I’ll Always Be With You (Lancaster Prep Book 4)

I’ll Always Be With You: Part 1 – Chapter 14

“YOU’RE NOT EVEN PAYING attention to me,” Mercedes whines, like an annoying fucking gnat in my ear. She touches me—she hasn’t stopped touching me since I hauled her onto my lap the moment Carolina walked into the dining hall—her fingers sinking into my hair, and I jerk away from her always grasping hand. “West, what the fuck is wrong with you?”

The entire table goes silent at her question and I glare at all of them until they drop their heads, picking their conversations back up as if she never said anything.

“Leave it,” I tell her with a glare.

Mercedes huffs, removing her hand from my hair, thank God, and taps her long, bright pink fingernails against her pursed lips, watching me with thinly-veiled disgust. Giving me Carolina vibes, if I’m being real right now, though it’s more like she’s the brass version while Carolina is pure eighteen carat gold.

“You’re tense,” she observes.

“No shit.” This girl is a complete dumbass. Can’t she see there’s a reason for me being tense and angry? And she has nothing to do with it.

“Let’s get out of here,” she whispers, her gaze turning sultry, those long fingernails now streaking across the top of my thigh. “We could sneak off somewhere for a little bit.”

I’m not tempted by her offer whatsoever. “Mercedes.”

She pouts, her hand still on my leg, her nails digging into my skin, even through the fabric of my pants. “What? Come on, I know what you like. We have almost twenty minutes until the bell rings.”

She has no idea what I like. We’ve never messed around and I’d like to keep it that way, despite her persistence.

I settle my hand on top of hers, about to remove it from my thigh when I hear it. The sweetest sound floating in the air, drifting toward our table clear across the cavernous dining hall.

Carolina Lancaster’s laughter.

Clutching Mercedes’ fingers tightly to stop her from reaching for my dick, I glance over my shoulder, spotting Carolina’s bright blonde head immediately. She’s leaning her head back, a smile on her face, laughing at whatever Brent said while he watches her looking like a goofy motherfucker, an idiotic grin plastered on his face.

I want to smash his face in. Brent is one of my closest friends and I want to wreak unholy violence on him for even looking at her like that, let alone making her laugh. Sitting with her at lunch because she chose him.

“Ouch, West, you’re hurting me.” Mercedes tries to pull her fingers from my grip, but I rise to my feet, practically dragging her up with me.

“Let’s go,” I say gruffly.

“What? Are you actually agreeing to this?” Her pain forgotten, she sounds downright shocked as I pull her through the crowded tables in the dining hall, purposely going in the wrong direction, so I can pass by Brent and Carolina’s table. “West, where are you going?”

“A shortcut,” I tell her, pulling her closer and letting go of her hand, so I can sling my arm around her shoulders, tucking her into my side. “I know just where we can go for a little—privacy.”

She snuggles closer, her body practically vibrating. “Oooh, that sounds perfect.”

I slow my steps as we draw closer to their table, my head swiveling, so I can look directly at Carolina. She watches me with amusement, her blue eyes dancing with mischief, like she knows I’m putting on a show for her and she just doesn’t give a damn.

Frustration ripples through me and I tug Mercedes even closer to me with my arm, resting my mouth right on hers, my gaze still locked on Carolina’s.

The gleam leaves Carolina’s eyes like the dimming of a light switch and she jerks her gaze away from mine, saying something to Brent that has him frowning. He glances in my direction, sees Mercedes and me together, my mouth resting on hers, though not actually kissing her, and the bastard slowly shakes his head.

What, like he’s disappointed? What does that jackass know? What the hell does he care?

“Come on,” I say irritably as I remove my arm from Mercedes’ shoulders and take her hand once more.

“Where are we going?” Mercedes asks, her voice shaking with excitement.

This bitch has been horny for me since freshman year. I’m about to make her dreams come true, so she better appreciate this moment, the same one I know I’ll regret later. After whatever we’re about to do, she’ll cling even harder, trying to turn this into something more, and I’ll have to avoid her every chance I get. To the point that I’ll eventually have to be cruel and say something shitty in order for her to leave me alone for good. Even then she’d probably come back around after a few months—make that a few weeks—of avoiding me.

