Ice Bet: A Forbidden Hockey Romance (Bexley U)

Ice Bet: Chapter 5

The distractions were nonstop.

Gunfire, screeching tires, and explosions vibrated my bedroom door so hard that I had a hard time focusing on the warm mouth wrapped around my cock. Liv’s silky hair weaved through my fingers, and she picked up the speed, trying to get me off faster so I could do the same for her.

I shut my eyes and focused. It was stereotypical for a jock to “date” around instead of settling down with someone in college. We were predictable, and it rang true for the majority of us. I was your average college hockey player, refusing to have anything serious with a girl, no matter how talented her mouth was. On occasion, there were some that I frequented more than once, and I say this with respect, but they were easy. As long as they knew it wasn’t a secure relationship and that I didn’t give two shits about how their best friend insulted them behind their back, then we were good. I didn’t disrespect them. I just looked at it more as a working relationship rather than an intimate one.

“God.” Liv choked me down and stood on wobbly legs. She wiped her mouth on the back of her hand, and I smirked. Her lips were swollen, and her cheeks were flushed. It was a hot look for her. “There toward the end I thought you might not get off. What’s up? Are you distracted?”

You could say that.

Not to mention the fucking war zone occurring in the living room with Ford, Berkley, and Efrain screaming at the TV.

“Nope.” I buttoned my pants and gripped her curvy waist, dismissing her questions. That’s not what we did. I pulled her in close before shoving her on my bed. A quick, breathy laugh escaped her, and my fingers quickly got to work.

I pushed her short dress up. The cotton stayed bundled around her waist when I hooked my fingers into her panties and slowly pulled on them, revealing her well-groomed pussy. She was already anticipating my touch. I glanced at her face and saw that her eyes were closed with thick strands of dark hair fanned out behind her.

I bent down and began working my magic. I knew it wouldn’t take long. Liv had frequented my apartment on a few different occasions, so I knew what she liked. Her smooth legs wrapped around my shoulders, and she dug her heels into my back. I sucked, licked, and flicked her tight clit, using my fingers and mouth for a quicker release.

After she came, she sat up quickly with her flushed face and smiled. I stood near my desk, chugged some water, and watched her put herself back together.

There was no time wasted between us, and the best part about it was that there were no feelings other than satisfaction. She grabbed her purse from the floor and furrowed her brow at the time. “I gotta go to work. Thanks for getting right down to business. That was fast and intense.”

I noticed the pink on her cheeks, and my lip pulled into a grin. My arrogance was seeping all over the room. I was a man of many talents, and I knew it. “I’ll see you later.”

Liv opened the door at the exact time the video game cut off. I whipped my head toward the sound of a high-pitched voice echoing throughout the living room and down the hall to my room.

We thought you guys were having a party.”

“Why don’t you beautiful girls join us, and it can be a party.” It was obvious Ford had been drinking by the sound of his flirty, Southern drawl. “Sutton can hold her own, but can you?”

If Sutton was here, that meant the other voice belonged to my little subordinate. Riley had been easy to keep track of. She hadn’t shown her innocent-looking face at any of our parties, and as far as I was aware, she stayed holed up in her apartment with her nose in a book.

Which was perfectly fine with me.

I followed Liv down the hallway, and my irritation kicked up a notch after seeing Coach’s daughter in my living room. Riley commanded the room with her presence, and whether she was aware of it or not, her choice of clothing was like holding a neon sign that said fuck me. Was she baiting us—them? Her big, round, blue eyes were a slap to my face. The faint markings of freckles on the very tip of her small nose were the first things I saw when she swung her attention in my direction. Tendrils of dark hair framed her heart-shaped face, fallen from her high bun, and the little crop top she was wearing pissed me off because it did nothing but flaunt her medium-sized breasts and toned stomach. I hated that she was gorgeous. Damn it. Why couldn’t Coach’s daughter be ugly?

I briefly glanced at my roommates, and the loose hold of my composure quickly fell. Who the hell invited Sully over? I had the urge to stalk over and rip the video game controller out of his hand. He was already lusting over Riley. They all were. Sutton was nonexistent standing next to her roommate. The team had known her for years because she dated a former Bexley U hockey player. She was old news, and no one in the room had their eye set on her to win some stupid fucking bet.

“Where are your clothes?” My question was laced with disapproval, and everyone noticed. I ran my eyes down her body, cursing her smooth legs. I hadn’t planned to be an asshole, but by the faint gasp that came from her mouth, I absolutely came across as one. Oh well. If I had to be the bad guy, then so be it.

Riley’s soft, shy gaze hardened. Her nose wrinkled at my tone. I stood back against the bar and watched as she moved out of Liv’s way so she could get through the door. Shit, I forgot all about Liv. Once the door latched, Riley crossed her arms over her braless chest and snapped back a response that I felt against my face. “You have the audacity to ask where my clothes are? Where were her clothes?”

“Probably still on his floor,” Berkley said under his breath, snickering like the instigator he was. I shot him a glare because whose side was he on anyway?

Riley’s smug grin was victorious. I was totally going to hurt her feelings before the night was over.

“What happened to you being the sweet, quiet Coach’s daughter?” Efrain asked.

