III. The Impact of Her

Chapter ~ Seventeen ~

“Prince Benjamin,” Gonzalo greeted from behind me.

After we pulled away, Benjamin walked to Gonzalo. “Gonzalo,” Benjamin put a hand on Gonzalo’s shoulder, “Formalities are unnecessary. You can call me by my name whenever I visit.”

“Unfortunately, I cannot do that, Your Highness,” Gonzalo replied with his eyes stuck to the ground. He explained, “I am to pay the utmost respect to anyone who has a connection with our prince, especially when it comes to his family and his friends.”

Benjamin chuckled as he returned to me. “Gonzalo is definitely the finest. You are blessed to have such a loyal servant,” he remarked.

“I agree completely,” I smiled as I put my hands behind me. “Shall we take a walk in the garden?” I asked.

“If that will help console you, then let us have a walk. But I will need to put my horse in one of the stalls,” Benjamin replied. He was about to grab his horse when Gonzalo got to the reins first.

“Please, allow me, Prince Benjamin,” Gonzalo bowed his head before Benjamin.

Hesitant, Benjamin turned to me before he looked back at Gonzalo. “If you must, I guess,” he said as he was still uncertain if he should agree. Even though he was in such a state, he allowed Gonzalo to bring his horse to a stall. As for the two of us, we headed to the garden.

“I am very sorry for your loss, Robert. Lady was such a treasure,” Benjamin started the conversation as we arrived in the garden. He continued, “I haven’t seen you in this dire state for the longest time, brother. It breaks my heart too much. As children, you were the most miserable whenever your favourite toys were broken or lost.”

I chuckled as a faint smile crept on my face from that distant memory. I then replied, “I just can’t believe that Lady would be taken from me. It was done swiftly and in such a barbaric manner.”

As we took a right turn, Benjamin answered, “I understand how heavy this matter is to you. You loved her with all of your heart. As a master and a champion, your connection was strong.” In an attempt to lighten the mood, he added, “I can still remember how I used to tease you with Lady. I once said that she will be your future bride.”

I chuckled once again. “I can clearly remember that,” I nodded. “That was how you complained whenever I spent more time with her rather than you,” I tried to reply in a lighter tone. I didn’t want to show him all of the pain that I felt inside.

Benjamin put his arm on my shoulder and pulled me closer. “You don’t have to hide your emotions, brother. You don’t have to pretend that everything is fine. You may be a prince but you have feelings as well. Now is not the time to act like a monarch.”

I sighed. “I just can’t fathom how someone can be so heartless. Lady is a gentle creature. Why did they have to do that to her? Why did they have to harm her?” my voice slowly rose in tone.

Benjamin put us on a halt and stood in front of me. He stared at me for a while without a word.

“I know,” I lowered my gaze,” I overreacted. My apologies. That isn’t how a prince should react in this kind of a situation.”

Benjamin came closer to me and put his hands on my shoulders. I looked up at him and he said, “You don’t have to apologise for anything, brother. You have simply embraced your emotions. And now that you have done that, you have to slowly accept what happened and let go.”

We resumed walking as he continued, “The world itself is cruel. No one can change that. Not even the powers of our ancient ancestors were enough to put an end to such brutality. No matter how hard we try, that is simply how the laws of nature are. What we can do on our side is to accept whatever it is that will happen in this lifetime and learn from it.”

“I just–” I was about to say something when he stopped me.

“Everything happens for a reason. And I know that everything is a blur to you right now. But I am certain that something will be able to fill up the gap that Lady left behind,” said Benjamin with a reassuring smile. “Who knows? That experience can even surpass her in your life. Never lose hope for a brighter future. Keep your eyes straight and your feet forward.”

I looked at him and we shared a smile. I put an arm on his shoulder as I shook him slightly. “Thank you, my brother. I am grateful to have you in my life.”

“It is our duty to guide one another. And besides, I am the only brother that you have. I have to bear with you,” he teased as he gave me a slight push.

That was true. Whenever we encountered difficult moments such as this, we always consulted each other for support. Benjamin has his fair share of depressive moments. He has never forgotten to reach out to me when he needed someone to lean on.

It was always me who hesitated.

I grew up with the mindset that I didn’t want to burden anyone with my troubles. But, when he would receive any news regarding my being, he never hesitated to head here. He would even use his power of teleportation, just to ensure that I had someone to talk to.

It was incredibly rare to trust someone in this world. And to have Benjamin as my friend was a blessing, indeed.

“Anyways, Lady’s sudden death isn’t the only reason why I came here,” Benjamin said as he grinned slowly. “I came here to ask for your help.”

“Whatever it is that you need, I am willing to lend a helping hand,” I smiled.

“You see, I met this woman and she is simply phenomenal. I need your help in choosing the perfect flower arrangement for her. I plan to win her heart today,” he explained.

My brows furrowed. “What will you need the flowers for? Just show her who you truly are. Show her that your intentions towards her are without malice. There is no doubt that you - yourself alone - will be enough for her to give you her heart,” I replied as I held onto his shoulder. I shook him slightly as an assurance.

“I wish that was the case. My true self won’t suffice, unfortunately,” he shook his head as his lips formed into a firm line.

“How can you say that?”

He sighed and shrugged. “Her eyes - her heart, most specifically - are already set on somebody else. But I want her to choose me, instead.”

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