Icebreaker: A Novel (The Maple Hills Series Book 1)

Icebreaker: Chapter 15

I’M INCREDIBLY PLEASED with myself right now.

Nate is ten minutes away from my location, with only fifteen minutes to midnight. He’s been blowing up my phone all night, begging for clues. I haven’t budged, nor has anyone else after being sworn to secrecy.

Every party he fails to find me at, he gets more pissed at himself. He spent too long checking frat parties, which hindered his chances, and now I’m waiting for the minutes to pass.

Twelve minutes.

Accepting his incoming video call, I smile as his grumpy face fills my screen. “You’re still in LA, right?”

“Tick tock, Hawkins. Your time is running out.”

He drags a hand through his hair and blows out a defeated sigh. “This is punishment, isn’t it? For playing late all week? You’re still angry, aren’t you?”

Standing from the bed, I stroll around the room, keeping my eyes on his face while holding the phone out from my body. “What do you think?”

“Of course, you’re still angry.” He sighs. “I know that.”

I walk around the room’s perimeter, watching the realization settle over his face. “You should know not to fuck with my ice time, Nathan.”

Nine minutes.

“You’re in my fucking bedroom,” he says flatly. “Why do you have me running all over Maple Hills when you’re in my bedroom?”

“Did nobody tell you there is a party happening at your house? That’s strange.”

“I’m going to kill them.”

“It’s a shame you’re so far away and won’t be back by midnight.” I sigh dramatically, enjoying every second of this. “I think I’ll go downstairs and find someone else to be bratty with. Safe travels, Hawkins.”

“Anastasia, wa—”

Convincing Nate’s friends to mess with him was easy.


STASSIE: I need a favor.

STASSIE: It’ll ruin Nathan’s night.

JJ: You have my attention.

STASSIE: Might have told him he can do some stuff to some parts of me

STASSIE: Parts he really wants to do stuff to

STASSIE: But only if he can find me on campus before midnight.

JJ: And where do I come into this?

STASSIE: How do you feel about throwing a party after he’s left?

STASSIE: One he doesn’t find out about until after midnight

JJ: You’re evil.

JJ: I’m in

JJ: He’s texting our group chat asking if anyone wants to go out tonight lmao

JJ and I have developed an unlikely partnership rooted in the mutual enjoyment of annoying Nathan. It started last week when there was nowhere to sit. Nate was looking over, practically undressing me with his eyes, so I decided to mess with him a little.

Jaiden let me sit on his knee, joking if Nate wasn’t beside me within ninety seconds, he would pick up the whole bar tab. It was twenty-seven seconds.

He was also the person who stopped me from leaving after jealousy-gate, putting me in Henry’s room to sleep it off. According to him, Nate wouldn’t stop to use his brain if he found me in his room, but he’d give the kid the chance to explain.

It’s because JJ is such an exceptional lover—his explanation, not mine—that makes him a threat to Nathan.

It was fun staying in Henry’s room. There’s a box of essentials like shampoo, wipes, hair ties, and tampons in his bathroom. I asked if an ex had left them, but he said he’d bought them for if a woman ever stayed over. He wanted to ensure she had everything she might need, especially because women never have their own socks.

I wish I had a sister so I could make her marry Henry because he makes my heart burst.

Making my way to the kitchen to join everyone else, it’s clear the spirits are high. It’s a miracle they managed to keep the party a secret. Mattie appears, holding a bottle of champagne. “Three minutes!” Robbie passes out the plastic cups while Mattie pops the bottle.

“One minute to midnight,” Henry says, looking at his watch.

Despite being October, it feels like New Year’s Eve because of the unexplainable excitement and clock watching.

There is a buzzing atmosphere in the kitchen, and anyone outside of our little group has no idea what’s going on. I’m glad because it’s so fucking silly, but the guys love it. From what I can tell, they’re sick of Nate being able to get any girl he wants.




The guys erupt into cheering, throwing back their champagne and high-fiving each other. A heavy arm drops onto my shoulder, and I look up at JJ’s smiling face. “We make a great team, Allen. He’s about thirty seconds away. Are you ready for the fun?”

Bobby and Kris have been on “Hawkins Watch” all night, secretly sending updates on where they’re going and his frustration levels. He supposedly doesn’t care about my proposal; he doesn’t want to lose to me because I’d be unbearable.

Which might be the only thing we’ve ever agreed on.

There is a clear line of sight from the front door to the kitchen island where we’re all congregating. When he walks through the door, the first thing he does is shake his head, scanning the room full of people.