“I have never been described as sweet.” Riley rolled her eyes at me before looking at Efrain. “Unless that’s something you guys say about me the second you think you’re alone in the locker room?”

“Who says we’re talking about you in the locker room?” I pressed farther into the granite counter, forcing it to cut into my spine.

Sutton rolled her lips together before crossing her arms and glancing at her roommate. “They’re definitely talking about you in the locker room.”

I purposefully kept my attention on Riley instead of Sully because I knew my poker face wasn’t up to par. I was certain he didn’t know that I knew of the bet, and I had pretty good evidence that if he knew I disapproved, he’d try to score even harder.

A big part of me wanted to pull Riley aside and tell her what was going on, but there were obvious problems with that plan. Who knew how she would react? Would she run to her dad and throw the team under the bus and bring me down with them?

Sully’s smug tone pulled me back to the present. “Why do you care what she’s wearing, Aasher? Gonna send a picture to her dad or something?” I kept my face even, but he had no idea how tempting that idea was. It would put her in her place real fast. “She looks fine.”

She looked more than fine, which was exactly what was bothering me.

Riley headed for the door. Yes, good girl. Go home. She called over her shoulder, “We just came to see if you guys could turn down the volume.”

Or…if we could join the party.” Sutton’s smile was flirty, but we knew her well. She wasn’t the type of girl to find herself in another hockey player’s bed after her breakup with Crew.

Ford popped up from the couch and began his usual antics. “Sure, Riley. We will turn down the volume, but why don’t you two stay and hang out with us?”

Riley choked out a laugh. She pulled the door open. “No thanks.”

She and Sutton shared a sideways look. What was up with chicks having silent conversations that anyone with the XY chromosome couldn’t decipher?

“You got other plans for the night?” Berkley asked.

“As a matter of fact, we do.” Riley spun around, and I automatically stared at her ass. I cursed under my breath at the peach. Perfectly rounded cheeks were peeking out from below her soft, pink shorts, and if I thought she looked good, chances were my teammates did too.

“Do you now? Well, let’s see what you two got going on for tonight.” Sully wasted no time before standing up and moving through the apartment like the slithery snake he was, rounding Sutton like she wasn’t even in the same room.

“Leave them alone,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. And just like that, I showed my interest. 

Sully stopped mid-step. He squinted as he tried to read me. There was a spark there—a challenge brewing. And I was instantly fucked. Great.

Riley and Sutton were already halfway through the door when Sully began following them out. If Sutton wasn’t with Riley, I would have followed after him.

“What’s the deal?” Efrain’s question was warranted, but that didn’t mean I wanted to answer it. There was no sense in all of us heeding caution when it came to Riley and wondering which teammates were trying to score with her. I had everything under control.

“Nothing.” My answer was sharp and a total lie. I kept my attention on our closed door, wishing I could see through it. Why did she have to wear those tiny shorts? 

“You still got beef with Sully?” Efrain probed. “I thought you two moved on from that after the first go around during preseason.”

We had words. That was it.

Efrain sighed. “This won’t be good for the team. You’ve gotta let that shit go.”

Something snapped inside my body as muffled, girly laughter crept under our door from the hall. Oh, he was making her laugh now?

“You want to know what isn’t good for the team?” I kept my tone level, but I was irritated. “The little competition going on between some of the players over who can be the first to fuck Riley.”

“What?” Berkley’s head snapped so loud I heard a crack.

“There’s an ice bet going around, and guess who’s at the center of it?”

“He didn’t.” Ford gasped dramatically.

Oh. He did.

“An ice bet? That’s the oldest trick in the book and the stupidest idea anyone on this team has had, and that’s saying something because Ford was looking into getting a real fucking wolf for our mascot.” Efrain said.

“Blasphemy,” Ford cursed under his breath, and we all gave him our attention—something he enjoyed. “Both the fact that it’s illegal to own a wolf and the fact that half the team is trying to fuck Riley. What are they thinking?”

A rush of air flew from Berkley’s mouth.“Coach will lose his shit if he finds out.”

“And half the players will lose their spot on the team, meaning we can say goodbye to the Frozen Four.” I sighed with agitation. The more I thought about it, the more anger that surfaced. “That’s not all.”

“There’s more?” Efrain asked.

I rolled my lips. “Remember when Coach pulled me into his office the other day? He basically deemed me as Riley’s babysitter. He wants me to watch out for her. Treat her like I would if she were my sister.” In other words, keep the team’s hands off her.

There was a beat of silence as each of my friends downloaded the information I had given them. Ford snapped his fingers at Efrain and Berkley. “It’s time to intervene, boys.”

“What does that mean?” Berkley was leery. We all were.

Efrain stole the glass of whiskey out of Ford’s hand and handed it off to me so I could pour it down the sink.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why did you do that?” Ford asked.

I raised an eyebrow. “We have conditioning at seven in the morning.”

He pouted, but it didn’t last long. “Let’s go see what little Miss Riley’s plans are for the night. I can assure you it won’t be spending time with an asshole like Sully.” Before we followed after him, he ruined his act of righteousness with a cocky remark. “Plus, if that girl is sleeping with anyone, it’s going to be me.”

My jaw flexed.

“I’m kidding. Chill, dad.”

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