I’ll Always Be With You (Lancaster Prep Book 4)

I’ll Always Be With You: Part 1 – Chapter 33

I FUCKED UP SO BAD, and I don’t know how to fix it.

I show up to class because where else am I supposed to go? If I try to talk to Mercedes, I’ll probably end up trying to strangle her and I don’t want to end up arrested for attempted murder so I steer clear of her.

Pretty much steer clear of everyone and they do the same. There’s a lot of whispering and giggling and odd looks sent my way. I can’t blame them. It’s scandalous, what Mercedes leaked. I’ve seen worse of course. Haven’t we all? Thirst trap photos on someone’s main account. Suggestive shots. Blatant nude photos sent to guys in confidence that are shared after they break up.

I’ve seen that shit a lot over the years. I’ve seen the majority of the girls in my class in a semi-naked pose at least once, but I’ve never shared any that were sent to me. And I’ve definitely never had a video of me involved in an intimate moment with someone else hit the internet.

Mercedes is an evil cunt. There are no other words for it. I don’t know what she hoped to get out of it, but she fucked with the wrong person. And I’m not even referring to myself.

I’m talking about Carolina Lancaster.

By the time American Government rolls around, neither Carolina nor Mercedes is in the classroom, but the rumors are already spreading.

Police were seen driving onto campus.

Carolina and Mercedes got into a physical fight.

Mercedes was hauled out of school by the police. In handcuffs.

Matthews has met with Carolina and her dad, and heads are about to roll.

I don’t know how I remain unscathed up to this moment, but halfway through class, I get called to Matthews’ office.

And we all know what that’s about.

Everyone watches me as I get up from my desk and leave the classroom, ignoring them all. I make my way to the admin building with hurried steps, eager to get this over with, and when I walk into the office, Vivian, Matthews’ secretary, gives me a look, her disappointment obvious.

“He’s waiting for you in his office.”

I give her a nod and head toward the open door, my steps slowing when I hear the voices coming from within.

I hear Carolina. And a woman that sounds suspiciously like her mother.

Pausing at the doorway, I wait for Matthews to acknowledge me.

“Weston. Come in.” He gestures toward the open door and I settle in, ignoring the rigid woman sitting in the middle chair, her lips curled in seeming disgust.

Sylvia Lancaster. Fucking great. I don’t know what’s worse though. Carolina’s father would probably want to murder me for what I did to his little girl.

“I’m sure you are already aware why you’re here,” Matthews started.

I nod, wishing I could see Carolina’s face, but her mom is completely blocking her from my view.

“What happened was a complete violation of your privacy, and I need confirmation from you.” He studies me, his gaze intense. “Do you know who’s responsible for creating this video of you and Miss Lancaster?”

I swallow hard, not afraid to rat out who did it, but what does this mean for me? For me and Carolina? “It was Mercedes Browne.”

“And how do you know this?”

“She told me she did it. Showed me the video herself. It was on her phone.”

Sylvia Lancaster’s eyes are trying to burn holes through my skin.

“And when did she show you this video?”

“Last night.” I clear my throat, chancing a glance in Carolina’s direction, but I still can’t see her face. “At the party.”

Matthews’ expression is one of disgust. “I hate that party. I act like it isn’t happening every year.”

“Then maybe you should put a stop to it. Sounds like it brings nothing but trouble,” Sylvia says, her voice crisp. “Or a lawsuit waiting to happen.”

“No, that would be Mercedes’ little video,” Carolina adds snidely.

“Okay, that’s enough,” Matthews says, obviously put out. “I know what Miss Browne did is both a private violation and a school one, but what the two of you did is also a violation.”

Dread socks me right in the stomach. “A violation?”

“Students aren’t allowed to be in dorm rooms unattended after curfew. Including the Lancaster suite.”

And here I thought the Lancasters were untouchable.

“I’m sure all sorts of—things have happened in those Lancaster suites in the past,” Sylvia says, her voice light. As if this entire situation isn’t a big deal. “Are you trying to turn my daughter into an example of what not to do?”

“We’ve been able to forgive most Lancaster mistakes because there’s never been any proof. Unfortunately for this one, there is proof. Video documentation of two students together, participating in an … act that they shouldn’t be. And one of the worst violations of them all, quite frankly. I’m afraid I’m going to have to suspend them both.”

“Suspend?” Sylvia’s voice is so high pitched, I wince.

“For a week.”

“I think you need to reconsider your form of punishment.”

“I don’t have a choice. The documentation is out there for the entire campus to see.”

“Not anymore, it’s not. My husband took care of that.”

“Ex,” Carolina adds. Sylvia goes silent, and I swear there’s steam coming from her ears. “Well, it’s true, Mother. You’re not married anymore.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Sylvia snaps. “I’m asking you, Mr. Matthews, to reconsider the punishment you’re inflicting upon my daughter.”

“What about Mr. Fontaine?”

“What about him?” Sylvia sniffs, her gaze barely coasting over me. “He’s the one who put her into this predicament. He also knew who did it, yet chose not to tell anyone until it was too late. I believe the punishment is fitting for the crime.”

I almost laugh. This bitch is something else.

“I’m afraid they’re both at fault, which means they’ll be suspended for the rest of the week. They can return to campus a week from today.”

Shit. Where am I supposed to go? California to spend the rest of the week with my parents?

That is the last place I want to go.

“You’ll be hearing from my lawyers,” Sylvia says, rising to her feet. “Come on, Carolina.”