“He looks pissed.” Sabrina giggles.

“Yeah, that’s for me,” JJ says, downing the cup in one go, and he can’t shake the smile he’s wearing. “If he didn’t react the way he does, I wouldn’t do it. He makes it so freaking easy.”

I decide to meet him halfway, partially scared that if he reaches the kitchen, he’ll kill Jaiden, when a girl steps in front of him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

He looks surprised, even more so than the rest of us. Sabrina leans forward, squinting. “Is that Summer Castillo-West?”

Summer lives in our building with our friend from The Honeypot, and right now, she’s on her tiptoes whispering into Nate’s ear. His eyes find me, and after smirking at me, he winks.

I down the rest of my drink. “Yeah, it’s Summer.”

An uncomfortable, poker hot feeling creeps up my spine, although it isn’t one I recognize. I have no desire to feel it again; it spreads to my stomach, turning when I see Nathan take Summer’s hand and lead her toward the stairs.

It’s not anger, it’s deeper than that. Agonizing and maddening, igniting me like fire. I think it’s jealousy. Shit.

JJ reaches up to scratch the back of his head, confusion etched into the soft lines of his face. He looks to the guys for support, but they’re all examining their cups, avoiding eye contact. He clears his throat and looks back at me. “Nate’s been chasing her since freshman year, but she’s never taken him on. I, uh, I don’t know what’s happening right now.”

That makes two of us.

I don’t think I blink the entire time Nate and Summer are upstairs together. After about ten minutes, I finally spot her on the stairs, but she’s alone. Rejoining her group to carry on drinking, she doesn’t look like she just hooked up with someone.

Heading toward the stairs, I consider maybe this isn’t a good idea. I’m fueled by alcohol, jealousy, and perhaps some disbelief. What’s the worst that could happen?

Part of me expects to bump into him coming down the stairs, pulling up his fly or something equally as gross, but I don’t. Pressing the code into the pad, the right one this time, I watch it flash green. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Nate’s sitting on the bed in the same spot I was earlier on the video call with him. He looks significantly happier than he did when he walked through the front door, which instantly makes me irritated.

“What the fuck was that?” I ask as calmly as I can, which, upon hearing myself speak, isn’t calm.

“Are you jealous, Anastasia?”

“I’m annoyed.” He sits up straight, smirking as I approach him. “You made me look like a fool in front of our friends!”

He scoffs. “You had me running all over campus when you were quite literally where I’ve wanted you the whole time. Imagine how foolish I feel.”

“You fucked another girl upstairs at a party I’m at!”

He stands, his body immediately towers over mine, the sweet smell of his cologne driving all my senses wild. He reaches out and tucks my hair behind my ear, ignoring me when I try to bat his hand away.

“I never touched her. She got her period and needed to use the bathroom urgently. I’ve been sitting up here waiting for you to come and get angry at me.” He grips my chin softly, running his thumb across my bottom lip. “I’ve been interested to see how this no jealousy thing you were on about works.”

“I—” Fuck. “Well, I am angry at you, Nathan.”


“So fucking angry.”


Our mouths smash into each other in a crazed, drunk, and desperate display of built-up sexual frustration. Gripping the back of my thighs, he lifts me, letting my legs wind around his waist. My hands sink into his hair as our bodies work in unison to get as close to each other as possible.

There’s nothing romantic about what’s happening. My body is sandwiched between his and the door, our tongues fight for dominance, and his hands sink into my ass cheeks. A tortured whimper escapes me when he grinds his pelvis into me, and I feel how hard he is.

Trailing his mouth along my jawline, he nibbles at the spot beneath my ear, making my whole body quiver. “Tell me you want me to fuck you, Anastasia.”

“You tell me.” My hard words lose their impact when he sucks on my neck, and I literally moan them. Before I know what’s happening, he sets me down on the edge of the bed and crouches to my feet, taking off my shoes.

It amazes me how he can switch from rough to gentle in seconds. When my shoes are off, I tuck my feet beneath my ass and watch him stand. There’s a small moment of quiet where we just look at each other. My heart is still hammering, blood burning beneath my skin, everything hypersensitive.

His eyes are pouring into mine, so I don’t miss the flash of surprise when my hands reach for his belt. “Can I?”

“Fuck yes.”

He helps me strip him down until he’s standing in front of me in only his boxers, which is the moment I realize there is absolutely no way it will fit in my mouth, or anywhere else for that matter.

Nate is smirking as I sit gobsmacked. I shake it off because I’m not a quitter, and I’m certainly not giving him the satisfaction of telling him how big it is.

