I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Bird in a Gilded Cage ‘Lux Jewelry is too dumb. How can they not do a background check on their designer before
signing the contract? How can they hire a homewrecker to be in charge of the First Love series? This is such a horrible reflection
of it.’ ‘They have ruined such a great opportunity.
I reckon that this will be Lux Jewelry’s biggest flop since the start of their business.’ ‘Have everyone stopped finding out
information on McK? I’m quite keen to dig more information about her. Be a sleuth and find out more about the wealthy guy too.
We must ensure that this despicable duo ends up in disrepute.’ The comments on the internet became increasingly intense and
Leanna’s background was revealed entirely. However, there was not even a mere mention of the alleged wealthy man’s identity
at all. At that moment, Harvey quickly rounded up the staff and called an urgent meeting to try and find a solution to diffuse this
situation in the shortest time possible.
Nonetheless, this matter was clearly a pre-arranged plot with someone fuelling the flames behind the scene. As soon as they
removed the matter from the trending chart, there would be trolls on the internet who would create another hashtag and make
the matter resurface on the trending chart. The force of this scandal seemed to be pressurizing Lux Jewelry to come up with a
statement announcing their termination of contract with Leanna; in other words, they intended to keep this up until the
protagonist was ruined. Leanna could clearly tell that this was a malicious plan toward her, therefore, Lux Jewelry evidently
realized this too.
However, the termination of Leanna’s contract was not the major issue here. If this matter was allowed to persist and nothing
was resolved, then this completely unjustified slander would tarnish Lux Jewelry’s reputation significantly. Still, the comments on
the internet varied and no matter what action Lux Jewelry took, they would still be accused of siding with Leanna. Perhaps most
people did not even care about finding out the truth, but they were much keener to see the situation turn out to be what occurred
in their minds, a well-written plotline per se. Harvey spent the entire afternoon in his office without stepping out at all and Lux
Jewelry was bombarded by enquiring phone calls from the media.
They were asked whether they were aware of this matter prior to the scandal. Furthermore, some press members even tried
hard to gain the first interview regarding this incident. Leanna sat in the meeting room and looked at the condemning comments

on the Internet written for her. Suddenly, she had a vision of herself in possession of a million fans, though all of them were, in
fact, anti-fans. Truth be told, this matter was rather straightforward as she could easily figure out who was the puppeteer behind;
there were only a handful of people who knew about her former marriage. Besides, that entire piece on the Internet was mainly
dissing her and throwing shade at her character.
Furthermore, the author also uncovered the usual casino that Jethro frequented. However, there was not a single mention of the
wealthy man. As such, it was quite clear that the person who wrote that piece not only knew her in person, but Aidan as well.
The other party was intent on ruining her without revealing an ounce of Aidan’s identity, which was why the person slandered her
for being a homewrecker. He had never been married prior to this, so there was no way anyone could have linked him to this. At
the same time, inside the president’s office of Pearson Group, Aidan was browsing through the alleged whistleblowing articles
posted on the Internet. His dark eyes were cold and unfeeling. After a short while, he reacted, “Has Lux Jewelry responded to
this?” “So far, they haven’t given a response. Perhaps they were caught by surprise by the sudden commotion that was brought
about by this matter.” At that point, he remained silent and no one knew what was going on in his mind. As such, Jonathan
mentioned, “President Pearson, although this matter has no implication at all to Pearson Group, right now, Mrs. Pearson’s
personal information has been leaked. Therefore, there could be a chance that the company would be implicated in the future.”
“Continue your words.” Jonathan continued to blab with a serious look in his eyes, “We’ve worked together with Lux Jewelry
before and we’ve maintained a great partnership.
If we could help them and Madam get through this crisis this time, not only can we nip the malicious comments in the bud before
things fester and get out of hand, but naturally, Lux Jewelry would owe us a huge favor too. Regardless of which aspect we look
at, we would definitely be on the winning side.” Aidan grunted his approval before shutting the webpage on his computer. “Send
them our PR team.” If Pearson Group hadn’t worked with Lux Jewelry before, then I would not have cared about Leanna at all!
She would have to sort out her own mess then! Jonathan heaved a sigh of relief after leaving the room and thought, I have such
a tough life! I can’t believe that I managed to come up with such a great excuse to give President Pearson a way out to offer
Madam help. ... At the moment, as trouble continued to brew on the internet, Harvey suddenly received a phone call from the PR
department stating that the PR team from Pearson Group had contacted them and that they were willing to help Lux Jewelry
overcome this crisis.
The PR team of Pearson Group was one of the top ones in the country. Although Pearson Group had business involving the
entertainment industry, their PR department had never provided their services for any celebrity at all; their only role was to
maintain the reputation of Pearson Group. Suddenly, Harvey was anxious when faced with such a rare and valuable opportunity

that had somehow materialized. He had encountered Aidan before and he realized that Aidan was not a philanthropic person
who would offer help out of the blue. However, the current situation was a pressing one and they could not figure out a better
solution than this for the time being. Harvey was just about to go over and discuss the issue with the PR team sent by Pearson
Group when Leanna suddenly appeared at the entrance of the meeting room. She spoke softly, “Mr. Mancini, I’m willing to
accept the media’s interview and explain this entire matter.”
Zoe, who was standing by the side, attempted to stop Leanna, “Nana...” Leanna continued, “I’ve considered everything carefully
and I know that this might not be the most appropriate action right now, but if this matter is to fester, then it would affect Lux
Jewelry’s reputation adversely.” Harvey agreed with her suggestion. Lux Jewelry was one of the top magazines in the country
and they were different from a celebrity in the entertainment industry. As they faced this slanderous situation that had arisen
suddenly, nothing could resolve the matter better than letting the party involved to come clean and make a public statement; it
would even be much more effective than having a great PR team, one might say. Soon after that, Lux Jewelry called for a private
press conference. After Jonathan answered the phone call, he went and knocked on the door of the president’s office with
Aidan didn not even bother to lift his head as he spoke in an indifferent tone, “Has the issue been resolved?” “President Pearson,
Lux Jewelry has rejected our help offer. They stated that they’ve found a solution to settle this matter.” Aidan shut the document
folder in front of him and lifted his head slowly. There was not even the slightest hint of emotion in his cold features. “What’s their
solution for this?” “They have organized a press conference to clarify this matter.” Aidan placed down his fountain pen and
snorted. Leanna was the main reason for this rise of scandal, so obviously, there would be no one else but her to clarify this
matter in front of the media. Does she enjoy being exposed in the public eye so much? Her private information is all over the
internet! At that moment, Jonathan thought that Aidan would lose his temper, but the president merely replied calmly, “I get it.
You can leave the room now.” Jonathan had just walked out when Aidan’s phone went off; it was a phone call from the Pearson
Family Estate. “What’s the deal with the rumors on the Internet?” Aidan expressed himself calmly, “It is exactly as what you saw.
It’s all just rumors.” Gordon’s low voice rang out, “I know that it’s just rumors, of course! My question is, what’s Leanna trying to
do?! She should just stay home and not create such a mess outside!”
“She’s not a bird that I keep in a gilded cage, so she’s free to do whatever she wishes to.” Fortunately, Gordon did not make this
call with the sole intention of talking about this matter. He paused for a moment before continuing, “Aidan, I heard that the
woman you’re seeing is pregnant with a child. Since Leanna hasn’t gotten pregnant for the past three years, why don’t you spare
some time and get the divorce finalized with her? She shouldn’t be allowed to retain the position of Mrs. Pearson and yet not
bring any benefit to the family.”

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