I’ll Always Be With You (Lancaster Prep Book 4)

I’ll Always Be With You: Part 2 – Chapter 47


When I suggested going to this restaurant, I didn’t realize just how much she would enjoy herself. She’s approximately two and a half drinks in, swaying to the music, laughing when one of the servers appears in front of our table and fills a shot glass for her while holding it in his mouth. I give the guy a dirty look because even I can see he’s attractive and making eyes at the woman I love, and unfortunately, she notices.

“Don’t be jealous,” she chastises once the guy leaves. “I’m with you tonight, hmm?”

She rests her hand on my thigh yet again. She keeps doing that, and I’m now sitting in the middle of a very crowded restaurant, trying to finish my filet mignon while sporting an erection.

The things I do for this woman.

No complaining though. Not when I see the joy on her face and the way her gaze dances when it meets mine. When she lifts her glass and shouts along with the other diners in the restaurant the moment someone jumps up on the bar and starts playing a trumpet. It’s loud and obnoxious and completely over the top, and I love that Carolina is totally into it.

This is a version of my girl that I’ve never seen before, and I’m so grateful I’m witnessing this moment. I want to see more of this woman. Full of joy and laughter and finding constant delight in everything that surrounds her. She hums with satisfaction every time she sips from her drink. Groans in delicious agony each time she takes a bite. She is enjoying herself so thoroughly, when normally this sort of atmosphere would send her into complete stimulation overload.

“I’m stuffed,” she says with a little moan as she leans back against the soft blue velvet booth that we’re sitting in. It’s intimate and cozy and I love how her thigh constantly presses against mine. “I don’t think I can eat another bite.”

“But I wanted to get dessert.”

“You can eat it. I’ll just watch.”

“Oh, you’ll join me eating our dessert.” I lean in and drop a kiss to her perfect lips, and she smiles, her face tilted up toward mine, her gaze thoughtful.

“Really? You think you can convince me?” She’s challenging me, a teasing lilt to her voice and I press my forehead to hers, dropping my hand to the outside of her thigh, gathering up some of her skirt with my fingers.

“I can persuade you to do just about anything,” I murmur.

She actually squeals with laughter, pulling away from me and reaching for her drink, which she drains in one long swallow. I stare at the elegant column of her throat, the way it gently moves when she drinks, and I’m filled with the sudden need to touch her.

Inappropriately. While in public.

“You want another one?” I ask.

“I shouldn’t,” she murmurs, staring at the empty glass with longing.

Our server magically appears, as if summoned by Carolina’s wishes, and asks if we want another one.

“Please,” I say for her. “For the both of us.”

“Will do.” The man nods and heads for the bar.

I lean back in the seat, my gaze never straying from Carolina. She shifts and sways in the booth, a constant smile on her face and she glances over at me to catch me staring. “What are you looking at?”

“You. You’re enjoying yourself.”

“I am.” She claps her hands and that’s when I realize she might be a little drunk. “Such a wonderful night.”

“Want to enjoy yourself more?” I arch a brow.

“What more could happen to make this night better?”

I lean in close to her, my mouth right at her ear, lips brushing the sensitive skin when I whisper, “I want to make you come.”

She goes completely still, as if she needs to absorb what I said, before slowly, she angles her head toward mine. “What exactly are you plotting, hmm?”

“Wait and see.” I lean back against the booth, spreading both of my arms out along the top of it.

She contemplates me, curiosity in her bright blue gaze. “Are you meaning here?”

I nod.

“Right here?” Another nod. “In public?”

“No one will notice.”

“I couldn’t.” She shakes her head, but I see the excitement in her eyes. She’s thinking about it. “Someone would notice.”

“I don’t know.”

The lights dim as if on cue, going completely dark for the briefest second before red lights come on, a single red beam shining on the short runway in the center of the restaurant, a scantily clad woman standing there.

Music starts, slow and sensual and the woman swings her hips, turning her back to us, her entire ass on display. I reach out and tug on a strand of Carolina’s hair, sending her a knowing look when she glances over at me, and she turns away quickly, giggling.

The server stops by our table with new drinks and Carolina accepts her eagerly, taking a sip. I sip from mine as well, tugging her toward me when she sets her glass on the table, nuzzling the side of her face.