I let them walk out first, sending a pleading look at Carolina when she briefly glances over at me, but she doesn’t react. Doesn’t even smile. Just lifts her head high and walks out with her mother.

“I had to do it, you know,” Matthews calls out to me just as I’m leaving his office.

I turn to face him, frowning. “Do what?”

“Suspend you. And Carolina. Lancasters have been up to no good ever since I took over this school, even before that, I’m sure. Their name, their family gives them privilege nobody else has. The Lancaster antics over the years here at this school are legendary,” Matthews explains.

I’m surprised he’s telling me this. “What’s different about this case?”

“I already told you. The video is proof. I can’t not suspend you. You’re lucky I didn’t expel you both. Fortunately, your records are clean.”

“What about Mercedes?”

His expression shutters closed. “I can’t discuss that with you, but her punishment will fit accordingly.”

I’m guessing she’ll be expelled.

I leave the office and head for my dorm hall, my steps slowing when I catch sight of Carolina speaking to her mother at the front of the campus, near the parking lot. From the looks of it, they’re having an argument. Sylvia even reaches out and tries to grab Carolina’s arm, but she shrugs out of her hold and flees, heading for the building where her suite is located.

Like a complete idiot, I follow after her, calling her name, right as she starts to enter the passcode on the door lock.

Hey, at least they’re locking the doors in the daytime now.

“West, go away.” She doesn’t even look at me, her expression determined as she re-punches in the code and reaches for the door handle.

“Let me talk to you.” I lean against the door, making it shut, and she makes an irritated noise.

“There’s nothing else to talk about. And we have to leave campus right now, or Matthews will be pissed.” She tries to enter the passcode yet again and keeps fucking it up.

“I don’t care about Matthews. Are you okay?”

A sigh leaves her and she gives up, turning to face me. “No, I’m not okay. I’m still mad at you. I don’t get why you couldn’t tell me that Mercedes created that video. If you’d let me know about her last night, everything would be different.”

“I can’t go back and change what I did—or didn’t do, okay? No matter how much I wish I could.” Fuck, it pains me, how much I’ve hurt her. I messed everything up. “She still would’ve posted it and you know it.”

“But at least I would’ve known. I would have been prepared versus having that video slap me in the face. She caught us together in one of my most vulnerable moments. And now everyone knows what we’re doing.”

“Is that the problem? That you don’t want people knowing we’ve had sex?” I talk right over her when she tries to protest. “Or is it something else? Are you—embarrassed that we’re sexually active with each other?”

“No! Of course not.” She pauses. “You make it sound so clinical.”

“I’m just stating facts.”

She crosses her arms in front of her, on the defensive. “And now I’m being suspended. Like I care though. I wish I could leave this place forever.”

I frown. “Really?”

Does she mean what she says? Or is she just mad over what happened? She has every right to be angry, but when she says stuff like that, it makes me think she doesn’t give a damn about me.

Like she’s just using me to get through the school year here before she returns to the life she really wants to lead.

“I don’t know. My mother just tried to convince me to go to her apartment with her, but I told her I was waiting for my father. Oh, she was angry, but I don’t care. I’m not spending the next week with her.”

I don’t like the idea of her father showing up and seeing me. He might want to take me out. “Is she that bad?”

“She’s awful. And my father took care of everything already. He’s on his way to pick me up now. Oh, and our lawyers have been in contact with Mercedes’ parents. She won’t be spying on people ever again. I can guarantee that.”

I can’t imagine what the lawyer threatened Mercedes’ parents with.

“Where are you going this week?” Carolina asks when I still haven’t said anything.

Does this mean she still cares? Or is she just curious.

“I guess I’ll go to Napa and spend some time with my parents.”

“Maybe you could work out your—problems.”

There is nothing to work out when your dad has cancer. “What happens is going to happen. I can’t change it.”

She drops her arms by her sides, irritated. “I’m so tired of your ominous, mysterious statements, West. You never actually say what’s going on, and it’s annoying. You’d rather leave me guessing.”

“I don’t do it on purpose, I just—”

“—can’t tell me,” she finishes for me. “Yeah, I know. You’ve already mentioned that.”

This time she taps in the correct password on the keypad and opens the door with ease. “I’ll see you later.”

“That’s it?” I ask incredulously. “You’re just going to walk away from me like nothing happened? See ya in a week, take care?”

“What else do you want me to say, West? I’ll miss you? I wish this hadn’t happened? I hate Mercedes for what she did to us? All of that is true, but it doesn’t change anything.”

“It doesn’t change what? You and me? You talk like we’re over.”

“If you can’t trust me, why are you with me?” The pointed look on her face has me immediately feeling guilty.

She’s referring to my dad. Even if I do tell her now, she’ll just throw it back in my face that I only did it to keep her around.

Which is the truth. I don’t want to lose her. I don’t want to end this.


“That’s what I thought,” she says when I remain silent. “And now you’ve proven that I can’t trust you. It hurts to say that, but it’s true. You kept something from me that involved me. I deserved to know what Mercedes did, and you said nothing. So yeah. Why am I with you?”

She starts to enter the building and I slap my hand against the door to prevent it from slamming shut. “I’ll make this up to you, I promise. Just—wait for me, okay? I know you’re mad and I broke your trust, but you mean the fucking world to me, Carolina. When I come back, I’ll tell you everything, I swear.”

Carolina turns to fully face me, her arms crossed again, doubt written all over her beautiful face. “Prove it, Weston.”

I will, I think as I make my way to my dorm hall, my phone already ringing with a call from my father. Guess Matthews already told them what happened.

Looks like I need to prove myself to everyone.

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