“I’ve been tested recently and there’s nothing to report, but I can put on a condom if you want me to?” he asks as I run my hands up the front of his thighs.

I shake my head and watch as he takes himself out, tightening his fist around the base and pumping a few times. He bends down and kisses me on the forehead. “Tell me to stop if I’m too rough, okay?”

One hand holds the back of my neck, and the other guides his hard dick toward me. “Stick your tongue out, baby.” I do as I’m told, much to his immediate delight, swirling it against the head, tasting the heady-salty taste on my tongue. “That’s a good girl.”

 I wrap my lips around the tip and suck gently. His hand leaves my neck and immediately sinks into my hair. “Fuuuck, Stas.”

He moans loudly, and just like that, I lose my ability to wait for orders.

Placing my hands on the front of his thighs, I lean forward, taking him until he hits the back of my throat, and I splutter.

A series of expletives echo around the room. His other hand sinks into my hair on the other side as I take control. I wrap my hand around the base and move it in rhythm with my mouth, moaning and gagging, looking up at him with watery eyes.

His head falls back, stomach muscles flexing, deep, satisfied grunts as his hips drive forward, nudging deeper. “So fucking good, baby. You are so fucking good.”

His thrusts get harder and sloppy, telling me how close he is, and when I cup his balls gently with my free hand, he’s a goner.

“Oh, shitting fuck, Stassie.” His hands tighten in my hair as he spasms, and I swallow everything he gives me, eyes still watering and throat raw.

I clean up the corner of my mouth with my thumb, licking it clean. “I still feel bratty,” I tease. “And impatient.”

His laugh is deep, spearing me in a way I’m not used to. A content, post-orgasm glow has flushed his cheeks, his eyes are glossy and wild, and he looks beautiful. “You’re unbelievable.”

Nathan lifts under my arms to pull me to my feet, tugging at the strap of my dress. “This needs to come off.”

“Who’s the bossy one now?” I spin on the spot so he can pull down the zip. His lips drop to my shoulder, kissing me all over while he pulls down the straps, and the material falls to my feet.

My entire body feels like it’s filled with frantic, untamed energy. He’s being so controlled and slow, purposely torturing me, dragging out the inevitable pleasure. When his hand palms my breasts from behind and his fingers roll my nipples, my ass instinctively rubs against him.

“Ask me nicely,” he whispers into my ear. “I’ll fuck you so good.”

The more Nate tells me to ask nicely, the closer I get to telling him to fuck himself. I brush his hands off from where they’re exploring my body and crawl into the middle of the bed, propping myself up on the cushions. His knee drops onto the bed to follow, but I press against his chest with my foot to stop him from getting any farther. “Stand at the end of the bed.”

He looks confused but curious, eyes narrowing as he walks to the end of the bed. My fingers slip below the material of my panties, shimmying them down my legs.

His eyes widen when he realizes what I’m doing, and he leans forward to grip the bed frame. I spread my legs as wide as they’ll go, giving him the perfect view of how dripping wet my pussy is, that way, he’ll have no problem watching me plunge two fingers into myself. “Mhmm, Nathan…”

The slick, wet sound is the only noise in the room, other than my cries and moans and the occasional Jesus Christ from him.

His dick is already hard again, protruding proudly from his pelvis with cum glistening on the end. I take turns circling my fingers against my swollen clit and pumping them in and out of me while Nate looks like he’s combusting.

I think it’s the moaning of his name that’s doing it and how my back arches and I grind into my hand. “Ask nicely,” I tease. “And I’ll let you fuck me.”

“You’re an evil woman,” he grumbles, hand rubbing over his face. “Let me make you feel good, Stas.”

He moves to the drawer and pulls out a condom, tearing the packet and rolling it onto himself. Crawling slowly toward me, he settles between my thighs and reaches for a spare pillow, instructing me to lift my hips so he can put it under the bottom of my back.

I can’t concentrate on what I’m supposed to be doing to myself because he’s on his knees between my legs, body looking like it’s been sculpted by the actual gods and a thick, long, hard dick. “Do you want me to fuck you, Anastasia?”

“Yes.” Yes, I do.

Nathan leans his body over mine, one arm supporting his body and the other gently cradling my head. I reach between us, rub the head over my clit, making us both shudder, and line him up.

“I’ll be gentle,” he murmurs, affectionately nudging his nose against mine.

I sink my teeth into his bottom lip, immediately running my tongue over the same spot. “Don’t be gentle. Fuck me like you hate me.”

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