Mercedes has a pattern and it’s obvious to all of us. We know how this girl operates.

We exit the dining hall, the warm, early fall breeze smacking me directly in the face. I come to a stop, glancing first left, then right, when I spot a janitor’s supply closet in the near distance.

“Over here,” I tell Mercedes as we head toward the door.

“They lock those normally, don’t they?” The worry in her voice is surprising, and I send her a look to see that, yep, she’s not looking forward to this particular idea.

“They never lock them.” I test the door handle and it opens with ease, the scent of antiseptic and bleach wafting out of the tiny space. “And this is definitely private.”

She pulls her hand from mine, crossing her arms in front of her ample chest. “No way.”

“What?” I glance into the darkened closet, noting the shelves of cleaning supplies. “You scared of the dark?”

“No, I just—I’m not getting on my knees for you in there, West. The floor is solid concrete. I’ll bruise.”

I want to laugh. “Don’t want to bruise those precious knees any more than they already are, am I right?”

Mercedes frowns. “Are you trying to insult me?”

“Never.” I pull her in for a quick hug, giving her a gentle pat on the back that’s this side of patronizing. “Some other time then.”

“Wait a minute. I’m not saying that. We should still totally hook up. What about an empty class—”

“Another time,” I repeat, baring my teeth at her in an attempt to smile.

“West.” She rests her hand on my chest, drawing her fingers in a straight line right down the middle. “Are you mad at me?”

“Not at all. You have a valid point.” I pull her into my arms and she kisses my cheek while I pat her on the butt. “Maybe tonight.”

“Really?” She sounds so damn hopeful.

Not a chance, is what I want to tell her, but I just nod and smile. “Maybe.”

Her phone buzzes with a call and she checks the screen, her gaze never lifting. “I need to take this.”

“Go,” I encourage, and she’s already gone, walking away briskly, the phone held to her ear as she immediately starts talking.

God, she has a big mouth. She whines. She’s pushy. And so fucking obvious. She was practically dry humping my leg earlier when Carolina happened to spot us together, and while it felt good that she caught us in that moment, everything was fucking ruined and pointless when I saw who she decided to go sit with during lunch.

Fucking Brent.

I told her to stay away from him and she defied me. Stupid, idiotic girl. Brent is my friend, but he’s careless with girls. He’s only out for one thing, and if he thinks he has a chance with Carolina Lancaster?

The asshole is going to go for it—and then brag to all of us how he had her naked and crying out his name while he rammed his pencil dick inside her.

Yeah, I can’t fucking stand the thought of that.

My phone buzzes with a text and I check to see that it’s from my mother. Ignoring it, I pocket my phone before I reach out to close the janitor closet door when I spot movement out of the corner of my eye.

Carolina, exiting the dining hall.


She glances around, her head aimed in the opposite direction, and I grab hold of the door, making sure she can see at least a part of me, my head angled just so that I can watch her. She finally looks in my direction, her gaze settling on me, and I send her a knowing smirk before I enter the closet and shut the door behind me.

What the fuck am I doing?

Within seconds, I can hear her footsteps just outside the closet. Can see her loafer-covered feet through the slats near the bottom of the door. She shifts from foot to foot, like she doesn’t know what to do, and I lean against the door for a split second, letting out a soft groan.

Let her think I’ve got Mercedes in here with me and she has a mouthful of my dick.

A frustrated sound escapes Carolina, which makes it easy to know that her hands are curled into fists. I press my lips together, trying not to laugh, and when the rapid-fire knocking starts, I almost jump out of my skin.

“What are you doing in there?” she demands, her voice shrill. Reminding me of an uptight teacher—no, reminding me of our uptight librarian, Miss Taylor. That woman is always getting pissed at someone for being too loud.

