his arms, glee from excitement. "I was worried about you, you big lug!" She said to him as they hugged eachother.

"I'm sorry Bowdie, it took a little longer then usual." He set her down, and had her back against his chest. His arms were wrapped around the front of her and had his head resting on top of hers.

"June, this is my little sister Bowdie." He introduced.

"You mean your only sister." She corrected him. She held out her hand, and introduced herself.

"Hi June! Nice to meet you." She said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too." I took her hand and shook it in return.

"Well! now that the family reunion is out of the way, what do you say you and I Raeve have a little chat about your trip. I'm hoping it wasn't a waste?" He stated.

Raeve stood up tall and his overall mannerisms changed. "It wasn't."

"Excellent!" Harry turned to Bowdie. "Perhaps young miss you could show our new friend to a livings courter?"

Bowdie smiled and grabbed my hand, and lead me out the barracks. I looked back at Raeve, before Harry shut the door.

"Your going to love it here." She said, trying to make small talk. "This whole placed is designed to provide all our daily life necessities. She sounded like she was trying to sell the place. She didn't need to though, I was already sold.

"So how did you and Raeve meet?" She asked.

She didn't waste any time.

"Uh...we met in Gypsy." I answered.

"Gypsy? Why Gypsy?" She asked confused.

We were making our way back through the hanger and heading towards a staircase that lead to the walkway.

"What do you mean? That's where I first saw him." I replied.

"Hmm, just seems out of his way." She answered before stopping us in front of a green door.

"You can have this one if you'd like!" She said smiling. "Go on!"

I walked towards the door. I turned to her quickly before opening it.

"Are you sure no one is using it?"

"Don't worry." She replied. "The door is painted green which means it's not being used and up for grabs."

I looked around all the other units and saw a majority of them were grey, with a couple green scattered amongst each floor. I turned back to the door and let myself in. It was twice the size of the cottage Raeve and I spent the night in, and in the far right corner was a closet that stuck out from the wall. Bowdie made her way in and showed me every aspect of the room.

There was a single bed on the far left corner, and the closet turned out to be a built in shower with a toilet built in the stall. Sharing the wall with the bed, but closer to the door was a small kitchenette and counter with some bar stools, and a mini refrigerator.

"Well? what do you think?" Bowdie asked.

"It's......u....its.....big." I said genuinely surprised, to be having such a space of my own.

"Oh yay! I'm glad you like it." She said with a smile.

I walked over to the bed and set my pack down.

"Ahh! Raeve! I hate it when you do that!" She yelped.

I quickly looked over to Bowdie hitting Raeve in the chest. He was laughing. Did I miss something?

He turned to me. "How are you liking it so far June?"

I smiled. "It's amazing...thank you."

"Good." He replied with a smile. "Someone will be up to stock your cupboards and then after you clean up, I'll take you to the closet."

"The closet?" I asked.

"You'll see." He chuckled as Bowdie started messing with him.

It was nice too see a different side of Raeve. One I didn't mind seeing again. He wrapped his arm around her head and made their way out, so that I could get freshened up. As I went to close the door, he quickly came back.

"Oh hey, if you need anything before then or your not sure where to go, our unit is just on the other side. It will have our names on it." He told me, and walked away.

Ok seems easy enough. I shut the door, and made my way back over to the bed, grabbing my spare clothes. They were a little damp but would make do, till I let these ones dry. I found a towel hanging in the shower, and turned on the vent above the stall.

Now how to start this thing.

The shower was an amazing feeling, and the water was the perfect temperature. I didn't have any toiletries other then a roll of toilet paper, but I still had the bar of soap Alice gave me. I felt guilty using it, so I made sure not to use all of it and save the rest for safe keeping. A small token to remind me of their kind generosity.

I made my way out and dried off, placing on my damp clothes. I hung up my towel, and made my way to the door. I opened it and the smell of fresh paint caught my attention. I looked at the door, and the green colour was replaced with a flat grey, and my name was stamped in big black letters.

That was fast I thought.

"June!" Yelled a woman.

I looked down the walkway and saw a woman carrying a bin overflowing with stuff. I ran over to her.

"Here let me help." I said grabbing the bin from her.

"Thank you so much." She said.

We just stood there in silence.

"Oh sorry aha, I'm Becky by the way. How rude of me." She pointed back towards my room. "Come...come."

We made our way back to my room.

"Just set the bin here and I'll take care of it dear." I did what she said, and stood back as she took everything out the bin, and laid some items across the counter.

"Here's your bedding, and a couple more towels. Some shampoo; soap; toothbrush; toothpaste, toilet paper;..."

I just stood there listening to everything she had to say. She then took out some canned foods, some fruit and vegetables, and lastly a small pitcher. She told me the water that ran through the facility was tempered, so it ran luke warm or hot, and if I wanted cold water to drink it was best to keep some in the fridge.

"So with that being said, if you need anything for your unit, don't hesitate to look for me. I have an office in the closet, which I believe Raeve will be here any time....."

Knock Knock.

"Ah perfect timing. You settle in well June, I hope to see you soon." She said.

"Thank you Becky." I said as she made her way out and Raeve made his way in. He too looked freshened up, and I could see a new bandage replaced the one I put on him.

I surveyed all the stuff sprawled out on the counter. Raeve made his way over, looking over the labels of the canned food.

"Oh god." He said holding up a can of spam.

"Raeve?" I asked nervously.

"Ya?" He answered.

"When did you know?"

He looked up to me in silence.

It was a long pause until he finally responded. "In Gypsy."

But how I thought to myself? He spoke again as if reading my mind.

"During the fight, you grabbed the blade with your bare hand." He said.

Oh ya, I forgot about that.

"Then as you walked passed me to leave, there was no mark or blood. It was just a thought at first, but then the explosion during our last chase, was questionable."

He paused, to see my reaction, but I just kept my head down.

"Harry was my final confirmation that you were in fact, an Imperium."

I quickly looked up to him confused. He held up his hand and wiggled his fingers.

"You felt a spark, when you shook his hand." He stated.

"So that's......." I paused. "Harry is an Imperium?" I asked unsure.

"Yep. He actually can control electricity, but every time he touches another Imperium, their energy somehow sets his off, hence the shock."

I stayed silent, but what he said started to make sense.

"The only thing I can't figure out is what you are." He made his way over infront of me with his finger tapping his cheek. "I wanna guess bulletproof or something along that line. Am I right?"

So much worst, in fact.

"Something like that." Was the answer I gave him.

"Anyways, now that Becky came and brought you some stuff, I think it's time we go to the closet." He said.

"About that......." We started making our way out the unit. "Why is Becky's office in a closet?"

All he did was chuckle. "Just wait."

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