If Love Had A Price

: Chapter 7

Nate was so close Kris could see the gold flecks in his eyes. His hands gripped her hips, firm and strong, and heat radiated from him in lazy, sensual waves.

It was an act, but she’d never been more aware of every breath, every movement, every second ticking by.

“You smell good.” His soft drawl scraped against her skin, so rough and textured Kris could feel it.

Her thighs clenched, and her nipples tightened in response.

“Custom-made perfume,” she managed. “From Paris.”

“I like it.” Nate lifted one hand from her hip and trailed it over the curves of her waist and breast, the slope of her shoulder, and the slender column of her throat before he curled his fingers around the nape of her neck. He wrapped his other arm around her and yanked her close until they were flush against each other.

Kris’s pulse pounded in her ears. Frantic. Wanting. “What are you doing?”

“Practicing.” Nate rubbed his thumb over the soft skin of her neck, and she bit back a moan. How could one simple motion feel so good? “Since we have to rely on our physical chemistry to make this believable.”

“That doesn’t mean you can grope me at will.”

Amusement crinkled the corners of his eyes. “You’re free to leave anytime.”

“It’s my house!”

“I meant leave my arms.” Nate’s amusement deepened. “Do you want me to stop, princess?” He lowered his head and pressed his lips on the curve between her neck and shoulder.

Kris tried to control her breathing. What was wrong with her? She wasn’t the type of girl who turned to putty in a guy’s hands. Yet here she was, trembling like a virgin when he hadn’t done more than hold her and kiss her neck.

But she wasn’t the only one affected—Nate’s arousal pressed against her stomach like a steel pipe. It sent another bolt of lust through her, which she shoved aside so she could focus on the task at hand.

Two can play this game.

“No. Why would I? This is all part of our act…” She lowered her voice so the last word was barely audible. She arched her back and pressed her hips against his, performing a small, slow grind that created delicious friction. Nate’s entire body turned rigid, and she smiled. “Right?”

“Careful, princess,” he growled. “You’re playing with fire.”

“Am I?” Another grind. “I thought I was playing with something else.”

A hiss escaped his lips, but he didn’t let go. Instead, he tugged on her hair hard enough for it to hurt and bit the curve of her neck in punishment.

Pain and pleasure bloomed in equal measure. Kris sucked in a breath, unsure whether to slap him or kiss him senseless.

She realized they might have to kiss as part of their act, and she wondered whether those kisses counted toward the one in their contract.

Oops, didn’t think that one through.

Though the idea of kissing Nate no longer seemed as onerous—

A delicate cough interrupted Kris’s musing.

Kris turned her head to see Gloria standing in the doorway, looking like Workout Barbie in a black-and-green sports bra and leggings so tight they might as well be painted on. Her thick red ponytail swung around her bare shoulders, and her eyebrows arched in surprise at the scene before her.

“Kris, darlin’, I didn’t realize we had a guest,” the Stepmonster drawled. “You should’ve told me. I would’ve whipped somethin’ up. It’s bad manners not to offer a guest something to eat and drink.”

Right. Kris would rather eat the poisoned apple from Snow White than anything the Stepmonster cooked.

“It’s all right,” Nate said easily. He’d lifted his head to face Gloria, though his arms remained wrapped around Kris. “I have all I need right here.”

Damn, he was good.

“Hmm.” Gloria swept her gaze over Nate. Her face remained neutral, but Kris spotted the spark of interest in the Stepmonster’s eyes as she took in Nate’s lean, powerful frame and fallen angel face.

The guys Kris had sent the Stepmonster’s way last week hadn’t turned her head, despite their good looks, but as Kris had suspected, there was something about Nate that set him apart from your typical L.A. pretty boy.

“I don’t believe we’ve met.” Gloria walked over and extended one pale, perfectly manicured hand like she expected Nate to kiss it. “I’m Gloria.”

No mention of her marital status or her relationship to Kris, Kris noticed.

“Nate.” His hand dwarfed Gloria’s as he shook it. The handshake lingered—not so long that it was overtly inappropriate, but long enough that the spark of interest in Gloria’s eyes escalated to a flare.

