Immortal Fire - Book One

Chapter 18

Following Hayden out of the building and down the steps, my new anger for him grew the longer my mind raced through everything that had transpired. He had thought I was not worthy because I was half Dark Elf? That is why he had changed straight after talking about my parents? Well, he had another thing coming if he thought that he was going to just walk away from this.

Scanning the surrounding area as we reached the street, I saw an alley. That was my chance, and I was going to take it. Grabbing a hold of Hayden’s hood, I shoved him into the alley with all my force.

“What the fuck Aria!” Hayden exclaimed, staggering and righting himself as he glared at me.

“What the fuck? You have some nerve!” I shot back at him. He looked at me and tried to get past me, but I blocked his way.

“You knew, didn’t you? You knew about my parents and that’s why you have been such an ass.” He was standing with his arms folded and staring over my head. Damn him and his height.

“So, what...?” He feigned nonchalance.

“Are you being serious right now?” I asked, my voice rising in pitch.

“I tend to be serious about everything I do, and right now I’m serious when I say that I haven’t got time for this.” He was smirking at me. That little bastard, he did think I was not worthy of anything because of my blood.

“That’s it, isn’t it; you think that I am beneath you because I’m not a full Light Elf like you?” I could feel my eyes start to gather moisture.

Dammit, I would not let him make me cry.

Hayden’s whole demeanor changed. He was not wearing that mask anymore and I could see that what I had said affected him. He let his arms fall to his side and he sighed, sounding exhausted.

“That’s not it, Aria.”

“Then what is it, if that’s not the truth?” I snapped back at him.

“I…” Whatever he was about to say, I would not hear, as Marcus had entered the Alley. Hayden was back to being the arrogant imposter as soon as he saw him.

“What’s going on here?” Marcus asked.

“Nothing; have you heard what’s going on with Aria?” Hayden replied, changing the subject… Marcus looked at me and I turned away not being able to face him, as I was being drowned in emotions.

“Yeah, I’ve been told; that’s why I’m here. I’m supposed to be escorting you to your household Aria.” he now said to me. I had managed to get myself under control and was back into that deadly calm.

“Can we go now, please?” I asked with a stern voice. Marcus eyed Hayden and sighed.

Turning back to me, he gently put his hand on my back and led me from the alley, leaving Hayden to watch us go.

On the walk to my house, I could not believe that I had a house, was less than five minutes from where we had left Hayden. We passed little shops and restaurants and traveled over a stone bridge by the time we got there. Lunzos was nothing like I imagined. I thought it would have been this fairy-tale city, which in a way it was but it was still so eerily normal. Even my house seemed normal. It was a small one-bedroom house with a living room, bathroom, modern kitchen, and a small garden in the back. It was perfect.

Turning to Marcus who was leaning against the entrance, I decided I wanted some alone time.

“Thanks a lot, Marcus. I appreciate it.” I said, my exhaustion sounding through my words, and I meant every word of gratitude.

“Not a problem love. Anyway, I’ll be on my way,” he said.

Turning on his heel, he was out the front door and headed down the stone footpath. I was about to close the front door when he stopped and turned.


“Yeah...?” I called back, stopping myself from fully closing the door.

“Don’t judge Hayden.” I was too dumbstruck to even answer him before he was walking again. Closing the front door and locking it, I slid down the wood to the floor. I rested my head against the hard Oak surface and closed my eyes. I have no idea how long I sat there like that but was eventually pushed into action by the gnawing hunger pains that ripped at my stomach.

Heading to the kitchen, I was relieved to find it stocked with everything I might need. Peeking into the fridge I found everything to be organic and fresh. I eventually grabbed a bite of everything as I searched. By the time I found the chicken, I felt as if I was going to pop.

Note to self: do not do that ever again. Strolling over to the lounge, I threw myself at the couch. It felt like heaven on earth. I was about to doze off when I got a text. Reaching into my pocket, I opened up the text message.

I’m sorry…”

Hayden? It was the only person who made sense to be sending me a sorry text right now. Deciding it was probably better to make sure, I asked.

Hayden? Is this you?”


Feeling slightly more awake now, I could not help the traitorous butterflies that began flying around in my stomach.

“What are you sorry for?” I wanted to hear him admit it.

“For being an ass when you have done nothing wrong…”

Okay, that was good enough. I decided to ask the next thing that was nagging at me, but had been too angry to think to ask earlier...

“Why can’t I see you?”

“I have no idea, that’s why I got your number.”

Now that I thought about it, I did not know how he had my number.

“How did you get my number?” I asked.

“I have my Elf ways.”

I could not help but burst out laughing at that. I was going to reply when another text came through.

“Get some sleep. You are going to need the rest for tomorrow’s training. I’m not going to go easy on you…”

“Well, you’re the one who started texting first, so it’s your fault that I’m not sleeping Elf boy.”

“Ha-ha, night Aria.”

Sighing, I put my cell phone down on the coffee table and started falling asleep. The bed was too far for my liking at that moment. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. Realizing that I had not showered in two days I groaned. I lifted my head slightly and estimated the distance from the couch to the shower; in the end, sleep won, and I had one of the best periods of sleep of my life, not riddled with dreams of boys with blonde hair and blue eyes...

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