“Let me under your skirt,” I whisper.

She shakes her head. “You’re naughty.”

“You like it.” I pause, my voice firm when I tell her, “Lift your skirt, Carolina.”

Her gaze meets mine, her face painted in red light, achingly gorgeous. “I don’t have any panties on.”

I smile. “You came prepared.”

“You are so bad.” She’s shaking her head once more as she reaches beneath the table, her hands busy gathering her skirt and lifting it upward. “What if someone catches us?”

“No one will notice.” It’s so dark in here, and the music is loud. The booth is high all around us, cutting off anyone’s view. They’d have to know what they were looking for to find her on display.

Glancing down, I see that her skirt is bundled up to her waist, her lower half completely bare. My cock surges in my pants and I silently curse my choices right now. This is going to be torture. “Show me what you’ve got, baby. Spread your legs.”

“Weston.” She reaches for a drink and takes a big sip before setting it back down and slowly but surely, spreading her legs.

I dip my head, studying her. Pink and glistening wet. All for me. “Touch yourself.”

Her gaze holding mine, she reaches down and strokes her pussy with her index finger, holding it out toward me. It’s wet, coated with her and I grab hold of her wrist, licking at her fingertip with my tongue.

“Delicious,” I croon, noting her dilated pupils. “My turn.”

Scooting closer, I rest my hand on her bare thigh, skimming my fingers across her smooth skin, drawing closer and closer to her cunt. I can smell her. Musky sweet and so aroused, I wouldn’t doubt she’ll leave a wet stain on the velvet when I’m done with her.

Oh well.

My hand hovers just above her like a ghost and she whimpers, her hips lifting, causing my fingers to brush against her pussy. She hisses out a breath and I rest my hand directly over that needy spot between her legs, holding it there.

She’s breathing hard, her chest rising and falling rapidly, her skin flushed. I can tell, even in the red light. She’s aroused. Dying for it.

Dying for me.

“Think anyone knows what we’re doing?” I ask casually as I begin to stroke her, my fingers sliding through her folds.

Carolina frantically shakes her head, her breaths turning into little pants. “N-no.”

“You get off on doing something like this in public?” I strum her clit, rubbing it in those tight little circles she enjoys so much.


I smile, pleased with her honesty. Leaning in, I kiss her, my tongue thrusting against hers, just as I slide a finger into her tight pussy. She rises up, accommodating my hand, and I add another one to the first, filling her.

Fucking her with my fingers.

The music continues, the burlesque dancer moving provocatively about the stage. The room is quiet save for the loud music, everyone seemingly entranced by the woman performing with the exception of me.

I’m too caught up in the sounds Carolina makes. The way she feels. Her scent, her eyes, her lips. She tastes amazing, she feels even better and when she clamps her thighs tight around my hand and wrist, I break the kiss, frowning.

“I’m close,” she whispers, sounding frantic. Breathless.

“Tell me what you need.” I remove my hand from her completely like a sadistic bastard, despite the hold her strong thighs had on me, and I sink my fingers into her mouth, heat coursing through my blood when she sucks and licks them almost desperately.

“I need your fingers,” she whispers when I pull them from her mouth. “And I need you to keep kissing me.”

I give her what she wants, kissing her slowly, my tongue doing a thorough search of her mouth. My fingers slip in between her thighs once more, teasing her clit. Teasing every part of her I can reach. Cracking my eyes open, I glance around, making sure that no one is paying any attention to us. Closing them once more when I’m reassured that they’re not.

Increasing my speed, I thrust my fingers inside of her, my thumb toying with her clit. She gasps against my lips, her hips straining and I can tell when the orgasm hits her. Her body stills and I swallow her moans, kissing her deeply, keeping my fingers buried inside of her, my thumb on her clit as she rides out her orgasm on my hand.

The moment she’s done the song ends and there’s a round of applause. I slowly pull my hand from her body, bringing her fingers to my mouth. The scent of her hits me and I lick my fingers, making her laugh.

“Your timing is impeccable,” she compliments me.

“No, baby, that was all you.”

Her expression turns serious and she leans in, kissing me softly. “I never want this night to end.”

“Don’t worry.” I cup the back of her head, keeping her close. “We have the rest of our lives together. I promise.”

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