Correction: he was very good.

Kris should’ve been pleased because wasn’t this what she was paying him for? But an irrational part of her wanted to yank their hands apart and hiss at Gloria like a territorial cat.

“I’m Kris’s boyfriend,” he added, just like he and Kris rehearsed.

Kris watched the Stepmonster’s reaction closely. The “news” shouldn’t have come as a surprise, given the position Gloria had found them in, but Gloria needed to think Nate was more than a random hookup.

The redhead may be engaged to Kris’s father, but she wasn’t home free yet. They had another five months before the wedding, and Gloria was ambitious and cunning enough not to do anything that might jeopardize her future fortunes. She’d certainly been cunning enough to get Kris’s father to scrap a prenup, which meant she was entitled to half of Roger’s earnings and assets gained during their marriage should they ever divorce.

However, there was one thing that overrode Gloria’s greed: her envy. She seemed hellbent on obtaining everything Kris had, whether that be a pair of Rag & Bone jeans or a new Porsche. Hell, she’d even hijacked Kris’s summer in L.A.

Gloria’s obsession was downright disturbing, but it was also a godsend because it made her predictable.

She wouldn’t be able to resist making for a play for Nate, especially since he was the first guy Kris had ever “shown” an interest in. Kris had planted the seeds all week by letting Gloria “catch” her in a lovey-dovey phone conversation or coming home with flowers.

Sure enough, Kris spotted the tightening of Stepmonster’s features—which told her Gloria was irritated Kris had snagged such a fine male specimen—followed by a calculating gleam, which meant she was devising ways she could snatch said male away from Kris.

She couldn’t be overt about it, but Kris was willing to bet Gloria would be more than satisfied with tempting Nate into an “affair” and dropping subtle hints about him cheating around Kris.

Hubris and predictability had been the downfall of many a schemer.

Kris hid a smile. She had her P.I. all lined up, waiting in the wings. Once Nate got Gloria alone and her P.I. did his job, it was Game Over, Sayonara, Don’t Let the Door Hit Your Ass on Your Way Out for Stepmother Dearest.

“I didn’t realize you were dating someone.” Gloria tightened her ponytail in a way that highlighted her generous breasts.

Kris was gratified to see that Nate’s gaze remained firmly on the redhead’s face.

“We’ve only been in L.A. for a few weeks. Seems soon for you to get a boyfriend,” the Stepmonster added with the barest hint of suspicion.

“Nate and I met the day after I arrived,” Kris lied smoothly. “I had some car trouble. He spotted me on the side of the road and offered to help. Such a gentleman.”

Nate’s mouth twitched. No doubt he remembered what she’d said to him at dinner the other night—you’re no gentleman. You’re far too arrogant.

“What can I say?” He smiled down at her, his face so open and genuine Kris almost believed they were in an actual relationship, even though she knew he was acting. “I can’t resist helping a beautiful woman.”

“How sweet,” Gloria said sourly.

“Did you come in here for something other than idle chitchat?” Kris arched an eyebrow.

“I’m makin’ a smoothie. I just finished my trainin’ session.” Gloria’s ponytail swished as she walked toward the fridge with an exaggerated sway of her hips. For Nate’s benefit, no doubt. “He’s not takin’ any more clients, but I can put in a good word for you if you’d like, darlin’. You could benefit from some extra time in the gym.”

Oh, please. Kris wasn’t stick thin—she had boobs and curves and a butt—but she was healthy and fit, and Gloria could shove her extra gym time up her ass.

“Thanks, but no thanks,” she replied with an equal amount of saccharine. “Nate works me out just fine.”

Nate let out a wheeze that he quickly covered up with a cough.

The fridge door slammed shut. Gloria set a carton of almond milk on the counter and pursed her lips. “How nice to hear.”

Translation: die, bitch.

“Speaking of which, Nate and I have to work out now,” Kris drawled. “Hope you enjoy your…smoothie.”

“It was nice meeting you,” Nate added after he recovered from Kris’s unexpected double entendre. “I’m sure I’ll see you again.”

Gloria’s red lips curved up into a slow smile. “Yes. You can count on it.”

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