I remain quiet, sinking into the shadows, wondering what Carolina could be thinking. I hope her mind is filled with all sorts of filthy visions, every one of them involving me and Mercedes in some sort of sexual act. The most basic one would be a blow job, because we all know that girl would be on her knees sucking my dick at this very moment if she’d only had a pillow to rest them on.

Jesus. I don’t know what to think of Mercedes bailing on me, but if I was really into her? I’d have aching blue balls, that’s for sure. She’s such a fuckin’ tease.

Carolina leans against the door, and I can hear her voice loud and clear. “I know you’re in there. I can hear the two of you breathing.”

I’m smiling. I can’t help it. She’s got this so wrong.

“I should go tell on you two for making my life miserable today.” The determination in her voice is obvious. “I’m going to Matthews right now to let him know that the two of you are hooking up in a closet. He’s going to be so pissed—”

Without warning, I swing the door open, and she nearly falls into me, she’s standing so close. I grab hold of her, pulling her deeper into the shadows, pressing her against the shelf and slamming the door with a singular kick of my foot.

“What are you doing? Get off me.” Carolina slaps at my chest, my face. Her hands are in constant motion, trying to hurt me.

Trying her best to get away from me.

I grab hold of her wrists and pin them to my chest, holding her there despite her still constant struggle. “I had to stop you from being a nasty little tattletale, though it doesn’t surprise me, you wanting to run off to Matthews.”

Her breaths are quick. Shaky. She lifts her head, her hair brushing against the shelf behind her, knocking into something that tips over, the sound making her jump.

I take both of her wrists in one hand and run my fingers over her shoulder. Down her arm. Gently. Barely touching her.

She doesn’t like to be touched. I already know that much.

“Where’s Mercedes?” she demands.

“I don’t know.” I whistle like I’m calling a dog. “Mercedes! Where the hell are you?”

“Shut up,” Carolina hisses. “Are you telling me she’s not in here?”


“Then what the hell were you doing, running into the closet like you just did? Did you do it on purpose to get my attention?”

I say nothing, letting her draw her own conclusions.

An exasperated sigh escapes her and she shoves at my chest, her hands curled into fists. “God, you’re obnoxious. I think you enjoy torturing me.”

“Right back at you.” I practically thrust my face in hers, noting how wide her blue eyes are. “Nice move there, hanging out with Brent at lunch.”

Her lips form into a knowing smirk. “He’s not so bad.”

“He’s an asshole.”

“He’s your friend.”

“And he’s still an asshole. Don’t be fooled by his ‘aw shucks’ persona. It’s bullshit.” I lean into her, pressing her against the shelving, letting her feel every inch of me. “You’re playing with fire with that one.”

“More like I’m playing with fire with you,” she retorts.

We’re quiet for a moment, the only sound our mingling breaths, and I would give anything to know what she’s thinking. I can’t figure this girl out and it drives me fucking crazy.

“Did Mercedes actually turn you down? I can’t imagine her missing out on a chance to suck your dick.”

I’m shocked little Miss Proper Lancaster would say such a thing. “She got an important phone call.”

“Interesting,” she murmurs.

“Where’s Brent? He let you get away from him for a few minutes?”

“There is nothing going on between me and Brent.”

“Just like there’s nothing going on between me and Mercedes.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“It’s true. I don’t like her. She does nothing for me.” It’s easier to tell the truth when we’re in a darkened closet, where I can’t really make out Carolina’s features.

“Then why did you let her sit on your lap?”

I grin. I can’t help it. “Bothered you, huh?”

“Not at all.”

“Wish it was you?”

“Of course not.”

“Really? If it was you, it would’ve been a different scenario.”

“I would never sit on your lap like that in public.”

“What about in private?”

“I wouldn’t do it then either.”

There is something about her snotty tone that is such a fucking turn-on, which means I should probably get my head examined. I’m hard just listening to that haughty voice of hers.

Fuck it. I’m going to fill her in on a few fantasies of mine.

“If I had you in my lap in the dining hall, you know what I would do?”

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